• 现有会员单位1500多个,行业笼罩率达80%以上。

    CCMA now has more than 1500 members, covering over 80% of the whole industry.


  • 现有会员单位1500多个行业覆盖率90%以上。

    CCMA now has more than 1500 members, covering over 90% of the whole industry.


  • 平谷区老年民间艺术协会成立于2008年8月现有会员50

    Pinggu elderly folk art association, founded in August 2008, the existing membership of 50 people.


  • 交易量SSEFC现有会员促成的,会员数量不到20个

    That volume is being driven by the SSEFC's current members, which number just under 20.


  • 现有会员单位150余家,衡阳餐饮龙头企业都已成为餐饮协会会长单位理事单位。

    More than 150 members of the existing units, Hengyang Food Food leading enterprises have become chairman of the Association unit and the governing units.


  • 现有会员申请人保证人添加额外公司会员情况下,会籍申请得到优先考虑

    Priority will be given to those candidates sponsored by existing members and additional nominees of corporate members.


  • 罗思柴尔德认为价格战反映症结在于健身行业关注招揽会员不是设法保有现有会员

    Rothschild says the price war is a symptom of the gym industry's focus on chasing new members, rather than hanging onto existing ones.


  • 另一个总部设在日本现有会员20多个两大组织积极致力于把啦啦队运动推进奥运会

    Another is based in Japan, the existing Member States, more than 20. These two organizations are actively works to promote the Olympic Movement cheerleader.


  • 当然我们不会忽视目前现有会员需求继续提升当前服务组织更多的线下交友派对活动。

    However, we will not neglect the need to maintain our existing user base. We will still continue to improve our current services and organize events and offline networking parties.


  • 现有会员1200余家会员分为大阵容实力品牌供应商经销商长沙市区规模零售超市

    More than 1,200 members of the existing members, divided into two line-up: the strength of the brand suppliers and distributors, Changsha urban area the size of the retail stores.


  • 创立于2001年的Vente-privee则宣称,现有会员为800万人,在去年的基础上骤然增加了42%。

    Vente-privee, which started in 2001, says its membership is 8m, up 42% from last year.


  • 这些合资诊所继续服务国际SOS现有会员基础上,更多的国内外企业大众客户提供高水准医疗服务。

    These clinics will continue to provide privileged access to International SOS members, as well as expand their services to the general public and corporate clients, both local and international.


  • 学会现有会员单位300多家,其中会员单位光热53 家,光电200多家,研究机构6 家,其他11 家。

    There 300 membership units, including 53 members in thermal field, 200 members in photovoltaic field, 6 research institutions and other11.


  • : 亮点不少——这个季度我们推出一些产品开始上线,同时在会员方面收方面对现有产品进行了一些优化

    Weiner: A few things—going into the quarter we started to see some traction some new products we launched and some optimization of existing products on the member side and the monetization side.


  • 一系列演习中的第一次,意图测试改进会员之间以及世卫组织各级现有机制

    The exercise is the first of a series meant to test and improve the mechanisms in place in and between Member States and at different levels of WHO.


  • 这个信息中心平台可以挂circleup的品牌名字,可以作为一个无牌子的服务添加到现有会员网站中来。

    The message center platform can either be branded as CircleUp or sold as a white label service that can be added to existing membership websites.


  • 世卫组织可方面发挥重要作用协助会员审阅不同途径获得资料现有安全性证据进行评估。

    In this respect, WHO could play a critical role in assisting Member States and reviewing data from various sources for the evaluation of the available safety evidence.


  • 而由于平台(会员)整体提升以及现有产品组合持续优化付费订阅势头强劲。

    We also saw good momentum with premium subscriptions as a result of the overall lift [of membership] on the platform and some continued optimization of the existing product portfolio.


  • 如何帮助学生学校表现更佳?也许我们尝试雇用颜值高老师或者我们现有老师提供健身房会员资格化妆品

    How to help students do better in school? Maybe we should try hiring better-looking teachers. Orsubsidize gym memberships and makeovers for the teachers we already have.


  • 无法避免我们终究需要真实手册,一个指南我们现有会员那些才刚加入我们这令人兴奋事业的新会员我们的产品让更多人知道。

    It was inevitable that we would eventually need a true handbook, a guide for our existing members and those just joining our exciting business, to be able to get the most out of our products.


  • 除了协调承诺现有利益会员国际社会通过社交可能获取新的利益集合

    Beyond coordination or commitment of existing interests, membership in sectors of international society may socialize states to new sets of interests.


  • 前面主要可以分别进行书籍会员查询增加删除特别是图书功能应该一些,可以查询现有图书借阅情况。帮助项主要是关于版本的设置。

    Is in front of two major books, respectively, members of the query, add and remove, especially the book should feature a little more, you can check the current situation of borrowing books.


  • 这些会员获准继续减损现有零税率不能增加新的商品服务

    These Member States have been granted a derogation to continue existing zero-rating but cannot add new goods or services.


  • 会员剽窃抄袭了私人网页,我在此郑重声明我的个人网页属于私有的知识产权,不得翻录否则追究法律责任

    I find one member plagiarized my private profile. I declare this profile is my Intellectual Asset and Patent, All Right Reserved Can Not be Copied by Anyone or Bear Legal Duty.


  • 会员剽窃抄袭了私人网页,我在此郑重声明我的个人网页属于私有的知识产权,不得翻录否则追究法律责任

    I find one member plagiarized my private profile. I declare this profile is my Intellectual Asset and Patent, All Right Reserved Can Not be Copied by Anyone or Bear Legal Duty.


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