• 现在告诉大家如何领悟的。

    Let me tell you where I got it.


  • 我们现在告诉大家一个好消息,一部分幸运客户能够参与这个性能Beta计划并且能够最先知道如何更好地预测调优domino服务器性能

    Let's just say that a couple of lucky customers will be involved in this Performance beta program and will get the first chance to better predict and tune the health of their Domino servers.


  • 现在这个想法告诉大家放弃了这个念头,或许我已经抛砖引玉,很多分析师已经开始这么了呢。

    Now I've ruined the idea by telling you, or maybe I've planted the seed of doubt that any of these analysts could be doing this.


  • 玛丽亚希望现在告诉大家

    Maria: I hope you'll tell us right now.


  • 不该跳过它们,所以现在讲一下-,告诉大家我当时为什么跳过没讲。

    I shouldn't have skipped that and I want to hitLet me tell you why I skipped it.


  • 因此照片能告诉他们当时现在的不同样子,能告诉大家自由我们所有意味着什么

    So my pictures show what it was like then, and what it is like now. And what freedom means for all of us.


  • 学会与众不同安全忠告,谨记现在它们告诉大家说不定忠告能一位两位订阅者性命呢。

    But I picked up two offbeat safety tips that have stuck in my mind and which I now pass on in case they might save the life of a subscriber or two.


  • 当然不是要达到的最终目的只是告诉大家我到现在为止心路历程

    This is still not the end goal, of course, but just to share the obstacles I have come across so far.


  • 高兴告诉大家现在已经恢复原样,网球滑雪还有所有其他的项目。

    But I'm happy to report that he's back at it, playing tennis, skiing and all the rest.


  • 但是告诉大家,我没有打算以上任何事,我明年还会出这个节目中。

    What I want to tell you is: I am not going to do any of those things and I’ll be back here again next year.


  • 现在可以清楚告诉大家知道奥巴马参议员会是以色列的好朋友

    And let me be very clear: I know that Senator Obama will be a good friend to Israel.


  • 现在可以告诉大家已经发动的军事行动最初计划昨天实施,只是因为天气缘故而被推迟

    For it can now be said that the operation which has been carried out was originally planned for yesterday. It was postponed on account of the weather.


  • 在这告诉大家可以成天想着奔驰,但只有意识自己需要奋斗时,奔驰可能出现在你的面前。如果你光说不练,什么都没有。

    I’m here to tell you that you can think about a Mercedes until your brain turns into a “lolli-pop, ” if you don’t get into action, nothings going to happen.


  • 可以告诉大家看看那些现在已经占据市场份额的企业。

    I can tell you right now for who look to go from where they did to market share X.


  • 与其说牺牲或者是妥协觉得更多分清轻重缓急,然后告诉大家:,这么做不错现在没有时间精力。

    So rather than sacrificing or compromising, I think it's a lot around prioritizing and then being able to say: "this would be nice to do, but I can't do it right now".


  • 随着不断搜查一些方法增加冲浪效率遇到一些火狐很好的快捷键,现在告诉大家

    As my search for methods to increase my browsing productivity continues, I have come across some excellent keyboard shortcuts for Firefox (my preferred browser) which I will discuss here .


  • 不过现在已经晚了想你必须说明,我看歌剧时曾经告诉她,可是我们这儿告诉大家之前

    If I'd done it at the right time, yes: but now that there's been a delay I think you must explain that I'd asked you to tell her at the Opera, before our speaking about it to everybody here.


  • 现在可以自豪告诉大家:我能用自己的双手来养活我自己了。

    However, now, I can claim proudly: I can live on my own!


  • PI我们以前就国际滑联研讨会的传统,现在也有。研讨会上,国际滑联会解释最新规则他们规则之间的变化告诉大家评判时候需要关注哪些问题。

    PI : We did and still do have ISU seminars where they explain the most recent rules and changes to old rules, as well as what to look for while judging.


  • 但是告诉大家,我没有打算以上任何事,我明年还会出这个节目中。

    What I want to tell you is: I am not going to do any of those things and I’ll be back here again next year


  • 我们四月暗示会推出iPhoneiPod touch的免费Netflix应用程序,又在6月正式宣布现在高兴告诉大家现在已经上架了!

    We hinted at a free Netflix app for the iPhone and iPod touch in April, announced it in June and I'm happy to share that it is available now!


  • 诚然现在很多免费软件完成这个任务,不过我们却不想安装这个额外的软件——现在我们来告诉大家应该怎么做。

    There’s a bunch of freeware apps that will close them all for you, but you don’t need extra software—and here’s how to do it.


  • 真的啊,陈姐不能告诉的,但是知道现在大家应该全部都知道这个消息了。

    Is true of, Chen Jie, I can not tell you is who say, but I know, everyone should all know this news now.


  • 娜塔莉·波曼媒体:“私生活一贯很低调,今天我告诉大家现在非常开心,也感谢上帝让我认识我爱人并让我如此愉悦的体验。”

    In a statement to EW.com, the actress said: 'I have always kept my private life private but I will say that I am indescribably happy and feel very grateful to have this experience.'


  • 现在这个BLOG终于自信将这些感觉告诉大家了。

    I think this blog (and me) has finally at a place in where I can confidently say how I feel.


  • 现在告诉大家,我非常高兴我们年轻人错过了消沉时期大战时期。

    Now I'm going to tell you I'm really glad that our young people missed the Depression and missed the great big war.


  • 现在长发扎成高高的马尾,仿佛告诉大家没有什么能阻挡实现自己目标

    But now, her polished high ponytail has convinced everyone that she is unstoppable and will go to any lengths to achieve her goals.


  • 坦率地告诉大家巴勒斯坦当中我们找到和平合作伙伴就是巴勒斯坦解放组织,它过去敌人,但现在停止从事恐怖活动

    I want to say bluntly, that we have found a partner for peace among the Palestinians as well: the PLO, which was an enemy, and has ceased to engage in terrorism.


  • 现在告诉大家快捷方法

    Tell you now one of the most efficient method.


  • 现在告诉大家快捷方法

    Tell you now one of the most efficient method.


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