• 主要捐助伙伴包括澳大利亚加拿大丹麦德国冰岛挪威西班牙瑞典英国

    Key donor partners include Australia, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Iceland, Norway, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom.


  • 诚然美国相比三个欧洲国家丹麦瑞典英国创业资本行业经济规模的比重较大

    Indeed, three European countries, Denmark, Sweden and Britain, have bigger venture-capital industries, in relation to the size of their economies, than America.


  • 国际刑警组织阿桑奇追捕令可能集中瑞典英国,这位高深莫测计算机黑客在这两个国家了大半生

    The hunt for Assange sparked by the Interpol request would likely focus on Sweden and Britain, where the elusive former computer hacker spends much of his time.


  • 尽管两个新的低密度聚乙烯产能瑞典英国开启,2009年永久关闭产能尚未完全恢复,尤其是英国买家在十一月面临大幅涨价

    Permanent capacity closures in 2009 had not been fully covered by two new LDPE capacities in Sweden and the UK, and UK buyers in particular were faced with hefty price hikes in November.


  • 我们知道美国英国法国父母富有子女富有的可能性加拿大瑞典丹麦高

    We also know that rich parents are much more likely to have rich children in the US, UK and France than Canada, Sweden or Denmark.


  • 是个听明智的建议于是澳大利亚英国新西兰挪威西班牙瑞典警方采用了这个方法。

    It sounds like sensible advice, and police forces in Australia, Britain, New Zealand, Norway, Spain and Sweden have all adopted it.


  • 不同于英国如果效果良好瑞典乐意允许私立学校医院纳税人资助的服务获利

    Unlike Britain, Sweden is happy to let private schools and hospitals make profits from taxpayer-financed services if outcomes are better.


  • 英国公共改革者们现在瑞典看作是更具竞争力私有化典型例子

    British public-sector reformers now look to Sweden for examples of greater competition and more private provision.


  • 美国英国瑞典专家组成一支研究团队对截至目前为止主要研究进行了回顾总结发现并无任何令人信服证据表明手机使用会导致癌症

    A group of experts from the U.S., England and Sweden conducted a major review of research so far and found no convincing evidence of any cancer connection to cell phone use.


  • 英国意大利挪威新西兰失业比重超过了三分之一瑞典国内15岁到24岁年龄段的失业率超过了2554岁年龄段工人的失业率达4.1

    Britain, Italy, Norway and New Zealand all exceed ratios of three to one; in Sweden the unemployment rate among 15 - to 24-year-olds is 4.1 times higher than that of workers aged between 25 and 54.


  • 弗洛茨先生高尔夫对于女性吸引力因为据说美国女性玩家比例低于英国瑞典

    Mr Fellows also wants to make golf more appealing to women, who are a far smaller proportion of players in America than in, say, Britain or Sweden.


  • 已经签署协议国家有:德国法国比利时荷兰卢森堡丹麦瑞典爱尔兰英国。 上述国家希望这个超级电网今后十年内投入使用

    The countries signed up -- Germany, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Denmark, Sweden, Ireland and the UK -- hope to have the grid working within the next decade.


  • 这场疫情目前已经影响到英国丹麦瑞典荷兰等国,大部分患者似乎是因为最近去过德国

    The outbreak has hit countries that include Britain, Denmark, Sweden and the Netherlands, but most of the cases appear to involve people who had recently travelled to or from Germany.


  • 新的预算到2014年,英国丹麦瑞典荷兰强烈要求做出调整

    But with a new budget looming in 2014, Britain, Denmark, Sweden and the Netherlands are pushing for change.


  • 而在1316岁年龄段孩子英国比利时丹麦希腊匈牙利意大利荷兰挪威波兰瑞典的孩子超过100个网络联系人

    Among those aged 13 to 16, British, Belgian, Danish, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Dutch, Norwegian, Polish, and Swedish children were likely to have more than 100 contacts.


  • 英国瑞典丹麦澳大利亚希腊都存有不太完整记录

    Less-complete records have been maintained in the United Kingdom, Sweden, Denmark, Australia, and Greece.


  • 英国瑞典中央银行降息幅度更加大胆

    Central Banks in Britain and Sweden cut interest rates even more aggressively.


  • 目前,“长颈鹿”雷达已经瑞典法国爱沙尼亚英国服役

    The Giraffe is in current production and in use with armed forces of Sweden, France, Estonia and the UK amongst others.


  • 亏损后,2004年通用汽车欧洲部分进行痛苦的重组,其后包括欧宝英国的沃克斯豪瑞典萨博似乎是挺了过来。

    After a painful restructuring in 2004 following several years of losses, GM Europe (which includes Opel, Vauxhall in Britain and Sweden's Saab) looked as though it had turned a corner.


  • 很高未成年人怀孕并非必然的结果,甚至英国比率正在缓慢下降;在荷兰瑞典瑞士,这一数字最高仅有25%。

    High teenage pregnancy rates are not inevitable: even in Britain they are falling, albeit slowly, and in the Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland, they are less than a quarter as high.


  • 这家银行就是瑞典的ScenskaHandelsbanken,这家零售银行的足迹遍及斯堪地那维亚地区,英国其它一些地方。

    The bank is Sweden's Svenska Handelsbanken, a retail bank with operations in Scandinavia, Britain and elsewhere.


  • 英国唱片公司联盟《英国留声机工业协会》(BPI)首席执行官杰夫·泰勒(Geoff Taylor)表示来自瑞典韩国数字表明法律引导人们使用合法服务的过程中起了多么大的作用。

    Geoff Taylor, the chief executive of BPI, the UK record labels group, says the figures from Sweden and South Korea show how legislation can steer people into legal services.


  • 好消息背后:,听起来的确不错对于这样英国生活工作瑞典尤其如此。

    What it really means: Well, that is good news (especially for someone like me, who's a Swede, living and working in the UK).


  • 德国奥地利也对布鲁塞尔不满,瑞典丹麦加入欧元。 她们为什么没有像英国一样显得不合群呢?

    Sweden and Denmark both declined to join the euro.


  • 令不使用欧元欧盟国家(包括英国波兰瑞典)担忧

    This should also worry eu countries outside the euro, including Britain, Poland and Sweden.


  • 令不使用欧元欧盟国家(包括英国波兰瑞典)担忧

    This should also worry eu countries outside the euro, including Britain, Poland and Sweden.


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