• 韦恩.杰佛一家建筑公司经理人,莎拉该地区的其他一些建筑因为需求不景气而正让他们的工人回家,丈夫的那家公司到明年中期还有一工程没有知道此后发生什么

    She says her husband's company has projects through the middle of next year. But no one knows what will happen after that.


  • 以色列至少一个以上的葡萄酒制造开始使用艾维·姆的实验室研发技术生产葡萄酒。

    At least one wine manufacturer in Israel has begun making the white wine using the technique developed by Aviram's laboratory.


  • 随后十年间石化产品对二甲苯进口限制迫使印度其他大型涤纶制造最大的竞争对手来斯那里购买重要原料

    Later in the decade import restrictions on paraxylene, a petrochemical, forced India's other big polyester-maker to buy the crucial ingredient from Reliance, its bitterest rival.


  • 然而西部矿业此次首发唯一承销外资银行参与的首发一般都是中资公司合作完成的。

    However, UBS was the sole manager for the Western Mining offering, while IPOs involving foreign Banks have generally been done together with Chinese firms.


  • 连接着进出口在线市场“真的改变生产流通的整个游戏局面”,斯夫曼表示,“现在,(通过在线市场任何人可以得到任何他想要的。”

    Online marketplaces that connect importers and exporters are "really changing the whole game of how products are manufactured," says Shriftman. "Anyone can have anything made right now.


  • 固清是世界上最常用处方药,其制造公司胆固清销量下降了13%。

    Pfizer, maker of Lipitor, the world’s most prescribed drug, says Lipitor sales are down 13%.


  • 据悉,中国女足主帅要求亚足联对朴恩善进行性别检查

    China coach Shang Ruihua has asked AFC to order gender tests for the striker.


  • 没有直接批评苹果供应,他整个科技

    Harrell wasn't criticizing Apple or its suppliers directly, but rather referring to the tech industry as a whole.


  • 事情这样的,价格崩溃将压垮美国市场国内制造,”塔·斯说另外,美国制造不得不裁减员工

    "What's happened here is a price collapse that's devastated... domestic manufacturing in the U.S. market," Santarris says, adding U.S. manufacturers have had to lay off workers.


  • 而现在公司必须解决如何面对市场中西方制造进行反击挑战

    Now Mindray has to figure out how to meet the challenge of Western equipment makers that are counterattacking in the middle of the market.


  • 并不是出版第一轻信夸大故事骗局。

    This isn’t the first time either a publisher or Ms. Winfrey has been gullible in the face of an exaggerated tale.


  • 欧股周二开盘走低银行巨头集团公布财报收益令人失望钢铁制造

    MADRID (MarketWatch) - European stock markets dropped on Tuesday after Swiss banking giant UBS AG disappointed with its results and steelmaker ArcelorMittal issued a cautious outlook.


  • 赫兰并购事件中,托拉斯者担心并购之后市场价格迅速上升,导致因此调高价格的配料产品难以解释为什么自己的价格会这么高。

    In the case of Kerry and Headland, the trustbusters worried that prices rose shortly after the purchase—and by more than could be explained by dearer ingredients.


  • 中国汽车生产营销手段专门针对本土市场,有时赤裸裸传达财富成功信息反而能在本土市场收到好的销售效果。给其高档汽车品牌取名麒走的就是这条路线。

    Chinese manufacturers' marketing approach is tailored to the local market, with the at-times blunt messages about wealth and success that play well here, such as Chery's choice of name, Riich.


  • 与此同时地产开发紧盯着这块土地(它离东京黄金地段的银座姿条街之隔)。

    Meanwhile, property developers are eyeing the land, just a few blocks from the ritzy Ginza district.


  • ·斯特研究机构的分析师苏卡利塔,穆尔·普鲁亚马逊经验说明无论是网络实体交易目前经济消费型态偏向于折扣零售

    Forrester Research analyst Sucharita Mulpuru said Amazon's experience shows the current economy is favoring discount retailers, both online and offline.


  • 零售应当更加警惕功能姆-库夫曼接着说道并不是因为广告出现Google搜索结果中的那些竞争者他们的生意。

    Retailers, Mr. Rimm-Kaufman added, should be even more leery of this feature, and not because they will lose sales to competitors whose ads appear in Google’s refined search results.


  • 小企业财务分析服务提供profitably首席执行官

    Neary is the CEO of Profitably, a financial analysis service for small businesses.


  • 美国最大汽车制造通用汽车亚太地区的负责人尼克尔尼(NickReilly预计中国的汽车市场十年内超过美国。

    Nick Reilly, the head of Asia Pacific operations for General Motors (GM), America's biggest carmaker, predicts that the Chinese market will overtake America's within the decade.


  • 德国最大有线电视运营Kabel Deutschland股价下跌4.4%,36.28欧元集团把该公司股票评级买入下调中性

    Kabel Deutschland Holding AG dropped 4.4 percent to 36.28 euros as UBS AG downgraded shares of Germany's largest cable - television operator to "neutral" from "buy."


  • 就拿本周来说,信和经纪Instinet日本签署了他们的“黑池”可以相互访问协议

    This week, for instance, Credit Suisse and Instinet, a broker, signed a mutual access agreement for their dark pools in Japan.


  • 成功签下阿玛-斯塔德迈尔观众赞助取得了很大促进的作用,使尼克斯队2001-2002赛季之后第一空所有的

    Signing Amar’e Stoudemire has been a big help both on the court and with sponsors. The Knicks sold out their full-season ticket inventory for the first time since the 2001-02 season.


  • 通过具必要性新工具,Google显示出了一定程度进攻性”,互联网顾问电子产品零售Crutchfield公司前任总裁阿兰·姆-库夫曼(AlanRimm-Kaufman)说道

    Google is showing a level of aggressiveness with this that’s just not needed, ” said Alan Rimm-Kaufman, a former executive with the electronics retailer Crutchfield who is now an Internet consultant.


  • 全球第二大建筑材料生产CRH集团股价上涨2.2%,至15.41欧元集团把该集团股票评级中性上调买入

    CRH Plc gained 2.2 percent to 15.41 euros as UBS AG upgraded the the world's second-largest maker and distributor of building materials to "buy" from "neutral."


  • 通过这些人似乎不可能合作零售(世界级零售沃尔玛杰西潘尼)联系起来,苏利达他的供货进入广大消费市场

    by connecting them with otherwise inaccessible retailersthe Walmarts and JCPenneys of the world — Solidarium allows its producers to gain access to consumers in much larger markets.


  • 风力涡轮机制造苏司兰能源公司(Suzlon)出售转换债券为购买德国普尔(REpower)筹资。

    Suzlon, which makes wind turbines, sold convertible bonds to finance its acquisition of Germany's REpower.


  • 人人IPO的承销队伍包括摩根士丹利Morgan Stanley)、德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)信(Credit Suisse)等投行。 这些承销拥有项超额发行权,如果需求很高的话,他们有权额外销售800万

    Underwriters – led by Morgan Stanley, Deutsche Bank and Credit Suissehave a greenshoe option to sell another 8 million shares if demand is high.


  • 欧洲最大防务及航空电子产品生产泰雷兹集团(Thales)股价下跌4%,此前银集团下调了泰雷兹集团的股票评级。

    Thales sa, Europe's biggest maker of defense electronics, sank 4 percent as UBS AG downgraded the shares.


  • 眼镜那儿希望得到免费隐形眼镜。

    Hoping to get free contact lenses, Freddy goes to the optician.


  • 眼镜那儿希望得到免费隐形眼镜。

    Hoping to get free contact lenses, Freddy goes to the optician.


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