• 祈祷结束唱诗班用希腊语赞美诗年轻男女分发橄榄枝

    After the prayer, young men and women distributed olive branches while a choir sang a hymn in Greek.


  • 这个班用历史教科书仪叙述1960年。

    The class history book only goes down to 1960.


  • 人们伯利恒圣诞教堂举行圣诞弥撒唱诗阿拉伯语唱着圣诞颂歌。

    Christmas mass was celebrated at the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, with carols sung in Arabic.


  • 美国陆军使两种截然不同5.56毫米口径木仓族:种是M16步木仓以及派生出来的M4卡宾木仓,一种是M249班用机木仓。

    The US Army uses two distinct families of weapons in 5.56 x 45 mm calibre: the M16 rifle and the derivative M4 carbine form one group, the M249 Squad Automatic Weapon the other.


  • 充分了解大难即将临头,在此千钧一发之际,米勒上士挺身而出,勇敢冲向游击队,机枪的全部火力准确地压制住了游击队的火力

    Understanding the potential for catastrophe, Staff Sgt. Miller boldly charged the enemy and accurately engaged the entire force with his squad automatic weapon, thus eliminating the threat.


  • 玛丽亚·麦德拉诺带着这些女人母语写成诗歌来到了诗歌

    María Medrano came to the workshop with poems written in these women's mother tongues.


  • 永远都不会忘记表演训练厨房里,我们锅碗所有我们找到的东西创造音乐

    I'll never forget my drama classes, and making music in the kitchen with POTS and pans and anything else we could find.


  • 对于作为研习细节户界面元素其中一部分前提列表进行了建模当前的内容多。

    I also modeled that the prerequisites list is displayed as part of the seminar details user-interface element, which is more than the use case currently calls for.


  • 红外遥感摄像机计算布莱恩位置

    Bandit USES infrared sensing and cameras to calculate Brian's position.


  • 加罗尔的科学家们从事项目红色激光食物保鲜DNA纳米机器病人身体正确位置释放药物

    Its boffins in Bangalore are working on projects ranging from a red laser to preserve food to a DNA nano-machine to deliver drugs to precisely the right spot in a patient's body.


  • 需要丰富功能强大大脑一些事想象成真实歪曲唱诗少年般的真诚让他人信以为真

    It requires a fertile and high-functioning brain to take something as simple as the truth and twist it, palming off the deception on someone else with the earnestness of a choirboy.


  • 例如可以使参加研习作为基础编写系统文档如何参加研习一节

    For example, the "how to enroll in a seminar" section of your system's user documentation could be written using the "enroll in seminar" use case as its base.


  • 中国小学生倾向课外时间补习加强英语能力。

    There is a tendency for Chinese elementary school students to reinforce their English in a cram school after regular school hours.


  • 酒店蓝色光镜强调冬天寒冷单一

    Banff Springs Hotel with light blue filter emphasizes the coldness of winter (Monochromatic color).


  • 控制员一般情况下还会几个小时候回来通宵比如晚上11点到第二天早上七点结束这个周末

    A controller then will typically have to come back just hours later to finish the week with one overnight shift, likely from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m.


  • Bellson先生一个乐队鼓手40 〜50岁古德曼计数贝西艾灵顿公爵

    Mr. Bellson was a big band drummer in the 40s and 50s, who performed with Benny Goodman, Count Basie and Duke Ellington among others.


  • 所以,“耳朵糖果收集乐器它们送给那些本来不会拥有乐器的音乐学习

    So Ear Candy collects these abandoned instruments and gives them to programs who would not otherwise have them.


  • 有一,玛丽亚·麦德拉诺带着这些女人母语写成诗歌来到诗歌

    One day, María Medrano came to the workshop with poems written in these women's mother tongues.


  • 那么如果愿意某种方式女儿们补偿的话,当然不会泼冷水,”纳特太太

    'Well, if he is ready to make amends to the girls in some way, I shall certainly not discourage him,' said Mrs Bennet.


  • 不管那些已忘却吉他和弦或是想学吉他弹奏一些赞美拜的诗歌,而设计的。

    Whether you wish to brush up long-forgotten chords or to learn how to play praise and worship music on the guitar, this class is designed for you.


  • 一个成功专栏通常也就意味着循规蹈矩一些有效的写作技巧唱诗布道或者绚丽的语言修饰表达大众观点

    A successful column usually means that I am treading on familiar ground, going with the tricks that work, preaching to the choir or dressing up popular sentiments in fancy words.


  • 可以便船运回来

    You may return them by the next available ship.


  • 痛苦的、超人努力旦多他的枕头眼睛视而不见,把他骨骼食指指向堂

    With a tortured, superhuman effort, Abbandando lifted his head off his pillow, eyes unseeing, and pointed a skeletal forefinger at the Don.


  • 找出后,每个人要求自己无意识思维这个培训帮助他们解决那个问题。

    Once identified, everyone was told to ask their unconscious mind to use the workshop to help them with this problem in some way.


  • 守住仓皇灾难、是整个生命不过假象

    Keep is cut and ground of disaster, is to use the whole life also enemy but the illusion.


  • 约克哈兹·佐·杨扎克所有阉人王国了几曲,他们声音高亢甜美难以置信纯净

    A troupe of Yunkish castrati owned by Yurkhaz zo Yunzak sang them songs in the ancient tongue of the Old Empire, their voices high and sweet and impossibly pure.


  • 麦克纳米指出,有数学课加拿大货币学习汇率另一个科学讨论气候变化芬兰有什么影响

    One class learned about exchange rates using Canadian currency in math, and another - in science class - discussed how climate change is affecting Finland.


  • 马克·从小就展现出了商业天赋,12岁时候开始垃圾袋篮球了。

    Mark Cuban was an entrepreneur from his early years, when he sold garbage bags to pay for basketball shoes when he was 12.


  • 马克·从小就展现出了商业天赋,12岁时候开始垃圾袋篮球了。

    Mark Cuban was an entrepreneur from his early years, when he sold garbage bags to pay for basketball shoes when he was 12.


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