• 同时除去简单耐用特点,感应发动机最大优点一直能够温度大幅度变化的环境下正常运作。

    Meanwhile, the induction motor's big advantageapart from its simplicity and ruggednesshas always been its ability to tolerate a wide range of temperatures.


  • Gibler随着照明设备模拟在现在的二极管灯,灯开始成为感应环境作出调整的消费者电子设备

    As lighting moves from old analog bulbs to LEDs, Gibler says lamps are suddenly becoming consumer electronic devices that can sense and react to their environment.


  • 能够感应周围环境不是简单地只按照设计好的线路走所以即使家具的位置发生了改变难不倒,你还可以把它起来清洁另一个房间

    It is capable of sensing its surroundings, and does not simply try to adhere to a pre-planned route, so it is not upset if furniture is moved, or if it is picked up and taken to clean another room.


  • 这种“可感应环境”的材料可根据外界环境温度体温进行自我调节帮助士兵免受高温严寒的困扰。

    This "environmentally responsive" material would keep a soldier not too hot and not too cold, constantly adjusting to outside conditions as well as body heat.


  • 先进设备帮助下,人类利用心灵感应“激活”了这个化身美人一样能适应潘多拉环境

    By means of a sophisticated interfacing device, a human telepathically "drives" this avatar body, allowing him to experience Pandora just as the Na 'vi do.


  • "更具挑战性如何感应世界比如怎样更好地环境互动" 。

    The bits that are more challenging are things such as sensing the world - such as being able to interact more strongly with the environment.


  • 环境光线感应状态指示灯显示屏上。

    What appears to be the ambient light sensor and status LED comes off the display assembly.


  • 一旦这些设备能够感应外界环境可以互相交流这些设备就能够更好的适应复杂环境并能够快速的对环境变化做出反应。

    When objects can both sense the environment and communicate, they become tools for understanding complexity and responding to it swiftly.


  • Pachube服务可以世界各处物体设备建筑环境标记分享实时感应信息。”

    Pachube is a service that lets you "tag and share real time sensor data from objects, devices, buildings and environments around the world."


  • 如果使感应环境(sensor - rich environments)成为可能,你就必须开始考虑设备外观设计以及怎样供应能量其连接网络中——这些都很现实的问题

    If you want to enable sensor-rich environments, you have to start worrying about what a device is going to look like and how it's going to be supplied with power and networking-practical issues.


  • 无论如何……非常亮的环境对比双方感应工作(不起作用)。

    Anyway... I compare the screens both in very bright condition, so the sensor won't work (inactive).


  • 早先工作产生十分灵活温度感应可能被用做恶劣环境士兵们智能型织物

    This earlier work has led to the creation of very long and flexible light and temperature sensors that may find a role in smart fabrics for soldiers or those working in hostile environments.


  • 博士认为改造现在的LED使之适应智能手机及类似设备上已有感应光源,如摄像头、环境感应屏幕闪光灯泡、手电筒

    Dr Povey believes that adapting existing LEDs to work with the sensors and light sources—cameras, ambient-light detectors, screens, flashbulbs, torches and so on.


  • 本发明提供一种感应洁净环境中的压力方法

    A method of sensing a pressure in a clean environment is also provided.


  • 针对恶劣环境信号传输特性确定钢丝绳感应信号传输方式

    According to the characteristic of sign transmission, we ensure the transmission manner.


  • 课题所研究感应电源装置无论能源环境还是工业生产实际需求很大的现实意义

    The intermediate frequency power supply equipment for induction calefaction has many meanings for energy sources, circumstance and the need of the industry.


  • 自动驾驶(无人驾驶车,自驾驶车,机器人车)是自动感应周围环境并且无需干预而自动导航载具。

    An autonomous car (driverless car, self-driving car, robotic car) is a vehicle that is capable of sensing its environment and navigating without human input.


  • 实现线缆系统环境受到电磁辐照线缆感应电压电流仿真分析(RS分析)。

    Can carry out simulation and analysis (RS analysis) on cable's induction voltage and current when the cable is under electromagnetic irradiation under system condition.


  • 所有这些感应软硬件系统共同作用,使台PDA变成整个物理环境进行沟通媒介

    All these sensors work synergeticly with the software and hardware systems. Together, they transform a PDA into a communication media between human begins and their entire physical environment.


  • 研究旅游环境容量,要生态环境质量、设施游客感应客流分布5类指标为依据。

    Tourist environment capacity study is based on 5 criteria in ecology, environment quality, facility, tourist reflection and tourist Numbers.


  • 需要操作手柄按压按钮冲水阀采用红外线感应根据环境变化自动控制冲水阀运行

    There are no handles to trip or buttons to push. The Flushometer operates by means of an infrared sensor that ADAPTS to its surrounding.


  • 良好修身形成良好感应,推而广之,金融企业全体成员便处于种“”的环境

    To well cultivate one's morality can form the good induction, in the same way, all members in financial enterprises can be in a kind of "fit " Environment.


  • 这套逻辑设计可行我们找到一个衔接分子自动机生化环境方法,自动机才能感应特定疾病症状是否存在

    To make this logical scheme work, we had to find a way to connect the molecular automaton to its biochemical environment so that it could sense whether specific disease conditions were present.


  • 计算结果表明地面处一根暴露于HEMP环境中的几十米长电缆,其外皮感应电流峰值一般上千安培。

    The results show that the peak value of the HEMP induced cortical current in cables of several decameter length near the ground can reach kiloampere.


  • 细胞膜细胞感应环境主要器官细胞可以通过组成变化响应环境变化。

    The main organs sensing the environment is cell membrane, and cells can respond to changes through the changes of membrane lipids composition in the environment.


  • 没有一座纪念建筑不带上思念、回忆、缅怀、哀悼及对现实环境感受感应

    Every memorial building carries reminiscences and mourning of the martyrs as well as the feelings and reactions to reality.


  • 没有一座纪念建筑不带上思念、回忆、缅怀、哀悼及对现实环境感受感应

    Every memorial building carries reminiscences and mourning of the martyrs as well as the feelings and reactions to reality.


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