• 米兰球员承认麻烦膝盖在给带来困扰

    Milan playmaker Kaka has admitted that his troublesome knee is still causing him problems.


  • 米兰中场球员承认非常荣幸切尔西对自己感兴趣。

    Milan playmaker Kaka has admitted he is flattered to be linked with Chelsea.


  • 米兰球员坚信巴塞罗那球星罗纳尔迪尼奥圣西罗收到欢迎

    AC Milan playmaker Kaka insists unwanted Barcelona star Ronaldinho would be welcome at the San Siro.


  • 第二选择富勒36老将安蒂·尼米主力门将的争夺中败给美国球员卡塞。凯勒

    The second option sis Fulham veteran Antti Niemi, 36, who has lost his first team place at Craven Cottage to the American Kasey Keller.


  • 但是米贾托维奇透露皇马想要得到年轻人尤其是AC米兰巴西中场球员转会失败以后。

    But Mijatovic revealed that Real could turn to the youngster, especially after being warned off AC Milan's Brazilian playmaker Kaka.


  • 罗马利亚里后防球员尼感兴趣,尼尼一直是罗马的一个长期目标现在已正式准备开启转会对话

    Roma are closing in on a deal for Cagliari defender Michele Canini. Canini has been a long-term target for Roma and they're now ready to open transfer talks.


  • 莫索另外两个替补球员阿尔伯特梅扬尽了最大努力帮助布拉加队扳平比分,而布拉加队也第一确实波尔图队施加一定程度压力

    Mossoro and fellow substitutes Kaka and Albert Meyong did their best to rouse Braga and their side did respond to exert a degree of pressure on Porto for the first time.


  • 很多球员法布雷加斯或者索拉可以一样抱怨机会少。

    There are a lot of players like Fabregas or Cazorla who could make the same complaint.


  • 他们(青训球员我们经常训练所以他们经常同著名球员在一起。因此他们线队这都正常事情。

    They train often with us at Carrington so they are used to being around the senior players and it is not so much of a shock if I call them into the team.


  • 已经改变了表达自己方式更冷静周到,更谨慎,”阿根廷球员鲁本·普·里亚带着一幅知识分子的腔调说。

    "He changed the way he expresses himself, calmer, more thoughtful, more cautious," Ruben Capria, one of Argentina's army of former players turned pundits, argues.


  • 作为巴西队的明星球员无疑近几年来国际足坛最为杰出球星之一

    This handsome Brazilian star is undoubtedly one of the best footballers of the past few years.


  • 也许一名天生就有杰拉德更高天赋球员但是考虑到杰拉德的活力全面,我会据理反对那种认为总体上皇马新援出色的观点。

    Kaka may be a more inherently gifted player than Gerrard, but given Gerrard's energy and versatility, I'd argue against the new Real Madrid signing being a superior player overall.


  • 非常多球员随着像皇马这样巨星没那么有魅力环境里谋生

    Big stars, such as Real Madrid's kaka, are followed by a long tail of players earning a living in less glamorous circumstances.


  • 主教练加的带领下,人们一直质疑拥有丹尼·阿尔维斯罗比尼奥当然还有在内的如此风格华丽、技术精湛球员,却要通过丑陋务实的1-0赢得比赛。

    Under coach Dunga, there has been criticism that a side containing such stylish and skilful players as Dani Alves, Robinho and of course Kaka himself, is playing for dour 1-0 victories.


  • 他们明白要成为东部决赛名副其实的竞争者至少球员就是为什么他们眼下追逐梅洛·安东尼(Carmelo Anthony)其他每一位不抱幻想NBA球星的原因。

    They also know they are at least one player short of becoming true contenders in the Eastern Conference, which is why they are chasing Carmelo Anthony and every other disenchanted star in the N.B.A..


  • 在其他转会消息中,阿森纳一次法甲球员有了碰撞,看中了法甲图卢兹俱乐部的中场埃蒂安·普埃。

    Moving over to transfer news, Arsenal has been linked again with another player from Ligue 1, holding midfielder from Toulouse called Etienne Capoue.


  • 2010东丽泛太平洋网球公开赛官方的球员亲笔活动(包括伊达公子莎拉波娃沃兹尼亚奇扬科维奇德门蒂耶娃斯齐亚沃尼,拉德万·斯兹沃娜列娃萨芬娜奈良久留美):250,000日元

    Toray PPO official program with player autographs (Date-Krumm, Sharapova, Wozniacki, Jankovic, Dementieva, Schiavone, Radwanska, Zvonareva, Safina, Nara) : 250, 000 yen.


  • 如果一个球员从来不会得意忘形,那么他肯定就是

    If there was one player who wouldn't have their head turned it was Luka.


  • 也许这些球员具备梅西那样不可思议才华能具备?

    They may not have the magical flair of a Lionel Messi or a Kaka, but who does?


  • ·里奥·拉瓦为小贝芬兰手术认为这位34的球员依然还上场

    Professor Sakari Orava, who performed the operation in Finland, insisted the 34-year-old should be able to play again.


  • 除了助教汤尼·亚当斯还有现役的劳伦,坎贝尔,理查德·休斯拉萨纳·迪亚拉以及热罗姆·托马斯出现了“庞培军团”的名册他们前枪手球员

    As well as assistant manager Tony Adams, there are currently Lauren, Sol Campbell, Kanu, Richard Hughes, Lassana Diarra and Jerome Thomas on the books at Pompey, all of them ex-Arsenal players.


  • 一份比利时杂志本周报道曼城已经赢得了卢争夺战名17岁球员夏天转会东地球场。

    City were reported by a Belgian magazine this week to have won the battle for Lukaku, with the 17-year-old said to be moving to Eastlands in the summer.


  • 萨克雷炮火雷天地攻击印度杰出的球员泰杜尔(孟买人但声言自己首先是个印度人)印度首富穆克什·安巴尼(宣称孟买属于所有人)。

    Mr Thackeray has thundered against India's greatest cricketer, Sachin Tendulkar, a Mumbaikar who says he's Indian first, and its richest man, Mukesh Ambani, who says Mumbai is for all.


  • 阿根廷中场球员达里奥•孔被宣布成为广州赛季新星

    Argentine midfielder Dario Conca has been unveiled as Guangzhou Evergrande's star recruit of the season.


  • 曼联球员,中场尼基-巴特表达了自己要向教练岗位转移的愿望。球员红魔度过了十年时光,之后詹姆斯公园36岁高龄在香港参加了一段时间的联赛。

    The former Newcastle United player spent over a decade at Old Trafford before he switched to St James' Park, with the 36-year-old also playing in China before retiring this year.


  • 由此,这位ac米兰中场球员最终排在了法国齐丹·齐达内队友法比奥·纳瓦罗之后,获得阿迪达斯

    As a result of these accolades the ac Milan midfielder picked up the tournament's adidas Bronze Ball award, behind France's Zinedine Zidane and Azzurri team-mate Fabio Cannavaro.


  • 由此,这位ac米兰中场球员最终排在了法国齐丹·齐达内队友法比奥·纳瓦罗之后,获得阿迪达斯

    As a result of these accolades the ac Milan midfielder picked up the tournament's adidas Bronze Ball award, behind France's Zinedine Zidane and Azzurri team-mate Fabio Cannavaro.


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