• 粗糙理论扩展模型

    The extending model of rough sets theory.


  • 关于自我建构精神分析理论扩展文学批评视野

    Jacques Lacan 's psychoanalysis theory of self - construction expands the view of literary criticism.


  • 两个议题也是对本土女性主义传播研究理论扩展进行当代反思。

    This case study seeks to contribute to debates in Chinese scholarship on lesbian issues from a reflexive, critical feminist perspective.


  • 直觉模糊理论扩展经典模糊集表达能力辐射源威胁评估问题提供一种新的解决方法

    The theory of intuitionistic fuzzy set expands the expression ability of classical fuzzy set, which can provide a new method for the problem of emitter threat evaluating.


  • 过去的的十年里,托博士同事们一直扩展传统信息理论使它适合于分析综合信息。

    For the past decade, Dr. Tononi and his colleagues have been expanding traditional information theory in order to analyze integrated information.


  • 我们扩展生活美好事物定义,除此之外,我们的观点仍然基于,中性容器理论正确理论

    We've expanded the list of goods that can go within your life, but for all that, we've still been acting as though the neutral container theory is the right approach.


  • 扩展本文给出理论

    Extending the principles presented in this article


  • 虽然手工生成所需要扩展部署描述符理论说是可行的,但是这么不切实际的。

    While it is theoretically possible to generate the required extended deployment descriptors manually, it is impractical to do so.


  • 然而为了实现可移植性扩展理论我们推迟开发非常阶段加入那些细节

    However, in order to achieve portability and extensibility, ideally we would like to defer inclusion of those details to a very late stage in development.


  • 某个更好理论必须包含扩展爱因斯坦理论

    Some better theory would have to be found which contained and extended Einstein's edifice.


  • 理论讲,这种改变减少word文档丰富性但是只有扩展应用才能证明是否属实

    In theory, this change should make Word files less prone to corruption, but only extended use will prove whether that is so.


  • PHP3 开始出现核心扩展 ——UnifiedODBC 扩展 —— PHP快速轻型数据库访问抽象理论先驱

    A core extension since PHP 3, the Unified ODBC extension is the ideological ancestor of a fast, light database access abstraction for PHP.


  • 本文学习这些基础理论之后可以开始学习一些复杂ExtJS扩展插件开发概念了。

    With the basics learned in this article, you should now be ready to start learning about more complex concepts in Ext JS extension and plug-in development.


  • 注意理论上讲UM l概要文件可以扩展不同模型,而且Rational Software Architect的实现可以支持UML 2.1元模型。

    Note: Theoretically, UML profiles could extend various meta-models, although the Rational Software Architect implementation supports only the UML 2.1 meta-model.


  • 法规程序适用IB文凭候选人方面理论知识扩展文章中科院适用于DP候选人。

    The regulations and procedures that apply to IB Diploma Candidates in respect of theory of knowledge, the extended essay and CAS, also apply to DP Course Candidates.


  • 通过设计参数模糊分析建立模糊隶属函数模糊集合扩展理论求取设计参数优化

    In this paper, the fuzzy membership function is built by analysis on design parameters' fuzzy attribution, and optimization values are obtained on the basis of fuzzy aggregate expand theory.


  • 此外组合完善扩展作为概念整合理论三个认知过程用于分析通感隐喻的形成过程。

    Besides, composition, completion, and elaboration as three cognitive processes of conceptual integration theory are also used in the analysis of synaesthetic metaphor.


  • 我们开发实际代码可以分发扩展它们不仅仅抽象理论

    We'll develop living code, not just abstract theory, code which you can explore and extend.


  • 传统理论认为精神损害赔偿适用侵权民事责任,精神赔偿不能扩展合同关系

    The traditional theory suggests that compensation for spiritual damage only applies to tort liability, so compensation for spiritual damage cannot apply to contract.


  • 文章五个方面回顾企业危机管理理论的研究进展,尝试性扩展理论研究思路

    This paper reviews enterprises crisis management theory from five aspects, and makes an attempt to extend research ideas on the theory.


  • 这种内省方式提供心灵把握自身引导自身扩展自身理论方法技术

    Its way of introspection provided the theory, methodology and technique of the mind in holding, guiding and expanding itself.


  • 扩展要素禀赋理论包括要素数量要素质量两个维度它们对后发经济收敛机理一样的。

    The expansion theory of factor endowments includes two dimensions, that is, the quantity and quality, which differs from the mechanism of the economic convergence.


  • 各个理论优势不足做了简要评价后,启示和思考的部分提出改善实验的概括性方案,同时理论扩展提出了相应的建议。

    After a brief comment on the advantages and disadvantages of each theory, the authors come up with plans for improving the experiments and Suggestions for theoretical expansion accordingly.


  • 由于岩石破碎过程非常复杂采用当前动态断裂理论得出的裂纹扩展长度实测值差异较大。

    Because the process of rock broken is very complicated, there is a difference between the experimental data and theoretical result of expanding fissure by the present dynamic fracture theory.


  • 博物馆力图通过多角度理论观点,空间层次雾气扩展等几个主题,来探索中国古代绘画深层次变化的空间奥秘。

    The museum explores the shifting viewpoints, layers of space, and expanses of mist and water, which characterize the deep alternating spatial mysteries of early Chinese painting.


  • 作者研究粗糙扩展理论提出了多层粗糙集模型CBM-RS。 该模型是一种基于覆盖扩展的多层粗糙集模型

    The thesis studies the generalized rough set models and proposes a multi-level rough set approximation model CBM-RS based on a covering of the universe.


  • 等级理论知识扩展文章记录DP结果中科院完成如果合适

    The grades for theory of knowledge and the extended essay will be recorded on the DP Course Results and the completion of CAS, if appropriate.


  • 等级理论知识扩展文章记录DP结果中科院完成如果合适

    The grades for theory of knowledge and the extended essay will be recorded on the DP Course Results and the completion of CAS, if appropriate.


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