• 认为她们故事代表现代童话故事

    Their stories, she thought, represented a modern fairytale.


  • 第一探讨儒家文化底板以及民族文化心理中国现代童话创作产生深入影响

    The first chapter probes into the strong impact on modern Chinese tale creation of Confucian culture background and ethnic cultural psychology.


  • 一个小时的时间很快过去了孩子们家长沉浸在卡尔加里现代童话世界久久离去期待着卡尔加里下一次精彩的英语角活动!

    Time flies, although the party is over, kids and parents were still enjoying and tasting the Calgary modern fairy world did not want to leave and expecting the next exciting Calgary English Corner.


  • 现代版本童话两个出处德国格林兄弟法国的查尔斯·贝洛,他创造妈妈”等故事

    Most modern versions of fairy tales come from two sources: the Grimm Brothers from Germany, and Frenchman Charles Perrault, the collector of the "Mother Goose" tales.


  • 第一本书叫做TheLandofStories》,说的是一对双胞胎冒险故事,在现代社会的大背景下,这本书带有童话色彩。

    The first book, titled 'the Land of Stories,' follows the adventures of a set of twins and will combine fairytales into a modern setting.


  • 如今,那些童话现代读者来说已经不再适合,于是迪士尼等公司净化童话到处都大团圆结局。

    These days, companies like Disney have sanitized them for a modern audience that is clearly deemed unable to cope, and so we see happy endings everywhere.


  • 这部电视系列剧中,ABC公司白雪公主皇后之间的对抗,改写为发生现代社会里的童话故事,两个女人之间的冲突依旧终日不断。

    With this series, ABC changes the dynamic by bringing Snow White and the Queen into weekly conflict, in a modern context mixed with fairy tales.


  • 我们电视节目则说它现代童话故事。

    Our reality television shows are modern fairy tales.


  • 童话魔力缓解现代儿童精神压力情感压抑补偿现实缺陷实现超我人格力量

    With the magic of fairy tales, she relieved modern children's mental pressure and depression, compensated the defects in real life, and realized the moral strength of superego.


  • 故事讲述了发生现代乡镇许多典型童话故事,然而这个一个女巫控制着

    It tells many typical fairy tales happen in a modern town, while the town is controlled by a witch.


  • 深秋季节配合季节特色这里年代更加强烈仿佛自己是从现代穿越过去人物又或者西方童话故事常见场景

    In the late autumn season, with the characteristics of the season, here's a more intense feeling, as if he is a character from the modern through the past, or in the common Western fairy tale scene.


  • 现代版“灰姑娘”的故事完全是一个童话故事

    This is a Cinderella story, but not precisely a fairytale.


  • 不过半数父母认为传统童话故事相对于《咕噜牛》、《匈牙利毛毛虫》、《奇先生妙小姐》很多现代儿童图书有力地传递道德信息

    However half of parents said traditional tales are more likely to have a strong moral message than a lot of modern kids' books, such as The Gruffalo, The Hungary Caterpillar and the Mr Men books.


  • 中国儿童文学追慕安徒生童话使自身的创作获得现代品质

    The Chinese Children Literature traces back to Andersen fairy tales and makes it sown writing obtain modern quality.


  • 安徒生童话中国现代儿童文学之

    Andersen's Fairy Tales is the source of Chinese contemporary children's literature.


  • 笔者希望通过自己尝试新的论述角度对于童话研究林格伦研究以及现代儿童文学研究搭建新的研究平台

    I hope that through his attempt to discuss this new perspective to study for the fairy tale, Lindgren research, and structures of modern children's literature research a new research platform.


  • 而以林格童话为代表作品具备了现代社会狂欢色彩

    The fairy tale by Astrid Lindgren's works are represented with carnival colors of modern society.


  • 整合建构民族化国际化艺术化儿童化的童话世界,为儿童创设安全舒适知识现代温暖如家学习生活环境

    Construct a national, international, artistic, child like childhood world and set up a safe, comfortable, informative, modern, warm and cozy learning and living environment.


  • 屋顶童话短篇小说可以代表现代文明一种反抗或者说对立情绪

    The set of novels in Fairy Tales on the Roof can represent her revolted feeling or antagonism to modem civilization.


  • 当今相亲选秀节目,以及新闻节目电视剧折射出的童话色彩,无不反映着现代城市焦虑

    This paper from today's blind date, TV shows, news programs and TV series in the fairy tale reflects the color of the modern urban anxiety.


  • 我们身处复杂现代社会事物之间相关性十分紧密并且相当复杂《蝴蝶效应孩子讲叙一个“奇迹童话

    We live in a complex modern society, something very close correlation between the complex and the "butterfly effect" to the children spoke of a "small and the miracle" of the fairy tale.


  • 美女野兽童话故事家喻户晓亚历克斯·野兽视角创作新的现代版本命名为《野兽男孩》。

    Who doesn't know the fairy tale, Beauty and the Beast? For the sake of modernity, Alex Finn wrote a new version of this tale focusing on the beasts perspective which she entitled Beastly.


  • 读者津津乐道乐趣现代相结合传统童话每天对象动作的故事图案所固有的。

    Readers will relish the pleasure inherent in combining traditional fairy tale motifs with modern, everyday objects and actions.


  • 杰米熊》动画形象风格偏向欧美,造型可爱故事亲切有趣温馨甜美现代童话故事。

    Image style of "JMBEAR" tends to be European and American style. With cute models and genial and interesting stories, this modern fairy tale is very cozy and sweet.


  • 爱情忘记游泳,…现代女性而言,《女儿这种童话居心叵测严重过时

    A fish forgetting how to swim in the name of love?... for a modern woman, fairy tales like "Daughter of the Sea" are full of sinister implications and seriously outdated.


  • 爱情忘记游泳,…现代女性而言,《女儿这种童话居心叵测严重过时

    A fish forgetting how to swim in the name of love?... for a modern woman, fairy tales like "Daughter of the Sea" are full of sinister implications and seriously outdated.


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