• 保险机构他们生长而且成熟经济社会环境性质成形

    Insurance institutions are shaped by the nature of the economic and social environments in which they grow and mature.


  • 流域面积大小气候环境性质差异河流的输移及循环过程影响显著

    The area of the drainage basin and differences in climate and environment markedly impact the export and cycle processes of the riverine carbon.


  • 灵魂所处环境来看,误解了自身性质直到有某个神圣导师揭示真理那时知道自己婆罗门

    Soul, from the circumstances in which it is placed, mistakes its own character, until the truth is revealed to it by some holy teacher, and then it knows itself to be Brahme.


  • 乔伊斯博士说:“区别在于这些责任性质范围尤其是家庭环境。”

    "The difference is in the nature and scope of these responsibilities in the home environment in particular," Dr. Joyce said.


  • 业务目标技术环境迭代发布计划设计决策时间性质都会造成影响

    Your business goals, technical environment, iteration and release plans all contribute to both the timing and nature of design decisions.


  • 所说内容根据个人所处的环境来定,包括家庭文化你们关系性质整体健康状况受损水平

    What you say will be shaped by individual circumstances, including your family culture, the nature of your relationship, and his overall health and level of impairment.


  • 使数据库服务器适合于传统企业环境许多性质适用嵌入式数据库服务器。

    Many of the characteristics that make a database server a good fit in a traditional enterprise environment also apply to an embedded database server.


  • 环境化合物化学性质最好化学家制造出来的化合物还要复杂很多。

    The chemistry from compounds in the environment is orders of magnitude more complex than our best chemists can produce.


  • 一研究上进展可以使科学家们对极端环境物质能量性质有一个更加清晰认识

    The advance should sharpen insights into the behavior of matter and energy in extreme conditions.


  • 四大事业基金会为了支持研究能源环境故而研究机构设在学院,其中210名研究员,该学院承认自己欧洲同样性质机构里面自己规模最大的,并配有专门设计的机械设备及技术进行研究操作

    Four utilities fund research in its Institute for Energy and Environment which, with 210 staff, claims to be Europe's largest such outfit, equipped to take new technology from design to operation.


  • UbuntuLinux开源性质使系统环境便于使用进行其他更改使生活更轻松

    The open source nature of Ubuntu and Linux lets you make usability and other changes to the system and environment to make your life easier.


  • 例如如果环境没有大量cpu功率终端用户请求性质每一可能不同使用QueryPlanCache没有意义

    For example, if the environment does not have a lot of CPU power and the nature of the end user requests are most likely different each time, using the Query Plan Cache would not make sense.


  • 托利党计划性质反应环境带来的限制他们真正长期雄心,当然还有一些胆怯

    The nature of the Tory offer reflects the constraints of circumstance and genuine long-term ambitions, as well as some timidity.


  • 可以保持层次化性质同时利用关系数据库环境功能稳定性

    It proudly maintains its hierarchical heritage, even while exploiting the power and stability of the relational database world.


  • 陷入困境中的人们各种环境寻找对于自己及时帮助并且他们没有开始实施他们绝大多数工作性质的自助服务一步

    People get caught up in looking for the immediate benefit to themselves in many situations and don't initiate that generous first step of offering their own help or service first.


  • 本文将描述这些性能增强适用每种环境性质

    We describe the nature of the performance improvements implemented in each case and the circumstances in which they are achieved.


  • 当前应用程序环境中的常见状态不同,服务环境编程模型的一些性质有助于版本化。

    Unlike the common state in current application scenario, in a services world there are aspects that are native to the programming model that help in versioning.


  • 本文还从病原菌生理性质侵染环境的角度,讨论疾病流行条件病原菌利用前景

    Epidemic conditions of this disease and prospect of the utilization of pathogenetic fungi were discussed with physiological characters of pathogenetic fungi and infection environment.


  • 岩体弹性速度组成岩体岩石性质、岩体结构、赋存环境综合反映

    Rock mass elastic wave velocity is the synthesized reflection of rock quality, rock mass structure, and rock mass existing environment.


  • 同时出于工作性质需要他们希望建立高速互联网内外部工作环境

    At the same time, considering their job nature demand, they wish to set up a high speed internet working environment.


  • 介绍了制冷剂热物理性质内容目前测试精度、制冷剂的环境特性评价指标

    The content and present testing accuracy of refrigerant thermophysical properties, environmental characteristics and evaluation guideline were introduced.


  • 是的当然真的B2C环境良好性质宗旨B2B复制很大不同

    Yes, of course this is true in the B2C environment as well, but the nature and purpose of B2B copy is vastly different.


  • 爱玛是这样的,喜欢一个客服性质环境接触人群的工作,而且见识见识世界

    Emma: Well, I enjoy working with people in a customer service based environment, and I am keen to see more of the world.


  • 不管什么环境遇到什么,如果它在表达自己性质特点,那么就有能量交换

    When we encounter anything in the environment that expresses its properties and characteristics, an exchange of energy takes place.


  • 考虑语言性质以及外语学习环境外语学习中溶入文化研究显得极为重要。

    Considering the nature of language and the circumstances of foreign language learning, the study of culture in the foreign language classroom appears to be a matter of greater importance.


  • 这份工作性质津贴工作环境觉得干下去值,那时也是公认顶级员工

    The nature of the work itself, the perks and the working environment made it worthwhile for me to stay in the job, and I was recognized as a top performer.


  • 这种一般揭示,是从与其文化环境关系上,来作考察

    The nature is revealed through the study of relationship between man and the cultural environment.


  • 发射信号强度每个氢原子周围的微环境性质调整质子移动性磁场局部均一性

    Signal strength is modified by properties of each proton's microenvironment, such as its mobility and the local homogeneity of the magnetic field.


  • 这些心理特点性质决定一个人如何市场环境有效地操作

    It's the nature of these psychological characteristics that determines how one needs "to be" in order to operate effectively in the market environment.


  • 这些心理特点性质决定一个人如何市场环境有效地操作

    It's the nature of these psychological characteristics that determines how one needs "to be" in order to operate effectively in the market environment.


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