• 2008年,环境卫生日志》上发表篇论文题为外婆》,它警告人们公共卫生所面临威胁甲醛墓地渗漏地下水里。

    A paper published in the Journal of Environmental health in 2008, entitled "Drinking Grandma", warned about the public-health risks of formaldehyde leaking from cemeteries into groundwater.


  • 裹着浮油的海水大肆冲刷海滩时,路易斯安纳湿地的生态环境面临严峻的威胁

    When the oil starts to wash up in quantity, the greatest environmental threat will be to the Louisiana wetlands.


  • 对于面临海盗袭击持续威胁船员数目部断增加居住环境恶劣、为健康生命担心人质来说没有什么他们舒服起来。

    That is no comfort to the crews facing the constant threat of attack or to the mounting number of hostages, living in squalor, fearing for their health and their lives.


  • 现在Web服务器面临许多威胁大部分威胁系统中配置应用程序操作系统环境有关。

    Now, there's a tremendous number of threats facing a Web server, and many depend on the applications, operating system, and environment you have configured on the system itself.


  • 它们面临最大威胁就是面积有限环境恶化栖息地

    Restricted and degraded habitat is the greatest threat.


  • 海洋环境十分恶劣因此跨海大桥受到不同一般水上结构荷载作用,面临严重的腐蚀威胁

    The environment of sea is extremely awful so that the substructure of cross-sea Bridges has to accept the load bigger than in the river, and it is under the threat of corrosion.


  • 大风已经使越过用来保护湿地的水栅,其他三个面临环境灾难威胁

    Strong winds are pushing the oil over boom set up to protect fragile wetlands and three other states are also threatened with environmental disaster.


  • 物种大灭绝和不可恢复性人类面临最大环境威胁

    The mass extinction is the greatest environmental threat that human is facing.


  • 最后论述了网络环境主要采用入侵手段以及信息系统面临的主要安全威胁

    At last, main intrusion methods and security compromization targeted at information systems are discussed.


  • 但是,当今随着人类生态环境日益恶化,世界可用淡水资源正在逐渐枯竭普遍受到人为污染,全世界正面临着可用淡水资源短缺威胁

    With the decreasing labefaction of our environment, the useable fresh water is facing pollution and becoming exhausted in the large-scale, and shortage is a threat to the whole world as well.


  • 作战环境中的舰艇肩负使命面临威胁装备修理优先级的确定有着较大影响。

    In battle surroundings, repairs priorities of warship malfunction equipments were closely related with the warship's missions and facing threats.


  • 接入网环境下,用户接入设备网络面临各种威胁特别是来自用户侧的威胁

    In an open access scenario, users, access equipments and networks are confronted with all kinds of threats and challenges, especially those from users' ends.


  • 接着对山东英才职业技术学院营销环境进行了分析总结英才学院面临机会威胁

    Third, the paper does an analysis to the marketing environment of Shandong Yingcai Vocational Technology college, and concludes the opportunities and threats which are faced by the school.


  • 接着为了了解YL超市目前所面临机遇威胁及自身优势弱势,对YL超市进行宏观环境微观环境分析

    In order to find the strength, the weakness, the opportunity and the threat of YL store, this paper analysis the macro and micro environment.


  • 现在我们孩子面临另一些来自世界环境威胁不同于1939~1945。

    Over the heads of our own children now hang other threats from world conditions, different from the threats of 1939~1945.


  • 文化源于人类严酷生存环境挑战回应,文化人类面临生存威胁压迫所采取的策略手段,文化生成和演进的过程是人类必然王国迈向自由王国的过程。

    Culture originates from man's reaction to the challenge from harsh living environment. Culture is the strategy and means that man USES when they face existence threats and oppression.


  • 本人通过集团公司行业背景市场变化外部环境分析提出集团公司面临外部机会威胁

    After analysis of the external environment such as profession background, market changes, I raise the opportunities and threats the group is facing;


  • 这种经济环境利益关系的扭曲,不仅威胁不同地区间不同人群和谐,更为重要的是使生态环境保护面临非常大的困难

    The distortions between environmental and economic benefits, not only threatens the different regions and different groups of harmony, ecological environment protection faces with great difficulty.


  • 目前我国房地产企业面临日益激烈环境变化严峻外部威胁,竞争压力与日俱增。

    Presently companies of the real estate in China are confronted with increasingly furious environmental changes and austere external threat, so the pressure is more and more serious.


  • 首先论述了我国医院行业管理现状发展趋势竞争环境、竞争机会面临的威胁

    First elaborated our country hospital profession management present situation, the trend of development, the competition environment, the competition opportunity.


  • 当今社会面临日趋严重类型众多灾害,构成生态环境安全的巨大威胁

    The modern society is facing more serious and more popular natural disasters. These disasters have become threats to the safety of ecological environment.


  • 随着行业技术革新速度加快以及激烈竞争环境许多企业面临很多来自外部环境威胁

    With the accelerating pace of the industries technological innovation and the competitive environment, lots of enterprises are facing with many challenges from outside.


  • 接着运用PESTEL分析模型要素竞争力模型分析方法,启德建筑公司的外部环境行业环境进行分析,提出公司面临机会威胁

    Then, we mainly use PESTEL model and the five elements of competitive analysis model to research the general environment and industry environment, present the company's opportunities and threats.


  • 生态环境退化破坏地球生灵最大威胁每十面临威胁物种有九种受其影响

    The greatest threat to the world's living creatures is the degradation and destruction of habitat, affecting 9 out of 10 threatened species.


  • 指出陕西电科院面临机遇威胁通过综合评价认为陕西电科院所处外部环境机遇大于威胁

    The opportunity and threat encountered by SEPRI are pointed out. It is thought that the opportunity from external environment of SEPRI is more than the threat thereof through synthetic evaluation.


  • 城市拓展经济开发湿地的占用以及环境污染目前湿地面临主要威胁

    City expand, economic development take to the wetland and water environmental pollution are the main threat to the wetland at present.


  • 人类生存面临着巨大威胁因此生存环境问题作为跨越国界一个国际性问题,越来越人们所关注。

    Then, the problems of survival environment have been concerned about by more and more people as a international one out of national boundaries.


  • 人类生存面临着巨大威胁因此生存环境问题作为跨越国界一个国际性问题,越来越人们所关注。

    Then, the problems of survival environment have been concerned about by more and more people as a international one out of national boundaries.


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