• 我们现在在这个六欲王天包括着。

    Right now, we are under the Heaven of the Four Kings, which is one of the six Desire Heavens.


  • 我们直接看见的这个,就叫,有四管著

    The heaven which we can see directly is the Heaven of the Four Kings, ruled by the Four Great Heavenly Kings.


  • 玉梅璐琪小孩安纳王天庆尤其成为众人的榜样

    Among the martyrs, Joseph Wang, Lucia Wang, and small children Anna and Andrew, stand out as great models for all.


  • 图录包括王天德2004年最新作品数码系列中国服装系列》。

    This catalogue includes works from two new series, the Digital Series and Chinese Clothes Series both from 2004.


  • 来自伦敦王天国际社会应当理解中国被隔绝几个世纪后崛起

    Back at the Summer Palace, Xiu, from London, says the international community should understand that China is emerging from centuries of isolation.


  • 此刻如同见鬼一般看着贺宸影那平淡的脸色终于发生了变化。

    That king sky at the moment as seeing specter looking at He Chen, exceedingly copied that mild facial wording to likewise finally take location kind.


  • ,他的妈妈看到伟把电视拆了,很不高兴。

    One day, his mom was upset to see that Wang Wei had taken apart the television!


  • ,杨在旅途中遇到了其旧同僚密。

    One day, Yang met his old workmate Wang Mi on a trip.


  • ,“过去以为我还很年轻力壮直到我发现只要我持续过度工作达到以上心跳就会变得正常。”

    "I used to think that I was young and strong until I found out that my heartbeat would become irregular if I was overworked for more than three days," said Wang.


  • 不过第二,由于帮助一位迷路的孩子找到自己父母得到来自各方嘉奖

    Still, the very next day, Wang received a reward of sorts when she helped a lost child find his parents.


  • 约雅登基时候(列下二十四章八节作十八岁),耶路撒冷个月零十,行耶和华眼中看的事。

    Jehoiachin was eighteen years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem three months and ten days. He did evil in the eyes of the Lord.


  • 学圻电影节最后赶到戛纳表示只是感受一下这个顶级电影节氛围”。

    Wang Xueqi, who arrived at Cannes on the last day, said he just wanted tofeel the atmosphere of such a top film festival”.


  • 旅行者2唯一接近我们太阳系众多神秘行星之一艘航

    Voyager 2 is the only spacecraft that has flown close by to one of the more enigmatic planets in our solar system: Uranus.


  • 家里一小,五一大吵,次激烈的争吵之后,索性店里,整整一个没有再回家,陈勇军也整日在外面以前工地上的一群朋友借酒消愁

    Because of the frequent conflicts and quarrels, Wang moved to her shops and did not go home for nearly a month. Chen stayed with his friends for the whole day drinking.


  • 医院的第二来看了,看着走进病房病床上陈勇军异常激动。

    The next day after he lived in hospital, Wang came to visit him. Seeing her walk into the room, Chen felt very thrilled lying in bed.


  • 传福电话会议上透露说,1998年指示手下20名高级工程师悄悄地改进比亚迪的手机电池技术以便用于汽车

    On a conference call, Mr. Wang disclosed that in 1998 he had instructed 20 of his top engineers to quietly scale up BYD's cellphone-battery technology so that it could be used to power cars some day.


  • 第七使吹号声音世上的成了基督国。,直到永永远远。

    And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.


  • 暗嫩儿子为何比一瘦弱呢。

    And he said unto him, Why art thou, being the king's son, lean from day to day?


  • 伦敦之路运动俱乐部第一批销售FitFlops人字拖商店其中一家,卖出了700

    The King's Road Sporting Club (KRSC) in London, which was one of the first stores to stock FitFlops, sold more than 700 pairs in the first three days.


  • 40岁的志军是一个生意人半年来一直在外打2回到家里

    Wang, 40, had just returned home two days earlier after traveling around the country for half a year and trying his hand at small businesses.


  • 40岁的志军是一个生意人半年来一直在外打2回到家里

    Wang, 40, had just returned home two days earlier after traveling around the country for half a year and trying his hand at small businesses.


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