• 然而纵观我国环境报道形势不容乐观

    However looks over our country environment to report that, the situation also not good.


  • 解释型新闻网报道,指纹可以显示一个人的生活方式和环境、饮食习惯、可能的疾病问题,甚至是他的工作。

    According to The Conversation, fingerprints can show lifestyle and environment, eating habits, possible medical problems and even the job of a person.


  • 正如他们环境研究快报》中报道的,火山灰产生闪电讲诉了一切

    As they report in Environmental Research Letters, the lightning the ash generates tells all.


  • 使这个规定更好地执行下去使外国记者中国报道能够一个更好的环境,要使更多的中国人、中国部门愿意接受你们的采访,我们双方都要做出努力。

    We both have to make efforts so that the Regulations could be further fulfilled, a better environment for reporting be created and more Chinese people and authorities willing to be interviewed.


  • 关于五年计划环境方面更加详细分析,请看国家资源防卫署的芭拉·菲尼莫气候组织吴昌华的博客和相关报道

    For more detailed analysis of the environmental aspect of the five-year plan, see blogs and reports by Barbara Fennimore of the National Resources Defence Council and Wu Changhua of the Climate Group.


  • 但是死亡数字上升巴西媒体报道现在环境警察正在检查中毒可能

    But the death toll has continued to rise and reports in the Brazilian media now suggest environmental police are examining the possibility of poisoning.


  • 随着特别报道引起争议时,智能系统将会改变效率可能帮助解决许多环境方面的问题特别是全球变暖

    As this special report has argued, smart systems will improve efficiency and could help solve many environmental problems, in particular global warming.


  • 这个本周被广泛报道的“反照率”的研究结果洛杉矶时报环境博客做了简化处理

    The albedo results, widely reported this week, got succinct treatment by the Los Angeles Times environmental blog.


  • 这个本周被广泛报道的“返照率”的研究结果洛杉矶时报环境博客做了简化处理

    The albedo results, widely reported this week, got succinct treatment by the Los Angeles Times environmental blog.


  • 广泛报道吃肉后果我们健康影响,我们“正确生活”的观念,以及对于环境的影响。

    I've written extensively on the consequences of eating meaton our health, our sense of "right living", and on the environment.


  • 环境污染可能也是一个因素该报引述财经杂志报道

    Environmental pollution could also be a factor, the newspaper said, quoting Caijing magazine.


  • 先前已经很多报道丰富环境中锻炼过的老鼠对迷宫记忆力更好

    That much had been shown many times before: animals raised in an enriched environment remember mazes better.


  • 据克里斯丁·尼克尔斯报道最近瑞典研究发现青少年绝大部分的暴力行为归咎于街头恶霸或者受害者本身,不是同龄人学校周边的环境

    A recent Swedish study finds that teenagers put most of the blame for bullying behavior on the bully or the victim, and not on their peers or the school environment.


  • 报道引用李毅中的话说“落后耗能巨大、污染环境而且存在安全隐患。”

    It also quoted Li as saying: 'Outdated capacities consume energies heavily, pollute the environment, and are safety risks.


  • 酸碱度环境可能软组织留存有所帮助,研究组的《甲壳生物》里这样报道

    Low oxygen and low pH levels may have helped preserve the soft tissue, the team reports in a paper published this week in the Journal of Crustacean Biology.


  • 报道重大意义环境走走谈谈

    Talk to the subjects while walking around an environment that has significance to the story.


  • 据克里斯尼克尔报道最近瑞典研究发现青少年绝大部分暴力行为归咎于街头恶霸或者受害者本身,不是同龄人学校周边的环境

    A recent Swedish study finds that teenagers put most of the blame for bullying behavior on the bully or the victim, and not on their peers or the school environment. Christie Nicholson reports


  • 其实这个答案一直潜藏科学文献中,70年代,卡普兰报道丰富环境可以提高神经元数目

    The answer has been lurking around in the scientific literature since the 1970's when Michael Kaplan reported that an enriched environment enhances the number of new neurons.


  • 根据国会要求报道环境都在不为人知中变化着,大卫·别报道

    With every year of inaction the risks posed by climate change grow according to a new report requested by Congress. David Biello reports.


  • 根据国会要求报道环境不为人知中变化着,大卫·别报道

    With every year of inaction the risks posed by climate change grow, according to a new report requested by Congress. David Biello reports.


  • 但是这个女孩非常勇敢”,达利,“印度这样的环境里,困难的事,但是不得不报道”。

    "But this girl was very brave," Mr. Dhaliwal said. "it is a very difficult thing in the Indian context, but you have to report it."


  • 而现存红树林中接近70%的处于“濒危严重破坏环境”,印尼主管渔业海洋事务部长FadelMuhammad报道

    Of the remaining forests, nearly 70 percent are "in critical condition and seriously damaged," reported Fadel Muhammad, Indonesia's minister of fisheries and Marine affairs.


  • 世界范围内由于环境严重恶化每年大约500万1000万公顷农业土地正在流失,同时每年还有1950万公顷的农业土地用作商业用途城市化。”最新报道说道

    "Worldwide, 5m to 10m hectares of agricultural land are being lost annually due to severe degradation and another 19.5m are lost for industrial USES and urbanisation," he says in a new report.


  • 当地媒体报道由于气候环境等原因,素以水流湍急而闻名世的江西庐山瀑布近些年来水量锐减

    The flow of the waterfall on Lushan Mountain, Jiangxi, has declined sharply in recent years because of poor environmental protection and climate change, local media reported.


  • 别的记者聊专门报道环境,他们通常都是这种反应幸福了

    When I tell other journalists that I cover the environment, I usually get the same reaction: you're really lucky.


  • :据报道荷兰环境评估近日发表报告中国排放增长速度大幅超出预期中方对此有何评论?

    Q: What is China's comment on the report recently released by the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, which says that the growth rate of China's carbon emissions is far beyond expectation?


  • :据报道荷兰环境评估近日发表报告中国排放增长速度大幅超出预期中方对此有何评论?

    Q: What is China's comment on the report recently released by the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, which says that the growth rate of China's carbon emissions is far beyond expectation?


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