• 德里达批判方法是从被批判者的理论内部找出矛盾,找出瓦解自身的力量,让结构自行解构。

    The critical methods of Delida are finding out the contradictions from theoretical internals of the criticized, seeking selfdisintegration, and having structure separate by itself.


  • 虽然新的理论宣称来自黑洞内部信息编码霍金辐射中并由黑洞释放出来,但这些信息可能面目全非了。

    Although new theories state that information from the interior of black holes is encoded in the Hawking radiation emitted from them, this information could quite possibly be scrambled.


  • 科学家们三个理论说明为何水星有如些不寻常内部结构

    Scientists have three theories as to why Mercury has such an unusual inner structure.


  • 理论有关土星如何出现光环光环接着又形成内部卫星最新流派。

    Her theory is the latest on how Saturn got its rings, which, in turn, are believed to have formed the inner moons.


  • 发现,那些标准理论认为留给市场去做有效率很多经济决策实际上最好是留给公司内部

    What he found was that many economic decisions that standard theory said would be more efficiently left to the market place were actually better left within a firm.


  • 没有焦虑,自我内部的不和谐并不明显尽管理论这些的确是应该存在的。

    There is no anxiety. Incongruence is not apparent, although the theory suggests it would be substantial indeed.


  • 按照理论一些金融机构因为过于庞大内部联系过于密集,以至它们的失败整个经济的一场灾难

    According to this theory, certain financial institutions are so large and and so interconnected that their failure will be disastrous to an economy.


  • 这个理论反映我们思维深层如何工作的,谴责外部影响的时候应该考虑内部原因。

    This theory reflects a profound naivete about how our minds work, and it externalizes blame that is better turned inward.


  • 约翰·米切尔英国物理天文学家,由此得到灵感并提出第一个地球内部波动理论

    John Mitchell, an English physicist and astronomer, was inspired by it to put forward the first theories of wave motion in the earth.


  • 为了描述原子以及原子内部量级世界我们需要视线引向量子力学。量子力学爱因斯坦理论有着本质上不同

    To describe the world at atomic and subatomic scales, we need to turn to quantum mechanics, a theory that's fundamentally different from Einstein's.


  • 这样的“内部贬值理论可行的,在实际并不常见(并且是痛苦的)。

    Such an “internal devaluationis possible in theory, but it is unusual (and painful) in practice.


  • 奇点这个单词来自天体物理学:是时空中(例如黑洞内部)所有物理理论都失效的一点。

    The word singularity is borrowed from astrophysics: it refers to a point in space-time - for example, inside a black hole - at which the rules of ordinary physics do not apply.


  • 有些理论怀疑生命是否真的起源于地球,他们认为生命并非诞生于地球,而是来源于一个遥远世界或是某颗陨落到地球的彗星小行星内部

    Some question whether life began on Earth at all, asserting instead that it came from a distant world or the heart of a fallen comet or asteroid.


  • 基础上公平理论中的内部公平、部门公平以及外部公平进行定量研究

    On this basis, the author conducts quantitative study on internal equity, department equity and external equity in the equity Theory.


  • 假设期望轨迹某一稳定外部系统产生利用中心流形理论,证明了系统内部动态存在的。

    Supposing that the reference trajectory is generated by a stable system, the bounded solution of non hyperbolic internal dynamics is existed by using center manifold theory.


  • 战略世界级实践一致性研究源自企业内部一致性”理论

    The consistency of strategy with world-level practices stems from the corporation theory of "internal consistency".


  • 当代依恋理论中,这些动机结构构成了行为内部模型

    Within contemporary attachment theory, these motivational structures constitute internal models of behavior.


  • 拥有11寸屏幕MacBookAir更为小巧,配有1.4 G处理器以及不到64g内部储存器但是至少理论并不那么坚固结实。

    It's smaller, with an 11-inch screen, and at least on paper, it doesn't look as fast or as robust - a 1.4 GHz processor and a scant 64 GB of internal storage.


  • 本文公允价值内部控制理论基础入手,分析公允价值计量难点,阐明了公允价值控制环境风险评估、控制活动等方面影响

    The paper starts the study with the fundamental theory, analyzes the difficult points of FVM , and it's impact on internal control environment, risk control, control activities, etc.


  • 笔者从职业风险定义出发,理论定义内部审计职业风险,进行了分类

    Beginning with the definition of professional risk, I define the professional risk of internal audit in theory, then analyses its classification.


  • 论文从教育公正角度提出了隐藏学校课堂教授教养活动内部入程的机遇均等题目阐述本研讨理论意义实践意义

    Pointing of view of education fair, thesis reveals the issues of equal opportunities that hidden in the classroom teaching, and elaborates the theoretical and practical significance of the study.


  • 理论我们能够通过探测黑洞光是黑洞内部物质发射反射

    Theory says that we cannot detect black holes by light that is emitted or reflected by the matter inside them.


  • 内部控制审计理论一个重要概念,将内部控制评价作为审计过程的有机组成部分是早已流行的审计方式。

    Internal control is an important concept in audit theories. It is a quite early practice to include the internal control evaluation in the audit procedure.


  • 恒星结构演化理论是研究恒星内部物理过程、结构和恒星如何演化科学。

    The theory of stellar structure and evolution concerns the various physical processes inside stars.


  • 体育系统内部某些具有的灰色因素参数其它理论便于量化评价研究领域置入它的理论研究范畴内给予量化评价。

    Some parameters with grey factors in sports system which are not suitable to be evaluated by other theories can be put into this study area and be evaluated here.


  • 内部控制体现价值链管理理论基本内涵,实现企业价值最大化构成内部控制的目标内部控制可以实现企业价值链整体增值

    The objective of internal control is to maximize enterprise's value and internal control helps the realization of incremental value of enterprise's value chain as a whole.


  • 客户内部化相关理论包括:客户忠诚决定因素科特勒的六阶段营销理论、客户认知空间理论交易费用理论

    Theories that correlate with it include: the determinative factors of client loyalty, Kotler's six-stage marketing theory, client cognition space theory and transaction cost theory.


  • 本文首先内部理论分权理论利润转移理论三方面分析了转让定价产生动机

    This paper analyzes the motives of transfer pricing, which are generated from the internalization theory, the theory of separation of power and the theory of transfer of profits.


  • 本文首先内部理论分权理论利润转移理论三方面分析了转让定价产生动机

    This paper analyzes the motives of transfer pricing, which are generated from the internalization theory, the theory of separation of power and the theory of transfer of profits.


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