• 说:“威廉王子欢迎来到维多利。”

    I said to him, "Welcome to Victoria, Prince William."


  • 威廉王子欢迎来到维多利

    I said to him: 'Welcome to Victoria, Prince William.


  • 威廉王子访问澳大利期间请求亲吻这位王子之后照片便传遍了全世界

    Her photograph appeared around the world after she asked for a kiss from Prince William during his visit to Australia.


  • 其中包括臭名昭著的尼日利王子事件以及来自网上许多个人信息个性化诈骗设计

    These include the infamous Nigerian prince asking for money and more personalized scams devised from the abundance of personal information on the Web.


  • 威廉王子议院告别演说提到,要对澳大利女孩亲吻英王室成员传统表示感谢。

    In his farewell speech at Government House, Prince William thanked Australian girls for continuing the tradition of kissing members of the Royal family.


  • 埃塞俄比想要诸多文物中,有一极其罕见,那就是埋葬温莎城堡的阿莱马约王子遗体

    Among the more unusual items that it wants back are the remains of Prince Alemayehu, interred in Windsor Castle.


  • 王子儿》:大多数孩子通过汤姆·》知道马克吐温的,但是王子与贫儿》这部作品一样地趣味非凡,塑造了英国历史上让人难忘人物形象

    "The Prince and the Pauper." Most kids encounter Mark Twain through "Tom Sawyer," but this work is at least as funny and offers unforgettable images of English history.


  • 野兽咒语王子一座充满了神奇器皿城堡里,这里有蜡烛茶壶夫人

    The Beast is a prince who's been put under a spell and lives in a castle full of enchanted items including Lumiere, a candlestick, and Mrs.Potts, the tea pot.


  • 阿尔伯塔省的贾斯帕不列颠哥伦比鲁珀王子港,乔治王子港过一夜

    Jasper, Alberta, to Prince Rupert, British Columbia, with an overnight stop in Prince George, BC.


  • 准王妃米德尔威廉王子将于4月29日威斯敏斯特教堂举办婚礼辣妹组合成员维多利老公大卫受邀宾客之列。

    The former Spice Girl and her husband, David, are among the celebrities invited to the wedding of Miss Middleton and Prince William at Westminster Abbey on April 29.


  • 当然白马王子特别疼爱州美人,可能出于安全考虑根本愿意开车

    Her prince obviously loved her deeply, but was reluctant to allow her to learn to drive, maybe for "security reasons".


  • 左图14岁哈里王子走过助威少女访问温哥华高中时,加拿大不列颠哥伦比

    Left: a 14-year-old Prince Harry walks past cheering teenage girls during a visit to a high school in Vancouver, British Columbia in Canada.


  • 乔治王子第一次海外出访,各宴会中露面很少,小王子一直奶妈玛丽·德莱萨·塔里奥·巴哈罗在照顾。 。

    Thee Prince George's engagements have been kept to a minimum during his first tour and he spends much of the time with nanny Maria Teresa Turrion Borrallo.


  • 声明代表路易斯王子父母亨利大公玛丽·特雷莎夫人发布

    A statement was released on behalf of Louis' parents, Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa.


  • 多尔安罗斯王子拉希尔故事中并不是什么主要角色但是发现没死的就是

    The prince of Dol Amroth, Imrahil, isn't a major character in the story but is the one who discovers that Eowyn is still alive after her slaying of the Witch King.


  • 几个东安格·利空中急救队剑桥基地揭幕,威廉王子此担任直升机飞行员。在这次揭幕仪式中,我看见了一种不同鼓舞人心的方式。

    A few months ago, I saw inspiration of a different kind when I opened the new Cambridge base of the East Anglian Air Ambulance, where Prince William works as a helicopter pilot.


  • 加拿大北极群岛岛屿领土包括银行伯顿岛,帕特里克王子维多利岛和梅尔维尔部分

    Territorial islands in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago include Banks island, Borden island, Prince Patrick island, and parts of Victoria island and Melville island.


  • 维多利丹尼尔王子——私人教练——结婚,在后者求婚时收到枚镶有巨大钻石的白金戒指据报道枚戒指王室珠宝匠w

    Before tying the knot with Prince Daniel - her former personal trainer - Victoria was wooed with a white gold ring topped with a huge diamond. It was reportedly made by court jeweler w.


  • 威廉王子启程前往新西兰澳大利受灾地区进行慰问。

    Prince William has begun a tour of disaster-stricken areas of New Zealand and Australia.


  • 阿约王子继母流放森林

    He is the Prince of Ayodhya and is banished to a forest by his stepmother.


  • 丈夫威廉王子的陪伴下,凯特出席了这场作为赞助人为帮助东安格·儿童收容所(EACH)举办奢华晚宴

    Accompanied by her husband, Prince William, Kate was attending a glitzy gala dinner together in aid of East Anglia's Children's Hospices (EACH), of which she is patron, at opulent Houghton Hall.


  • 女儿示巴将儿子约阿施王子出来,乳母都卧房里

    But Jehoshabeath, the daughter of the king, took Joash the son of Ahaziah and stole him away from among the king's sons who were about to be put to death, and she put him and his nurse in a bedroom.


  • 爱德华王子法律类似于其他大多数法律,其根据已经取得加拿大最高法院支持哥伦比2000年的立法

    The Prince Edward Island law, similar to most of the other provincial laws, is based on British Columbia's 2000 legislation that has been upheld by Canada's Supreme Court.


  • 1997年2月22日安德鲁王子前妻约克公爵萨拉以及他们两个女儿到韦尔·比周末滑雪

    February 1997: Prince Andrew joins his ex-wife, Sarah, the Duchess of York, and their two daughters for a ski week-end in Verbier.


  • 1997年2月22日安德鲁王子前妻约克公爵萨拉以及他们两个女儿到韦尔·比周末滑雪

    February 1997: Prince Andrew joins his ex-wife, Sarah, the Duchess of York, and their two daughters for a ski week-end in Verbier.


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