• 现在不能那样了。因为不在乎感受活出自我

    Now could not such. Because he ever does not care about my feeling. I must live!


  • 现在情况人们不能以前那样轻易公开地完全承认自己梦想惟恐别人认为他们爱赶时髦、贪得无厌庸俗不堪

    What has happened is that people cannot confess fully to their dreams, as easily and openly as once they could, lest they be thought pushing, acquisitive and vulgar.


  • 主要担心其他国家未必现在表现的那样有弹性:商品出口国虽然美国依赖有所减少,不能和美国“一刀两断”。

    The main fear is that the rest of the world proves less resilient than now seems likely: commodity exporters, say, may rely on American demand less than they did, but are hardly cut off from it.


  • 有的土地现在已经变成荒漠农民无法在上面耕种,土地不能养活他的父辈那样来养活他。

    There are farmers who can no longer till the land that fed their parents and grandparents because it's become almost desert.


  • 父母知道现在他们自己孩子看得严。超过三分之一的父母,自己的孩子不能他们小时候那样享受自由也让他们感到担心

    Parents know they are being tougher on their children and over a third said they felt uneasy that their kids do not get the same opportunities as they did to experience freedom as a youngster.


  • 可能惹怒某些不过研究发现这些宠物并不有些那样聪明——或者至少我们现在不能领会它们思维方式

    It will cause outrage among some cat owners, but research suggests the pets are not as clever as some humans assumedor at least they think in a way we have yet to fathom.


  • 目前我们不能屏幕上涂画,即便可以,现在触摸屏技术不如那样精准简单

    There no way to just pick up a pen and draw on the screen. Well… in some cases there is, but I’ve not seen touch screen technology yet that’s as accurate or simple as a pen on paper.


  • 赛季他们仍旧这样那样的亮点--主场赢下西博尔顿。但是不能将这样的胜势延续下去是他们现在最大的问题

    There have been bright spots this season - home wins over Swansea and Bolton - but inconsistency has cost them points.


  • 现在,”杰克说:“不能再像昨天拖坏那样,把毛驴再给糟蹋了。”

    "Now," said Jack, "I must not lose this donkey as I did that leg of mutton yesterday."


  • 现在,”杰克说:“不能昨天弄洒牛奶那样再失去这块奶油干酪了。”

    "Now," said Jack, "I must not lose this cheese as I did the milk yesterday."


  • Snowball现在已经14岁了,不能过去那样跳跃显然不再地毯过敏

    He's around 14 now, and can't jump like he used to, but is apparently no longer allergic to her carpet.


  • 现在,”杰克,“不能昨天奶油干酪那样,再把公猫给弄丢了。”

    "Now," said Jack, "I must not lose this tom-cat as I did the cream cheese yesterday."


  • 显然不能给出以上所涉及每个概念全部细节那样的话,篇文章现在

    Obviously, I can't give the full details of each of the concepts I touched upon above, or this article would be about 8 times as long.


  • 现在,”杰克说:“不能昨天弄丢公那样再失去只羊腿。”

    "Now," said Jack, "I must not lose this mutton as I did the tom-cat yesterday."


  • 也许是的现在不能那样得轻松

    Maybe it was, but now I can't take life easy as you told me.


  • 现在超级大国不能过去那样随心所欲地别国发动哉争。

    Now the superpowers can't wage war against other countries as they pleased in the past.


  • 当然不能足球操控成我现在在踢的或者我曾经在阿贾克斯踢的那样作为名足球运动员认为到了很多

    Of course I couldn't bring the football I am bringing now or I brought at Ajax, but as a player I think I learnt a lot.


  • 时,你将不能现在那样感知

    You won't be able to perceive as you do now when you are dead.


  • 不能他自身而来因为知道一些关于分析家的东西,现在已经清算了就象他们那样的正向转移

    It cannot come from himself, for he knows something about the analyst, now that he has liquidated, as they say, his positive transference.


  • 现在一个半残废的人,不能过去那样走动。

    He is a semi-invalid now and can't get about as wall as he used to.


  • 现在随着年龄的增长不能以前那样那么快餐了。

    Now that I am older, I can't eat fast food as often as I used to.


  • 现在我们开始疑惑依旧是为什么人们不能忽略一些选择,而向对待6种选择那样对待30种选择呢?

    But for now, the puzzle we began with remains: why can't people just ignore many or some of the options, and treat a 30-option array as if it were a 6-option array?


  • 这个排毒茶并不向大家那样不能接受,反而现在它道成了一个种呢。

    This one did not let me down and has turned out to be one of my favorites.


  • 来不觉得我们年纪大了就没办法以前那样而且也绝对认为现在已经老到说不能玩游戏了游戏就是为了开心嘛(与年纪无关)说的吧?。

    We even had that Pocket Pikachu thing! I never thought of us as too old to play back then, and I definitely don't feel too old to play now. Fun is fun, right?


  • 不能过去身体好的时候那样每天洗澡因为现在要由(就是母亲,我们这么称呼她)做这件事,真是一件相当费劲的

    He didn't have a bath every day as he had done when he was well because Muzz (that was what we all called our mother) had to help him with it and it was really quite a business.


  • 不能过去身体好的时候那样每天洗澡因为现在要由(就是母亲,我们这么称呼她)做这件事,真是一件相当费劲的

    He didn't have a bath every day as he had done when he was well because Muzz (that was what we all called our mother) had to help him with it and it was really quite a business.


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