• 最近讽刺电视将此形象比喻国际象棋游戏:投降就是吃掉自己

    A recent satirical television show likened it to a game of chess in which the first white move is for the king to take his own queen.


  • 种是携带礼物智者说成是国王,因而导致西方主显节有了名称王节”——西班牙语系国家是送礼的好日子

    First, it cast the gift-bearing magi as Kings, giving rise to the alternate name for Western Epiphany, namely "Three Kings day" - the big day for gifts in most of the Hispanic world.


  • 两个母亲为了争夺孩子而各不相让,最后所罗门孩子交给了那位不舍孩子被两半的母亲。

    King Solomon decided to give the disputed baby to the mother who refused to let the baby be cut in half.


  • 有时足以抑制各种症状。”王成博士

    Sometimes just one pill a week is enough to keep symptoms in check, ” says Dr. Wang-Cheng.


  • 王宝强马蓉2009年成婚,育有两人曾经好几个场合里公开恩爱

    Wang and ma were married in 2009 and have a daughter and a son. The two have publicly demonstrated their affection for each other on several occasions.


  • 中华演讲上,呕心沥血,写出演讲稿老师选择下,我落选了王泽成电脑稿子却通过了。

    In the soul in the speech, I have worked, write a speech, and under the teacher's choice, but I lost, but ze-cheng wang copy an article on the computer has passed.


  • 为了保护藏民族文化瑰宝,西藏自治区1979年成立了抢救、整理《格萨尔王传》的专门机构,进行全面搜集、采录、整理、研究出版工作。

    To better protect it, the regional authorities set up special bodies in 1979 for the collection, research, editing and publishing of the Life of King Gesar.


  • 王彦许儿子不是那个女人,而是认错了,把当成了人,那个人因为王国成他家园子里株花而了他顿。

    Yanxu says that his son didn't mean to kill the woman and had mistaken her for another person, who Yanxu says had beaten Guocheng for stealing a rose from a garden.


  • 于是王成决定拜访那个和尚,希望能得到指示尽管路途遥远危险

    Wang decided to visit him for instruction, even though the way was long and dangerous.


  • 可以说,王德用“少有威名有所成”,坎坷,战阵有名望

    It can be said Wang of "Wal rare" and "old age as" more than a rough life, but rather less experience war to fame.


  • 周初殷民迁徙实际上有前后次,之后,第二次是邑即王城建成之

    In the early Zhou, the Yin people were moved twice, the first time being in the 3rd year of King Chengs reign and the second time being at the time when Xin Yi was built.


  • 王成回家后,告诉每个杀生的人得不到安宁因为报还报。

    Wang Cheng returned home to tell everybody that nobody who kills any living creature can hope for peace, because killing causes killing.


  • “偶成”王沁个展展示了他过去中的作品系列。

    "Glass Serendipity" is Wang Qin's first solo exhibition, showcasing a body of work built up from the past five years.


  • 武则天联合皇后打击萧淑妃,等高宗把萧淑妃废成庶人后,武则天便开始对皇后下了手。

    For the first step, Wu joined Empress Wang's fight against Xiao Shufei, and when Xiao was deposed, Wu started her second step, which was aiming at Empress Wang.


  • 票房成绩以及门票需求来看,受欢迎程度丝毫未减。成不变向除旧布新娱乐界,王菲乐坛的标志性影响永不消逝

    A prosperous box office and ticket demand revealed no sign of a decline in popularity, her iconic influence never faded in the capricious and constantly updating entertainment industry.


  • 票房成绩以及门票需求来看,受欢迎程度丝毫未减。成不变向除旧布新娱乐界,王菲乐坛的标志性影响永不消逝

    A prosperous box office and ticket demand revealed no sign of a decline in popularity, her iconic influence never faded in the capricious and constantly updating entertainment industry.


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