• 现代钢铁生产流程进入新世纪加快优化进程

    Entering into the new century, optimization process of the production line in steel industry has been accelerated.


  • 韩国东国制现代钢铁近日相继宣布上调8月份螺纹钢出厂价格

    South Korea Dongguk steel and modern steel have recently announced increases in August steel prices.


  • 现代钢铁企业应用知识管理过程中,如何衡量知识管理效果意义重大

    It is very important for modern iron and steel enterprises to appraise the effect of knowledge management in the applying knowledge management process.


  • 注意工序时间空间衔接现代钢铁普遍重视的一条重要节能途径

    The hot charging and hot sending, which emphasize on mutual connections between processes with respect to time and space are an important way for modern iron and steel works to save energy.


  • 现代钢铁企业一个具挑战性问题就是如何充分使用成本高昂的设备换取更高利润

    In modern iron and steel companies, one of the most challenging problems is how to use the expensive facility efficiently to earn more revenue.


  • 这座城市的特点钢铁玻璃建造现代高楼大厦林立。

    The city is characterized by tall modern buildings in steel and glass.


  • 尽管看起来现代的艺术设施,但实际上它们一家德国公司——蒂森克伯公司所属的新的钢铁公司。

    Though they look like a modern-art installation, in fact they comprise a new steel mill being built by ThyssenKrupp, a German company.


  • 佩克剧本中的机器人其实并非现代观念中的钢铁机械人取而代之他们化学物质塑造而成,并且表面看起来和真人几乎一摸一样

    The robots in Capek's play are not mechanical men made of metal. Instead they are molded out of a chemical batter, and they look exactly like humans.


  • “作为地区典型代表砂岩现代建筑成分比如钢铁玻璃相结合产生了一独特的建筑。”建筑师如是说。

    "The combination of gritstone, which is typical of the region, and the modern architecture components such as steel and glass produces altogether a unique architectural house," said the architects.


  • 当下的银幕上似乎每位超级英雄都推出自己现代新编——蝙蝠侠钢铁、蜘蛛侠,不胜枚举。

    These days it seems like every superhero has been given a modern makeover for the big screen - Batman, Iron man, Spider-Man, the list goes on.


  • 混凝土结构,锌钢铁框架木质外表突显现代美感,同时也成为城市基础设施的重要部分。

    With its concrete structure, galvanised steel framework and timber cladding, the car park takes the form of a contemporary yet highly restrained urban infrastructure.


  • 叙述了钢铁工业自动化DCS人工智能技术CIMS现代控制理论交流传动技术方面进展以及钢铁工业自动化的发展趋势

    The progress of automation in iron and steel industry in aspects of DCS, artificial intelligence, CIMS, modern control system and AC electric drive is described and the development trend prospected.


  • 比如刘鉴强提到建筑学上的例子,现代建筑并非必须玻璃钢铁的。

    For instance in architecture, as Jianqiang Liu discusses, modern buildings do not have to be glass and steel.


  • 现代都市产物玻璃钢铁,镜面,几何体不仅构成了当代都市的基本面貌,也是镜人的基本材料外观。

    The MIRRORMAN is a product of modern cities – composed of the same glass, steel, mirrored surfaces and geometrical shapes that make up the appearance of a modern city.


  • 华丽-源自英文钢铁艺术的结合,致力于全球时尚人士提供现代简约,时尚,前卫且带来惊喜家居艺术精品。

    Luxuriant - from English steel and art, is dedicated to provide modern global fashionable personage, contracted, fashionable and halfback and surprise household arts.


  • 本文论述汽车工业钢铁工业密切关系介绍了现代汽车现状趋势

    This paper has commented on the close relation between automotive industry and steel industry, and described the present situation and trend of the use of steel for modem automotive industry.


  • 虽然泥土石料材料传统建筑现代建筑材料钢铁玻璃混凝土

    While in traditional architecture materials such as earth, stone, brick and wood are used, the materials of modern architecture are steel, glass and concrete.


  • 介绍了最近开发钢铁生产现代自动化系统五个例子:连铸机报警系统;

    Five examples of modern automation system recently developed are introduced:the breakout alarm system for continuous casting machine;


  • 面对国内外钢铁市场激烈竞争,树立现代营销理念采取切实可行的营销策略对于提高企业市场竞争力具有十分重要意义。

    With the furious competition in metal market, it is important for enhancing the power of entity that makes a marketing idea, using probable marketing strategy.


  • 面对国内外钢铁市场激烈竞争,树立现代营销理念采取切实可行的营销策略对于提高企业市场竞争力具有十分重要意义。

    With the furious competition in metal market, it is important for enhancing the power of entity that makes a marketing idea, using probable marketing strategy.


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