• 1876年85生于印第安纳首府印第安纳波利斯;1958年8月14日卒于亚利桑那首府菲尼克斯。是伊莱·福斯特(Eli Foster)萨·洛克·伍德·里尔(Marassa Lock wood Ritter)女儿;1900年,与查尔斯·奥斯·比尔德(Charles Austin Beard)结婚

    Born 5 August 1876, Indianapolis, Indiana; died 14 August 1958, Phoenix, Arizona Daughter of Eli Foster and Marassa Lockwood Ritter; married Charles Austin Beard, 1900.


  • 坡科计划建造计划未来几年里建造10座大坝实现梦想但是地区河流没有足够的填充大坝:整个水位下降了

    Pokhriyal plans to build 10 more DAMS over the next few years to fund his vision, but there may not be enough water in the area's rivers to fill them: water levels are declining across the state.


  • 故事的叙说人奥古斯特·布尔是个有点年纪图书评论家女儿米兰孙女亚一起居住佛蒙特打发那些失眠的日日夜夜

    The narrator is August Brill, an elderly book reviewer living out his days and sleepless nights in a house in Vermont that he shares with his daughter, Miriam, and granddaughter, Katya.


  • 他们传达给孩子信息是:不能你自己。”洛·梅菲尔德,犹他德雷珀一位30岁的有四个孩子母亲这样对NBC新闻说。

    "They send the message to kids that you can't just be you," Lori Mayfield, a 30-year-old mother of four from Draper, Utah, tells NBC News.


  • 新南威尔士内森·一活动成为今后每年历时个月悉尼十月美食节”的一个固定节目。

    New South Wales state Premier Nathan Rees said the event was set to become an annual feature of Sydney's month-long October food.


  • 缅因的达哥塔湖中把有眼睛红心玻璃鳗鱼水槽

    Black eyes and red hearts dot glass eels scooped into a tank from Maine's Damariscotta River.


  • 几个家庭新泽西特森宾夕法尼亚的福吉谷。

    There are also several families living in New Brunswick and Paterson, New Jersey, and in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania.


  • 来自新罕布什尔渔业部海洋生物学家妮·祖贝儿水母受伤后依然可以释放有毒物质。

    Jellyfish can still emit toxins when dead or broken apart, said Renee Zobel, a Marine biologist with the New Hampshire fish and Game Department.


  • 本周一最高法院已提出申请,要求吊销约翰·迈克尔·法的律师执照,而代理所有客户案件由指定受托处理

    The state Office of Chief Disciplinary Counsel filed papers Monday to suspend John Michael Farren's license. It wants a trustee appointed to handle his clients' cases.


  • “我来自康涅狄格。”31岁刘易斯曾美国大兵,伊拉克服役过两年,现在多伦多金属回收的生意。

    “I’m from Connecticut, ” said Ryan Lewis, 31, who came here after serving in the United States Army in Iraq and working as a trader of recycled metals in Toronto.


  • 道德监督委员会表示竞选活动可能违反了揭露法案因为豪宅花费解释不不楚,工作人员表示这笔花费是“不可避免的”。

    Ethics watchdogs, meanwhile, say Perry's campaign may have violated state disclosure laws because of the vague way he's reported what his staff calls "incidental" spending at the mansion.


  • 然而指出几种蟒蛇很可能蔓延南部许多

    Still, Rodda said a few species could potentially spread throughout many of the southern states.


  • 肖恩·(26岁新罕布什尔曼彻斯特人),因为母乳喂养变得非常疯狂和兴奋,甚至想“兴奋得,”最终以无偿帮助邻居打扫房间消耗过多能量

    Shanun Carey, 26, of Manchester, N.H., became so manic while breast-feeding that she was "bouncing off the walls," eventually volunteering to clean her neighbors' apartments to burn off excess energy.


  • 科海姆,即“西方教化邪恶”之源自尼日利亚东北部布诺首府迈都纳

    Boko Haram, meaningWestern education is sinful”, originates in Maiduguri, capital of the north-eastern state of Borno.


  • 一些仍旧新泽西莱克·伍德和伍德地区宾夕法尼亚费城的部分地区

    Some continue to live in Lakewood and Freewood Acres, New Jersey and in sections of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


  • 联邦办公室候选人猛烈地抨击巴拉克.奥巴马南希佩洛西哈里.

    Candidates for state and federal office alike inveighed against Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.


  • 德克·克·派只要德克萨斯脱离联邦就应该可以这么做。这是咱们想要的吗?

    Texas Governor Rick Perry said the state of Texas could secede from the Union if it wanted to.


  • 康涅狄格,韦斯特·波特的莱博太太丈夫迈克尔拒绝就此发表评论

    Mrs. Lieberbaum, who lives in Westport, Conn., with her husband, Michael, declined to comment.


  • 斯蒂芬妮·印第安纳经营个社区医疗中心成立了一个防止青少年恋情中的暴力行为项目。 她自己看过太多类似案件了。

    Stephanie Berry, who manages a coomunity health center in Indiana and leads a program to stop abuse in teenage relationships, reports seeing similar cases frequently.


  • 这次筛选过程中,其余三个备选城市——得克萨斯的奥斯卡莱罗纳罗利以及弗吉尼亚蒙德——有可能成为其他中心东道主

    The three other cities shortlisted during the selection processAustin, Texas; Raleigh, North Carolina; and Richmond, Virginia—stand a good chance of hosting other centres.


  • 由于巴马看似不可战胜,诸如印第安纳米奇·丹尼尔斯密西西比长巴博,新泽西克里斯蒂德克萨斯克·派这些颇追捧的并未参加提名选举

    Popular governors such as Mitch Daniels of Indiana, Haley Barbour of Mississippi, Chris Christie of New Jersey and Rick Perry of Texas chose not to run when Mr Obama looked unbeatable.


  • 现在我们新家位于佐治亚的不伦克。 家里的墙上挂满了照片子女们的,孙辈的,朋友的,还有小狗的,我真担心钉了那么钉子后,墙壁也许有一坍塌

    Today, our home in Brunswick, Georgia has so many darn pictures of kids, grandkids, friends and dogs on the walls that it might collapse one day.


  • 本报告由伊利诺伊大学伊丽莎白·美茵茨合作撰写

    Hambrick co-authored the paper with Elizabeth Meinz of Southern Illinois University.


  • 今晚辩论问题由观众提出,符合麦凯恩的口味。奥巴马北卡罗来纳纳什维尔排练台词华盛顿律师格·克雷扮演麦凯恩角色

    Obama spent yesterday holed up in Asheville, North Carolina, rehearsing his lines, with a Washington lawyer, Greg Craig, playing the part of McCain.


  • 来自康涅狄格森姆斯柏•温尼克把上周日纽约巨人(橄榄球)队以41比9大比分输给卡罗琳娜美洲豹队的一则新闻报道放进了粉碎机,这场比赛使纽约巨人队晋级决赛希望化为泡影

    Ben Winnick of Simsbury, Conn., shredded a newspaper story about the New York Giants' 41-9 loss Sunday to the Carolina Panthers, which ended the Giants' playoff hopes.


  • 弗吉尼亚奇蒙大学计算机科学教授DougSzajda解释

    Doug Szajda, a computer science professor at the University of Richmond in Virginia, explains.


  • 弗吉尼亚奇蒙大学计算机科学教授DougSzajda解释

    Doug Szajda, a computer science professor at the University of Richmond in Virginia, explains.


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