• 知识道德现实角度来看这种论点站不住脚的。

    This argument is untenable from an intellectual, moral and practical standpoint.


  • 值得注意是:唯心主义唯物主义之间的对立本身是否现实本质有关?与提倡高道德标准诸如此类的东西是毫无关系

    Note that this contrast between idealism and materialism has to do with the question of the nature of reality as such ? it has nothing to do with advocating high moral standards, or the like.


  • 现实A现实B鸿沟之间,在现实倒转之中,我们保存我们已知价值多久同时,我们能够生产出的又是什么样新的道德

    In the gap between Reality a and Reality b, in the inversion of realities, how far could we preserve our given values, and, at the same time, to what kind of new morals could we go on to give birth?


  • 这样价值体系道德承诺对照超越工具直接相互作用于周边人类社会现实要求

    Such value systems and ethical commitments are in contrast to and transcend the instrumental, practical requirements of direct interactions with the sur-rounding human society.


  • 现实社会中,有些行为现象法律规范符合与一定道德规范相冲突,或者是相反。

    In social practices, some behaviors and phenomena conform to the law stipulation, but don't conform to the ethical norms.


  • 任务最原始动机道德现实寻求一个平衡同时满足我。

    Its task is to find a balance between primitive drives, morals, and reality while satisfying the id and superego.


  • 个人道德社会道德内化一定时期社会道德现实生活中的具体反映体现

    Personal morality, as the internalization of social ethics, is the concrete reflection and embodiment of social ethics in a certain period of time.


  • 道德出现更是现代民族国家建立新的社会制度生活历史要求是五四道德生成的直接现实原因

    The new morality was the request from modern regime and living after the modern nation-sate was founded, which was the direct cause of the establishment of the new morality.


  • 这些思想当前我国法制建设道德建设具有现实意义

    These thoughts have practical significance in the present legal and moral construction of our country.


  • 代是生长英国维多利亚时期伟大现实主义作家,在他的一系列小说中塑造了背离传统价值取向世俗道德标准女性形象

    A great realistic writer in the age of Victoria of Britain, Hardy created in his novels various images of new women who fought against traditional values and mundane moral standards.


  • 应该正确对待文化差异,正确对待虚拟现实差异,加强网络建设管理完善道德调控机制

    We should correctly deal with the difference between virtual and practical, strengthen the establishment and management of network and perfect the moral regulation mechanism.


  • 道德法律属于社会上层建筑,它们共同根据只能现实经济关系

    The morals and law all belong to the superstructure of the society, their common foundation can only be the realistic economic relations.


  • 识、道德现实角度来看一论点站不住脚的。

    This argument is untenable from an intellectual , moral and practical standpoint.


  • 道德内涵十分复杂一点清楚的:应该具有现实约束性理想导向性双重特质

    The morals content is very complicated, but is clear in one way. It should have the double characteristics of realistic restraint and ideal orientation.


  • 当代大学生进行中国传统道德教育应当现实相结合强调时代感适应性

    We should combine Chinese traditional moral education, among contemporary college students, with reality, emphasizing times and adaptation.


  • 但是宋代学者没有确凿历史证据只是源于现实理智兴趣道德社会需要

    However, it originates only from a sort of realistic rational interest and moral social need, as the scholars at that time do not have verified historical evidence.


  • 面对严酷现实21世纪挑战社会呼唤建立新的道德规范

    Facing the 21st century challenge and its rigorous reality, our society calls for new moral criterion.


  • 因此研究探讨红色旅游区道德问题具有重大现实意义。

    Therefore, study and explore the red tourist areas moral issue is of great practical significance.


  • 根据焦虑产生原因可以把焦虑分为现实焦虑、神经性焦虑道德焦虑。

    According to the reasons of anxiety, anxieties can be divided into three kinds: realistic anxiety, nerves anxiety and moral anxiety.


  • 道德理想现实相互统一的,道德理想必须以现实基础

    The moral ideal and reality are united with each other, while the former is based on the latter.


  • 现实生活中,人们受到道德观念的约束,很少有人勇气情人私奔

    In the real world, people are restricted by moral values and few have the courage to elope with their lovers.


  • 网络道德可以张扬强化现实社会美德催生新的社会道德观念行为习惯

    Network morals can publicize and strengthen realistic society's virtue, hasten the birth of new social moral concept and behavior.


  • 因此探讨青少年网络道德教育问题具有重要理论意义现实意义。

    Therefore, an exploration of network moral education of young boys and girls is important both in theory and practice.


  • 现实法律道德冲突激烈促使我们古代法律道德关系处理寻求解决现实问题途径

    Legal and moral reality of the fierce conflict, which prompted us to look at this old, from ancient times to deal with the legal and moral relations to seek ways of solving practical problems.


  • 本文运用文献资料法、理论分析逻辑分析法《丸经》中的体育道德进行解读对其现实意义进行了分析。

    This paper USES documentary data, theoretical analysis and logical to analyze its moral standards, but also analyzes the practical significance.


  • 世界社会奉行思想理论道德情感现实交往,再没有共生主义来得实在。

    Ideology, morality, emotional feelings and real communication pursued by the world community are much better displayed in symbiosis.


  • 虚拟现实愤怒蔓延世界各地道德边缘摇摇欲坠高尚的行动陈词滥调名称合法性

    When virtual anger spilled over into the real world, actions in the name of high-minded platitudes teetered on the brink of ethics and legality.


  • 虚拟现实愤怒蔓延世界各地道德边缘摇摇欲坠高尚的行动陈词滥调名称合法性

    When virtual anger spilled over into the real world, actions in the name of high-minded platitudes teetered on the brink of ethics and legality.


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