• 数值分析结果表明心肌动作电位形成螺旋心脏节律影响较大

    The numerical results show that the ring targets or spiral waves generated by cardiac action potential affect the cardiac rhythm greatly.


  • 拉山座高耸、挺拔、苍翠山脉四周绕着茅图斯小群岛

    Bora Bora is a tall, high green mountain surrounded by a ring of small 16 islets called Motus.


  • 新的建筑名为感应”,在基地现有结构创建了一个,现有结构完整地保存

    Titled 'sensing the waves', the new building creates a ring around the site's existing structure, which has been completely preserved.


  • 本文提出了绕线式感应电机转子回路电阻调节原理设计了双调速系统,进行计算机辅助设计和仿真研究。

    This paper presents a chopper adapting principle of rotor's resistance of induction motor, develops a two loops speed governing system, and gives computer simulation results.


  • 研究外力激励下含有表面裂纹损伤壳式管道传播功率特性并给出裂纹识别方法

    The wave propagation and power flow characteristics of a shell-type pipe with circumferential surface crack are investigated and the method for crack detection is proposed.


  • 并以三相可控整流电路比较方式电流跟踪控制、利用S函数实现空间矢量脉宽调制说明软件使用方法

    Three-phase half wave controlled rectifier, hysteresis comparison mode current track control, and realization of SVPWM by S-Function are used as examples to describe the usage of the software.


  • 电流天线可能存在静电转换激发直接激发两种离子伯恩斯·坦激发方式共存情况。

    We find that for our toroidal current antenna, there may exist two ways of excitation, i. e. direct excitation and excitation through the electrostatic mode conversion process.


  • 基于负载电流前馈解耦正弦逆变器控制策略中,负载电流前馈作用的延迟直接影响系统性能

    In the multiple-loop control strategy for sinusoidal inverters based on load current feedforward, delay of the feedforward directly impacts the system's performance.


  • 此外A共振会产生

    Elsewhere in the a ring, resonances generate waves.


  • 提出一种新的毫米锁相相位噪声估测方法

    A new phase noise estimate method for millimeter wave double PLL frequency synthesizer is presented.


  • 方法称为预测减去法主要有:场外反馈法、反散射级数法。

    This kind of methods is also called as undulation forecast subtracting, which including wave field extrapolated method, feedback loop method and backscattering progression method.


  • 圆形性表明它们

    The circularity of the rings suggested that they are waves.


  • 凸极永磁电机的功率控制器通常采用电流控制

    Hysteretic current PWM control is often used in doubly salient permanent magnet motor drive.


  • 为了准确测量复合材料中的辐射冲击,特别研制了一尺寸石英保护式压电冲击测量传感器

    The transducer based on big size piezoelectric quartz measuring technique is developed in order to precisely record the thermal shock waves in braided composite.


  • 患者正常对照组心脏二尖瓣三尖瓣下移距离显著减小(P<0.01),二尖瓣E最大流速显著增大(P<0.01);

    The SD of mitral and tricuspid annuli were more lower than control group (P<0.01), and E velocity of mitral flow is higher (P<0.01) .


  • 得到了色散分子晶体模型椭圆函数

    An elliptic function wave solution of the molecular crystal model with the dispersion term on a ring is found.


  • 除此之外,调试人员电磁连接至音频放大器音频输出端,诸如铁氧体均能达到类似过滤效果。

    Apart from this step, designers should also connect an EMI filter, such as a ferrite bead , to the output of the amplifier.


  • 详细分析锭纺细纱机因机械缺陷造成罗拉类、齿轮类机械的成因,并针对性地提出相应的减缓消除措施

    Detailed analysis is done to the mech-wave caused by the mech-defection in rollers, gears and cots. Measures are given accordingly so as to reduce or remove it.


  • 满足夫琅和费远场条件两个物体,z值大物体将被的菲带板扫描具有而平直的孪生噪声振幅

    In the far-field, the further object scanned by FZP with fewer fringes has flatter and lower amplitude of twin-image noise for reconstructed image.


  • 介绍毫米特点MATLAB 6.5下对毫米最大作用距离进行了研究仿真。

    This paper introduces the characteristics of the millimeter wave, and studies and simulates the maximum effective distance of the millimeter based on the MATLAB 6.5.


  • 结果手术组患者年龄视力黄斑中心凹厚度MERG12P振幅及潜时明显差异

    Results There was no significantly difference between the two groups regarding age, visual acuity, foveal thickness, amplitude and implicit time of wave P1 of ring1 and ring2 by MERG prior to surgery.


  • 本文还详细分析了比较控制方式以及三角比较控制方式,进行仿真比较。

    The hysteretic loop comparator control method and the triangular wave comparison control method have been analyzed in detail. The simulation and comparison is made.


  • 鉴于勘测技术在工程领域中的应用范围逐渐扩大,取得了较好的效果,故必要瑞雷面路基压实进行检测,并常规方法灌沙刀法进行对比验证可行性可靠性。

    Given this, it is necessary to detect the roadbed compactness with Rayleigh wave method and compare it with the sand cone method and cutting ring method, which verify its feasibility and reliability.


  • 利用空气煤油苯甲酸体系测定未装填料分别装填板填料、丝网填料、压延孔填料鼓泡萃取塔水力学性能和质性能。

    Experimental measurements of hydrodynamics and mass transfer have been carried out with air kerosene (benzoic acid) water system and three typical kinds of packing.


  • 结果窦性心律窦房结发出冲动,激动右心房上部向右心房下部左心房传导,而房颤时双心房可见方向不一、片段的激动大的折返可见多个传导阻滞区。

    During acute AF, there are multiple and discrete excitation wave fronts or reentry activities were found in both LA and RA, and bidirectional block regions could be shown.


  • 试验观测了高频真空间隙击穿所产生陡度影响

    Tests have been performed to investigate the high frequency magnetic rings influence upon the steepness of the transients produced by breaking down a vacuum gap.


  • 对于恒温系统保温设计非常关键的一由于材料样品测试特殊要求,恒温的设计采用了可拆卸的分体式设计。

    To constant temperature system, heater insulator is very important, because the RAM sample test has special requirement, constant temperature box utilized dismountable and divided design style.


  • 对于恒温系统保温设计非常关键的一由于材料样品测试特殊要求,恒温的设计采用了可拆卸的分体式设计。

    To constant temperature system, heater insulator is very important, because the RAM sample test has special requirement, constant temperature box utilized dismountable and divided design style.


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