• 谎话琐碎地小事运用对好意情当然阴险谎话。

    A lie concerning a trivial matter used fot good intention is certainly better than a sinister lie.


  • 喋喋不休这些琐碎细节无用的。

    It's useless to fire away with such trivial details.


  • 我们过去一直惊讶选举旋风当中,简化论者会所有复杂琐碎问题都会呼天抢吵闹一番。

    We are long past being surprised when complicated and nuanced problems are, amid an electoral whirlwind, turned into reductionist rallying cries.


  • 尽可能保持头脑清醒走进天的生活,刻意脚跟弄出声响,用眼睛感知街道建筑中的肤浅世界,以及现实中的琐碎

    He walked into the day as alertly as mightbe, making a definite noise with his heels, perceiving with his eyes thesuperficial truth of streets and structures, the trivial truth of reality.


  • 可能同事不断聊天或者别人不断打电话处理一些琐碎的事,或者你的室友明白想独自一人处理学院事务

    Maybe your colleagues want to chat constantly, or people keep phoning with trivial issues, or your housemates can't understand that you want to be left alone to work on a college assignment.


  • 如果没有洋李白兰作陪下的耐心指导似乎错综复杂琐碎

    Without a patient guide and a large glass of plum brandy, it all seems too intricate and unimportant.


  • 然而一幕幕背后一支庞大医生科学家队伍一直无休止工作顾不上睡眠需要那样看似平凡琐碎的小事,有时甚至抛开了个人的不幸。

    But behind the scenes, a vast team of doctors and scientists have been working nonstop, ignoring trivial matters like the need for sleep and, in some cases, personal catastrophe.


  • 玲珑剔透的女孩子,生活的琐碎让她不胜其烦,主动承担大部分家务照顾一如既往宠着她。

    She was a delicate girl who hated household chores. Therefore, he shouldered most of the housework and took good care of her and indulged her.


  • 2009年克罗加入欧盟谈判大部分琐碎斯洛文尼亚的边界问题上。

    For much of 2009 Croatia's EU accession talks were blocked by a trivial border dispute with Slovenia.


  • 因为这样琐碎细目清单掩盖一个人的真实成绩而且当招聘者据此提问时,万一不能深入回答,反而会使自己难堪

    You don't want a laundry list that hides your true accomplishments — or to end up embarrassed if the interviewer asks about something and you can't speak about it in-depth.


  • 无可避免总得处理一些需要你关心琐碎事务

    It's inevitable that you'll have smaller things you'll need to take care of.


  • 本质全面准确项目任务进行预测评估要求采用科学管理中的Tayloristic方法这一方法适用琐碎的,机械的任务。

    In essence, fully accurate prediction and estimation of projects or tasks demand a Tayloristic approach of Scientific Management, which only is applicable to trivial, mechanical tasks.


  • 想着初婚时甜蜜想着生活中的琐碎,想着伤透了眼泪缓缓下来

    Thinking about the marriage of sweet, think of the trivial in life, thinking about the broken heart, tears slowly fall down.


  • 一个自己努力而成功应该谨慎工作有时一些琐碎的事情甚至都要小心。

    A self - made man should do his jobs with prudence, sometimes even should be careful doing a very trivial thing.


  • 如果我们自己观察自己,那么发现我们在不知觉鼓励人们任何琐碎小事我们

    If we take a hard look at ourselves, we might see that we unwittingly encourage people to come to us for every little thing.


  • 有关于开冻,春光之来临的一切琐碎我们生活这样极端气候中的,都特别有趣的

    Every incident connected with the breaking up of the rivers and ponds and the settling of the weather is particularly interesting to us who live in a climate of so great extremes.


  • 他们需要他们能够很好满足日常衣柜包含琐碎事情日常生活中。

    They need them to perfectly match their daily wardrobe and contain the trivial things in daily life.


  • 如果承认并且直面死亡,我就摆脱死亡焦虑生活琐碎只有这样,我才能自由自己

    If I take death into my life, acknowledge it, and face it squarely, I will free myself from the anxiety of death and the pettiness of life - and only then will I be free to become myself.


  • 如果没有这些琐碎考验,没有疾病各种复杂的关系那么生活如同条铺设好了的却没有目的平坦道路

    Without these small tests, if they be events, illnesses or relationships, your life would be like a smoothly paved, straight, flat road to nowhere.


  • 没有工夫谈这些琐碎的事,”粗鲁回答说,然后又微笑说,请原谅的无礼

    I have no time for trifles, " he answered, brusquely ; then with a smile, Excuse my rudeness."


  • 如果没有这些琐碎考验,没有疾病各种复杂的关系,那么生活如同条铺设好了却没有目的平坦道路

    Without these small tests, if they be events, illnesses or relationships, life would be like a smoothly paved, straight, flat road to nowhere.


  • 结结巴巴讲述着那些琐碎不愉快的事情时,奶奶耐心着,听明白了。

    Granny took it all in, listening patiently while I sputtered about the bits and pieces of grief in my life.


  • 结结巴巴讲述着那些琐碎不愉快的事情时,奶奶耐心着,听明白了。

    Granny took it all in, listening patiently while I sputtered about the bits and pieces of grief in my life.


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