• 王》关于群被荒岛上的英国学童的小说

    'Lord of the Flies' is a novel about English schoolboys marooned on a desert island.


  • 澳大利亚,有群雄蜂随强占蜘蛛

    Following a perfume trail to its source, male wasps in Australia ravish a king spider orchid.


  • 事情没有按计划的进行,因为在这里处于汉堡舞台中心面对急切等待着肯定回答的不悦的人们。

    Things must not have been going as planned, because here I was center stage at Burger King in front of an annoyed group eager for a quick affirmative.


  • 指环王》这样轰动全球的魔幻电影就是群伴随着龙与地下城游戏长大的家伙导演监制的。

    Blockbuster fantasy films like "the Lord of the Rings" are produced and directed by people who grew up with the game.


  • 家里三天,五天大吵,次激烈的争吵之后,王莉索性店里,整整没有再回家,陈勇军也整日在外面以前工地上的群朋友借酒消愁

    Because of the frequent conflicts and quarrels, Wang moved to her shops and did not go home for nearly a month. Chen stayed with his friends for the whole day drinking.


  • 先知以色列王亚哈耶和华如此说,看见了吗?

    Meanwhile a prophet came to Ahab king of Israel and announced, 'this is what the Lord says:' Do you see this vast army?


  • 大卫击杀巴人时候,利逊,自己作他们头目,大马居住在那里作王。

    He gathered men around him and became the leader of a band of rebels when David destroyed the forces of Zobah; the rebels went to Damascus, where they settled and took control.


  • 大卫击杀琐巴人时候,利逊招,自己作他们的头目,大马士革居住那里作

    And he gathered men unto him, and became captain over a band, when David slew them of Zobah: and they went to Damascus, and dwelt therein, and reigned in Damascus.


  • 橡皮人》王朔中篇小说,原迷失自我年轻人

    "Rubber Fellow" which is a novelette written by a writer Wangshuo, meant a flock of young people lost themselves.


  • 来到摄政王街角立刻意识到发生了什么事,在“马克斯斯潘瑟商场”外面那儿正是你平时公共汽车的地方。

    As you turn the corner of Regent Street, you realise immediately that something is up. A crowd has gathered outside Marks and Spencer, right where you normally wait for the bus.


  • 王瑶24北京研究生女性朋友决赛

    Wang Yao, 24, a graduate student in Beijing, watched the finals with a group of female friends.


  • 甚至在“沙丘系列小说科幻频道改编同名电视系列短剧,“沙丘”系列小说就已经有群可与《指环王》媲美庞大又虔诚追随者了。

    Even before the "Dune" series was made into a mini-series for the Sci-Fi channel, this series of books had a huge and devout following that rivaled that of "the Lord of the Rings."


  • 他们剧作《俄狄浦斯》、《群雷雨》堪称手法典范性作品,看作中外戏剧文学历程中“追溯式”结构的三部曲。

    Their dramas, King Oedipus, Ghosts and Thunderstorm are the model of this technique, and they can be regarded as the tr…


  • 所罗门是从埃及带来的.是王的商人群按著定价买来的。

    Solomon's horses were imported from Egypt and from Kue -the royal merchants purchased them from Kue.


  • 王琦,来自诸城中学非常喜欢音乐,我知心朋友我失意他们很多鼓励,我他们

    My name is Wang Qi. I am from No. 1 Middle School in Zhucheng. I like listening music and have a group of good friends. They encourage me a lot when I am upset. I love them very much!


  • 王琦,来自诸城中学非常喜欢音乐,我知心朋友我失意他们很多鼓励,我他们

    My name is Wang Qi. I am from No. 1 Middle School in Zhucheng. I like listening music and have a group of good friends. They encourage me a lot when I am upset. I love them very much!


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