• 但是鉴于以前这个问题上的研究发现,他的直觉电视也许不是促进父母孩子之间真正互动关系理想媒介

    But given his previous findings on the issue, his hunch is that television probably isn't the ideal medium for promoting real interaction between parent and child.


  • 因此父母经常屈服决定可可泡芙一块馅饼虽然理想,但总没有的好。

    As a result, parents often give in, deciding that a bowl of Cocoa Puffs or a Pop-Tart, while not ideal, must be better than no food at all.


  • 经历父母理想拉回现实痛苦过程发现爸爸可能傲慢并且残忍,而一直保护他的邓布利多拥有不堪提及的过往。

    He goes through the painful process of de-idealizing his parents, discovering that his father could be arrogant and cruel and that even his protector, Dumbledore, had a shameful past.


  • 其他研究已经证明我们相信自己为配偶父母牺牲了很多的时候,总是会极大地理想他们关系

    Other research has shown that we romanticize our relationships with spouses and partners significantly more when we believe we have sacrificed for them.


  • 但是治疗师们的断语存在一个问题假定不够理想父母已经培养另外两个有教养的完美男孩

    But there was one small problem with these explanations: this supposedly suboptimal couple had managed to raise two other well-adjusted and perfectly nice boys.


  • 父母支持理想哪怕高等考试毅然决定退学声称厌倦,根本不想进入牛津就读文学专业。

    Her parents supported her in her ambitions, even when she decided to drop out of school before her A-levels, claiming she was bored and did not want to go to Oxford to read English after all.


  • 父母孩子清楚无论是男是,都成就自己理想……

    Parents should let their children know that both boys and girls can become anything they want to be ...


  • 但是这些解释之外还有问题对夫妇,按照刚才的结论,不是最理想父母,可是他们成功大了另外儿子,那两个儿子调整得好,非常正派

    But there was one small problem with these explanations: this supposedly suboptimal couple had managed to raise two other well-adjusted and perfectly nice boys.


  • 父母眼中孩子自我一部分子女理想自我来一次的机会。

    In the eyes of parents, children often is a part of themselves, their children is his ideal self again.


  • 父母眼中孩子自我一部分子女理想自我再来一次机会费孝通

    In the eyes of parents, children are often part of the self, the child is his ideal self a chance again. Fei Xiaotong.


  • 父母眼中孩子自我一部分子女理想自我再来一次的机会

    In the eyes of the parents, the child is often part of the self, the child is his ideal self another chance.


  • 要求描述他们理想儿媳妇时父母几乎一致赞同应该勤奋聪明漂亮善解人意

    When asked to describe their ideal daughter-in-law, parents almost unanimously agreed that she should be hardworking, intelligent, pretty and caring.


  • 不是社会认可父亲理想类型,但是意识到单亲孩子的父母没有唯一正确途径

    It's not what our society deems the ideal role for a father, but I've learned there is no single right way to be a divorced parent.


  • 已有文献表面如果青年父母存在抑郁症的话,这些青年治疗应答会理想

    There is evidence in the literature that kids don't respond as well to treatment if the parent is depressed.


  • 西双版纳父母了一套房子发现此地逃避北京理想居所

    After buying a home in Xishuangbanna for her parents, she found it the ideal sanctuary from Beijing's choking smog.


  • 是从父母那里学来的,他们经常这样以至于你认为他们一定理想一代人

    You got it from your parents, who said it so often you decided they must be the mostidealistic generation ever.


  • 我会父母明智告诉孩子们只要喜欢并且努力就会任何领域中出人头地,他们可以追求任何一个他们想追求的理想

    Being wiser than my parents I will tell my children they can pursue their ideals they want so long as they enjoy it and strive to be the best in any field.


  • 理想父母孩子传递这样信息我们你也必须按照我们的要求

    The ideal family is one in which the message children receive from parents is: we love you, but you must do as we say.


  • 这样父母期望个人理想实现。

    In this way, both parental hopes and personal ideals will come true.


  • 理想父母应该善于发现孩子天赋,善于挖掘孩子潜能,善于培养孩子特长父母

    Third, the ideal parent, a child should be good at discovering talented, good at digging the child potential, good talent to cultivate children's parents.


  • 快速烹饪易于消化丰富有机面条婴儿及其父母理想食品

    Quick cooking and easy to digest, this iron enriched organic spelt pasta is an ideal food for both babies and their parents.


  • 解释许多亚裔人而言,文化即认为理想人物需受良好教育。对那些期望子女功成名就的移民父母尤其如此。

    Sue explains, for many Asians, the cultural view of the ideal person is one who is well-educated, especially for immigrant parents wanting children to succeed.


  • 如果孩子只是因为运气不好不能实现父母期望理想怎么办?

    What if the child who does not live up to the hopes and dreams of the parent simply because of bad luck?


  • 感恩美好时光,感恩父母养育、感恩自己理想

    Owning the nice time, owning the parents' raise and education, owning my ideal!


  • 没有什么能够取代孩子健康成长他们心目中的位置那么更少的孩子离开他们的父母生活将使我们的理想

    No outside intervention can take their place to ensure the healthy growth of their children, so it would be ideal if fewer children had to live without their parents around.


  • 茶花青原色唯一接合点最初一个父母生活小镇公益图书馆理想

    The only overlapping interest between IFChina and this young lady is her dream to open a public-interest library in the small town her parents live in.


  • 茶花青原色唯一接合点最初一个父母生活小镇公益图书馆理想

    The only overlapping interest between IFChina and this young lady is her dream to open a public-interest library in the small town her parents live in.


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