• 研究人员一发促成发电方法

    The discovery could lead to a new way of producing electricity, the researchers say.


  • 但是他们一发促使人们做好预防措施,以避免携带艾滋病毒母亲通过哺乳将病毒传给婴儿。

    But they say the finding might have implications for preventing transmission of the virus from HIV-infected mothers to their children through breastfeeding.


  • 一发提出长期存在证据纤维可能降低女性循环激素水平可以解释风险降低原因。

    The finding points to longstanding evidence that fiber may reduce circulating female hormone levels, which could explain the reduced risk.


  • 一发指出长期存在证据纤维可能降低雌性激素循环水平可以解释风险降低原因。

    The finding points to long-standing evidence that fiber may reduce circulating female hormone levels, which could explain the reduced risk.


  • 2002年,一发周年之际多佛青铜时代信托基金主办其中显示出明显有一些不同传统

    In 2002, on the tenth anniversary of the discovery, the Dover Bronze-Age Boat Trust hosted a conference, where this meeting of different traditions became apparent.


  • 如果每天同一条路上班,你很难寻他径。那仅仅是因为我们是有习惯生物,我们不论地去保护我们所拥有习惯

    If you go the same way to work everyday, you would find it difficult to go in a different direction, simply because we are creatures of habit, and we protect the habits that we have, good or bad.


  • 一发源自显示未来数十亿年中行星轨道如何演变模拟计算

    The finding comes from simulations to show how orbits of planets might evolve billions of years into the future.


  • 介绍这个咨询委员我们不得不医疗费用打交道,也就是说我们必须找到开始的途径。

    About that advisory board: we have to do something about health care costs, which means that we have to find a way to start saying no.


  • 介绍这个咨询委员我们不得不医疗费用打交道,也就是说我们必须找到开始的途径。

    About that advisory board: we have to do something about health care costs which means that we have to find a way to start saying no.


  • 有趣的第三层,刻板印象潜意识在起作用人们根本意识不到这点影响人们关于种族性别其他群体看法

    What's more interesting is below even that there may be unconscious associations that work that people don't actually know about but affects their thoughts about race, gender and other social groups.


  • 然而一个公开和谐董事常常只是昙花一

    But an open, harmonious board is not always on offer.


  • 一发或许下次地铁里遇到有人身边打喷嚏时心里倍感安慰

    Which may be some comfort next time someone's sneezing near you on the subway.


  • 一发可能开创系外行星研究标向

    The finding might chart a new course for extrasolar planet research.


  • 同时情景应用程序引入企业计算环境增加IT部门面临挑战,总结如下

    At the same time, introducing SAs into the corporate computing environment increases challenges for the IT department, as summarized below.


  • 尽管如此,不过如果同事有对花粉过敏的(几乎必然的),那你只能要么就不去买那些开花,要么在花蕾一的时候就给掐去。

    Nonetheless, if you have coworkers with pollen allergies-and it's highly probable you do-you should either avoid flowering plants or snip off the flower buds as soon as they appear.


  • 可以进一步设想讨论的酿酒厂的财务方面显著含义因为酒吧老板往往采购酒吧里畅销啤酒

    You can further imagine that such a finding would have significant financial implications for the breweries in question since bar owners tend to stock the most popular beer in their locality.


  • 有一些还未美国宇航局天体计划的小行星,很有可能撞击我们地球一个称为1950DA有可能2880年

    None of the objects yet discovered by NASA's Near earth objects program have a high probability of hitting the earth — though one known as 1950 DA will come extremely close in 2880.


  • 作者一发也许意味着即使是看起来健康妇女在心底也隐藏有跟食物体重身材相关问题

    The authors say that this finding may mean that even apparently healthy women have, under the surface, issues related to food, weight and body image.


  • 人类卵细胞可以阅读父亲基因钥匙并且失败可能节省那些不孕不育夫妇数年毫无成果治疗

    Infertile couples may be spared years of fruitless treatment with the discovery that the human egg can read the father's genetic key and screen out failures.


  • 研究员表明人类大脑八卦极其兴奋 八卦帮助早期人类获得成功之提供了一条有力的证据

    The findings suggest that the human brain is wired to respond to gossip, researchers say. And it adds to the evidence that gossip helped early humans get ahead.


  • 偶尔我们正门一出,有人企图通过后门窗口逃跑当然,都落入了警察的手里。

    Now and then, at our entrance, someonetried to escape from back door or window and ran, of course, into the clutch ofpolicemen.


  • 消防队长了,试图这位父亲,对他:"火灾四处都在发生爆炸这里太危险了,这边的事我们处理,你回家吧!"

    The fire chief showed up and tried to pull him off the school s ruins saying, "Fires are breaking out, explosions are happening everywhere. You re in danger.


  • 经济衰退同样改变了公司学校关系,原先常见如同嘈乱的式的招聘今年了。

    The recession has also changed relations between companies and universities, where recruiting events used to be nearly as prevalent as raucous parties. Not so this year.


  • 即便是个正式的知识分子,也认为亚苏不过昙花一

    You did not have to be a card-carrying intellectual to think that Azusa Street was a flash in the pan.


  • 委员提到欧盟达到该目标的一半

    The commission says the EU is on course to do only half as well.


  • 甚至阿萨德自己的少数派——阿拉维派也不能保证支持政权

    Even the Assads' own Alawite minority is not guaranteed to support the regime.


  • 甚至阿萨德自己的少数派——阿拉维派也不能保证支持政权

    Even the Assads' own Alawite minority is not guaranteed to support the regime.


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