• 立体农业作为现代高效农业模式国内外广泛应用

    Stereoscopic agriculture, as a modern and efficient agricultural mode has been applied extensively both at home and abroad.


  • 密度进化方法分析现代高效纠错编译码渐近性能方法。

    Density evolution is a new method for analyzing the asymptotic performance of near capacity limit error-correcting codes.


  • 我们产品服务涵盖高尔夫草坪养护城市园林绿化现代高效农业

    Ltd. Our products and services cover the golf turf maintenance, urban landscaping and modern high-efficiency agriculture.


  • 客户订单也会使用现代高效系统进行处理而且公司处理客户订单态度通常是“保证解决。”

    You can depend on your order being handled with modern and efficient systems, and an appreciative attitude of accommodation that says, "sure we can do it."


  • 将人需求活动运作进行系统分析设计管理实现现代高效科学安全电子商务

    Human, machine, material needs, activities and the operation of systems analysis, design and management, to achieve a modern and efficient. Science and secure e-business.


  • 自己一个率直、高效干练现代女性

    She saw herself as a direct, no-nonsense, modern woman.


  • 陆桥集团计划建设一个现代高效深水港

    Landbridge Group plans to construct a modern and efficient deep-water port.


  • 时间空间而言共享内存可能所有现代操作系统具备高效进程间通信通道

    In terms of time and space, Shared memory is probably the most efficient inter-process communication channel provided by all modern operating systems.


  • 槟榔屿举例,这里宽阔公路稳定大学科学毕业生作为劳动力,以及高效电力供应一个使商品运往世界各地现代机场

    The island of Penang, for instance, has wide roads, a steady stream of university science graduates, an efficient power supply and a modern airport from which goods are flown around the world.


  • 尽管帆船顺风航行时十分高效它们逆风行驶前缘得到的动力却不如百慕大帆多,帆前缘动力在现代成为主要动力。

    Remarkably efficient sailing downwind or well off the wind, square sails do not generate power from their leading edge as in the Bermuda rig, which has become predominant in modern times.


  • 可是城市规划者因为迫切地首都转变现代高效国际大都市,大部分的小剧院划入了历史

    But town planners, zealously trying to turn the capital into a modern, efficient and cosmopolitan city, have consigned most of them to history.


  • 到了1890年,美国上班族希望一种西服不拘礼节,有运动元素,时髦现代能沿袭军装那种高效作风。

    By 1890 the American office worker wanted both the informality of the lounge suit, with its sporting heritage, and a snappy, modern and efficient look that its military antecedents gave it.


  • 一旦准备就绪,维珍集团的酒店坚持现代设计风格具备非常好的功能,提供高效但是个性化的服务,酒店临近很大的公共区域,并且拥有经典的餐厅

    Once ready for business, Virgin Hotels properties will feature contemporary style AND great functionality, an efficient yet personalized experience, ample communal space and a signature restaurant.


  • 以上特性表明,最新LotusNotes新增丰富功能同时提供现代高效界面

    As we can see from the preceding features, the newest version of Lotus Notes is rich with additional functionality while at the same time presenting itself in a modern and effective interface.


  • 它们甚至比以往交通环道(曼哈顿市区建于上世纪哥伦布环道)更加高效安全(现代设计包括使靠近环形路的车辆减速系统,以及禁止行人进入环形中心区域)。

    (Modern designs include mechanisms for slowing traffic down as it nears the roundabouts, for example, and do not allow pedestrians onto the centre of the circle).


  • 当前技术网络管理中的应用问题现代通信过于复杂无法使网络高效运转

    The problem with applying the current technology as-is to network management is that modern communications are too complex for it to work effectively.


  • 这个现代高效建筑来往这个港口城市游客提供了他们现在未来需要舒适便利

    This modern and efficient building offers travelers to and from the port city all the amenities and comfort they could want or need in the present and the future.


  • 瑞士人可以说世界上设备最完美之一瑞典的观光者也因那里高效现代设施深感轻松和愉快。

    Swedish homes are among the best equipped in the world and travelers in Sweden find their journeys made easy by the use of the most efficient modern devices.


  • 这个建筑设计概念为了体现综合体高效,它那极富表现力的形态通过现代加工材料使用得到加强。

    This architectural design is based on the idea of the complex being an effective sculpture where plastic expressiveness is emphasized by use of modern finishing materials.


  • 造成这种灾患原因包括迷惑候鸟的早春,高效耕种以及危房(适宜筑巢)现代房屋转变

    Earlier springs that confuse migratory birds, more efficient farming and the conversion of dilapidated buildings (good for nesting) into modern homes have all contributed to these woes.


  • 这些数千年来用作中国传统药物植物通往高效现代药物研究令人兴奋!

    It's exciting to consider that the plants which have been used as traditional Chinese remedies for thousands of years may lead to effective modern medicines.


  • 现代家具清洁线条高效设计意味着只需几个步骤拥有所需的一切

    Modern furniture, clean lines and efficient design mean you can have everything you need in just a few steps.


  • 现代控制理论状态变量提供了一种统一高效方法来描述具有任意阶次线性非线性时变系数各种系统

    The state variable approach of modern control theory provides a uniform and powerful method of representing systems of arbitrary order, linear or nonlinear, with time-varying or constant coefficients.


  • 核电一种清洁高效优质现代能源

    Nuclear power is a clean, efficient and quality modern energy source.


  • 红外光谱分析技术一种高效快速现代分析新技术,已经很多领域得到广泛应用。

    Near infrared reflectance spectroscopy technique is a highly efficient and a rapid modern analysis program widely adopted in varied fields.


  • 这种前瞻性的思维方式运动图像叶子背后陈旧过程提出了现代高效有趣方式创建3d图像

    This forward-thinking approach to motion graphics leaves antiquated processes behind and presents modern, efficient, and fun ways to create 3d imagery.


  • 领导干部逐级负责制民警岗位责任制现代警务机制有序高效运作重要保障

    Responsibility system of leading cadres level by level and post responsibility system is an important guarantee for modern policing mechanism to operate in order and high efficiently.


  • POM系统一个具有紧凑简短灵敏清洁高效特点现代纸机流送系统,能够提供稳定、清洁工艺过程

    The POM system is a modern approach system for paper machine with a steady and clean process having the characteristics of being compact, simple, sensitive, clean and highly efficient.


  • POM系统一个具有紧凑简短灵敏清洁高效特点现代纸机流送系统,能够提供稳定、清洁工艺过程

    The POM system is a modern approach system for paper machine with a steady and clean process having the characteristics of being compact, simple, sensitive, clean and highly efficient.


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