• 我们化石记录找到这种扩展事件证据让我们得以一先前一直持续不断环境分裂现象

    We find evidence of such extended events in the fossil record, which affords glimpses into the breakup of formerly continuous environments.


  • 严重大规模珊瑚白化事件之一发生1998——也是有史以来最热的年,2010年一样,也是厄尔尼诺现象的一

    One of the worst mass bleaching events in history occurred in 1998 — which was also one of the hottest years on record, and like 2010, an El Nio year.


  • 气候变化周期性厄尔尼诺现象引起海水变暖已经造成大面积珊瑚礁所谓的漂白事件消失殆尽。

    Warmer sea temperatures caused by climate change and periodic El Nio events have caused large areas of coral to be wiped out in so-called "bleaching" events.


  • 然而发现了现象每当我们身边发生了一件新奇的或者重大的社会新闻事件,那么此后段时间内类题材的故事作品就会源源不断地从四面八方涌入我们编辑信箱

    However, there is a phenomenon I found that every time a big event or big news happens, editors mailboxes are chock-a-block with the articles which on this topic in a period of time.


  • 一定程度上我们看到自然现象拉尼娜结果。拉尼娜是一种周期性事件期间赤道太平洋海水温度平常要低。

    To some extent we're seeing the results of a natural phenomenon, La Nina - a periodic event in which water in the equatorial Pacific becomes cooler than normal.


  • 但是外星人假说来解释绑架事件可靠性那些调查过这些现象心理学家中存在争论

    However, the credibility of the ETH as an explanation for abductions is disputed by most psychologists who have investigated this phenomenon.


  • 认为这样事件发生一系列现象恰好也发生了,大气流在加利福尼亚停止了。

    The event occurred, he believes, when a series of phenomena called atmospheric rivers stalled over California.


  • 所以人们可能他们自尊事件联系起来,而是可能表面现象接受事物。

    So people are less likely to link their self-esteem to events and more likely to take things at face value.


  • CIM事件一种有趣现象可以按照生命周期警告分类

    A CIM event is the occurrence of a phenomenon of interest, which can be classified as either lifecycle or alert.


  • 这些地方出现幽灵不仅形象各异,还有现实世界发生事件相联系难以解释清楚灵异现象

    Not only has their been many different sightings of ghosts, but there has been paranormal activity linked to real life events in the past that simply cannot be explained.


  • 尽管通常情况下科学家们不会将个别天气事件归咎于气候变化,但众多港湾居民们春天无结冰现象看作全球迹象之一。

    While scientists are generally reluctant to attribute individual weather events to climate change, many gulf residents view the ice-free spring as a sign of global warming.


  • 导演艾默里克一个虚假的天文事件毁灭了地球(2012年不会出现行星现象的),他还无中生有了从未观测到太阳系互动行为

    So Emmerich found a way to kill the Earth using a faux astronomical event (there is no planetary alignment in the year 2012) and by inventing a solar interaction that has never been observed.


  • 许多分析家这些事件视为奋起反抗收入水平机遇方面的不平等现象,其中尤其涉及青年人

    Many analysts saw these events as uprisings against inequalities, in income levels and opportunities, especially for youth.


  • 然而,这种对于部分人来说可能一种有趣天文事件现象引起其他人极大的兴趣。

    However, what some might see as an interesting astronomical event raises concerns for others.


  • 海洋科学家们发现,3年前经历了一毁灭性白化事件(指珊瑚礁变白,然后死去的现象——译注)以后,大堡礁的珊瑚礁已经成片地“出奇康复”了。

    Sections of coral reef in Australia's Great Barrier Reef have made a "spectacular" recovery from a devastating bleaching event three years ago, marine scientists say.


  • 真正全世界范围的事件例如2009年H1N1流感大流行会突出显示卫生服务薄弱之以及获得医药用品方面的不公平现象

    A truly worldwide event, like the influenza pandemic, highlights weaknesses in health services and inequities in access to commodities.


  • 常见现象我们时间感觉常常与事件发生节奏有关(这样说来,一个研究生院里度过的时间和一个监狱里相比,前者要让人感觉的更长)。

    It is a commonplace that our perception of time depends upon the pace of events (so that time in graduate school seems to proceed slower than time in prison).


  • 每年世界各地有成千上万这样事情发生,很多事件最后的真相或是恶作剧或是自然现象

    Thousands of such incidents are reported around the world each year, though many turn out to be hoaxes or natural phenomena.


  • 海水水域气候过程极端天气事件发生频率强度将会增加它们著名发生在南太平洋厄尔尼诺现象

    In Marine waters, climate processes and extreme weather events will increase in frequency and intensity - the most well known of these is the el nino phenomenon in the South Pacific.


  • 我们可以一些表示事件发生的句子中,看到这种现象

    We can see this in impersonal phrases as acts occurred to place happened.


  • 但是月球上,这个比率变化范围很大——夏普这个现象为“离散”- - -如果月球包含大量的话,这个事件可能发生的。

    But on the moon, there's a wide variety in that ratio-what Sharp calls "scatter" -something that could not have happened if the moon contained significant amounts of hydrogen.


  • 美国得克萨斯大学科学家经研究发现过去28年中地球形状发生明显变化似乎气象事件(厄尔尼诺现象等)有关系。

    Researchers at the University of Texas at Austin have found that significant changes in the shape of the Earth in the past 28 years may be linked to climate events such as the El Nino weather pattern.


  • 去年全球性大型研究发现珊瑚的确有能力严重灭绝事件恢复比如1998年的厄尔尼诺现象

    Last year, a major global study found that coral reefs did have the ability to recover after major bleaching events, such as the one caused by the El nino in 1998.


  • 发表评论很多担心这次袭击事件反映日趋严重的党同伐异现象

    Many people, in dozens of posted comments, worried that the attack reflected a growing intolerance of dissent.


  • 发表评论很多担心这次袭击事件反映日趋严重的党同伐异现象

    Many people, in dozens of posted comments, worried that the attack reflected a growing intolerance of dissent.


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