• 厨师长菜肴减少的用量。

    Dishes will also have less salt and less sugar, Ong said.


  • 他们最新研究发表事故分析预防杂志,在研究特和王仅仅调查了2525岁以上并且至少驾车经验驾驶者

    In their latest study, published in the journal Accident Analysis and Prevention, Tranter and Warn looked only at drivers 25 and older with at least 2 years driving experience.


  • 奢侈品巨额消费快速增长提示2010年存在大量灰色收入瑞士信贷王小鲁教授撰写报告做出以上推断。

    The large size and strong growth in luxury items implies that grey income was substantial in 2010, as suggested by a Credit Swiss report authored by Prof. Wang Xiaolu.


  • 一个以法的勇士,名叫细基利杀了儿子玛西和管理王宫押斯利甘,宰相以利加拿

    Zicri, an Ephraimite warrior, killed Maaseiah the king's son, Azrikam the officer in charge of the palace, and Elkanah, second to the king.


  • 西亚群畜那里所有人民,绵羊羔山羊羔三万只,牛三千只,作逾越祭物都是出自产业

    Josiah provided for all the lay people who were there a total of thirty thousand sheep and goats for the Passover offerings, and also three thousand cattle-all from the king's own possessions.


  • 个天使;‘起来吧’“(列记上19:5)疗法包括休息饮食放松。”

    All at once an angel touched him and said, 'Get up and eat' "(I Kings 19:5)." God's remedy involves rest, food, and relaxation.


  • 我们许多镰刀永远草地,磨刀霍霍之声,预告着要割去草的数绿叶雏菊等一些杂在草野花

    Our King has many scythes, and is perpetually mowing His lawns. The musical tinkle of the whetstone on the scythe portends the cutting down of myriads of green blades, daisies and other flowers.


  • 显然,《指环王》哈比人”巫师不能代表杰克逊电影上的全部创意。

    Clearly, the hobbits and wizards of "the Lord of the Rings" are not all that Mr Jackson has up his cinematic sleeve.


  • 那些虚张声势的技巧亚瑟海盗三部曲做个很好的铺垫。

    The swashbuckling skills will serve her well in King Arthur and the Pirates trilogy.


  • 妈妈猎人枪杀,狮子王里的辛巴一次羚羊群的冲撞了孤儿,无数小孩泪流满面

    Tears beyond number have been spilled by impressionable tots when Bambi’s mother is gunned down by a hunter and when Simba is orphaned during a stampede in The Lion King.


  • 这些历史狐狸理想周朝圣结合在一起,作为仁义英明统治象征

    The fox is connected to the sage kings of the idealized Zhou dynasty in these histories and acclaimed as a symbol of humane and wise rule.


  • 这份原稿讲述关于格温娜维尔、梅林后来称作埃克斯卡利伯的以及亚瑟王阿瓦最终的安息地。

    It told of Guinevere, Merlin, the sword Caliburn - later known as Excalibur - and Arthur's final resting place in Avalon.


  • 炸鸡被改头换面成“公鸡独奏”,卷心菜黄瓜沙拉成了“蔬菜序曲”,肉片背上了“皇家”的名号,而“乡间天堂”居然。 此外,南瓜居然成了“亚瑟王黄金粥”。

    Fried chicken – “Cockerel’s Solo”, cabbage and cucumber salad – “Vegetable Prelude”, schnitzel – “Royal Meal”, meat in a jug – “Village Paradise”, pumpkin porridge – “King Arthur’s Golden Porridge”.


  • 将要上演戏剧包括乌尔都语演记》澳大利亚土著语言演绎的《李尔王》。巴基斯坦电视明星纳迪亚·贾米尔扮演《驯悍记》的“悍妇”凯瑟·丽娜。

    Shows will included "the Taming of the Shrew" in Urdu, starring Pakistani television star Nadia Jamil as Katherine, and "King Lear" in Australian Aboriginal languages.


  • 1907年,在KV55墓穴发现了腐烂严重木乃伊,KV55是帝王的一处墓穴,其陪葬的神器杂乱无章,但基本上都十八王朝后期的诸王和王后有关联

    In 1907 a badly decayed mummy was discovered in KV55, a small tomb in the Valley of the Kings containing a jumble of artifacts connected to various Kings and queens of the late 18th dynasty.


  • 去年秋天一家卡拉ok俱乐部保安发生愤怒的争执之后,王皓接受心理咨询。据说在争执过程,王皓大喊道:“就是著名王皓!”

    He was offered counselling last autumn after an angry confrontation with a security guard at a karaoke club during which he reportedly shouted: "I am the famous Wang Hao!"


  • 华谊兄弟的最大股东联合创始人王两兄弟(即是DennisJames Wang),两共同持有于1999年成立华谊兄弟公司超过50%的股份。

    The largest sharehlders are founder-brothers Wang Zhongjun and Wang Zhonglei , also known as Dennis and James Wang, who jointly own more than 50 percent of the Beijing-based company founded in 1999.


  • 华谊兄弟的最大股东联合创始人王两兄弟(即是DennisJames Wang),两共同持有于1999年成立华谊兄弟公司超过50%的股份。

    The largest sharehlders are founder-brothers Wang Zhongjun and Wang Zhonglei, also known as Dennis and James Wang, who jointly own more than 50 percent of the Beijing-based company founded in 1999.


  • 基于电影发烧友电影历史学家们采访这里罗列出部奥斯卡最佳影片包括两部系列电影(“教父”指环王”),这些都是DVD蓝光电影光盘收藏必不可少的。

    Here, based on interviews with film buffs and movies historians, are the Top 10 Best Picture winners -- including a pair of multifilm sets -- that are must-haves for your DVD/Blu-ray library


  • 《俄狄浦斯王》父亲形象隐蔽身上凝聚着人类“父亲”原型认识思考代表着“父亲”一形象的文化意义

    "Father" of "Oedipus Rex" image is obscure, but he condenses understanding and thinking of "father" prototype of mankind, and represents the cultural meaning of this image.


  • 暂且成为了座雄伟的雕像——也许让人联想起李尔王的一个傻瓜,面对李尔疯狂歌唱绝望,说道“每天都在下”。

    She momentarily acquires an almost epic stature—reminiscent, perhaps, of the Fool in "King Lear" despairing at Lear's madness and singing, "the rain it raineth every day".


  • 漫长而血腥的战争。只有亚瑟贝德维尔爵士得以幸存。高文爵士死于亚瑟王的怀瑟王将埋葬于多佛城堡

    There was a long terrible battle. only king Arthur and Sir Bedivere remained alive. Sir Gawain died in Arthur's arms. the king buried him in Dover castle.


  • 根据主任介绍,这些外国选手在56家庭可以深度体验文化青少年结交朋友

    According to Wang, 56 Chinese families will host the students, allowing them to experience traditional Chinese culture and make friends with Chinese youths.


  • 华谊兄弟总裁电影业全球化推动工作室寻求世界一流人才公司合作

    Wang Zhonglei, the president of Huayi Brothers, says that globalization of the movie industry has pushed the studio to seek world-class talent and companies.


  • 这些照片事后补拍,对王庆松产生重大影响可以作品仔细构图故意人为性看出来

    The fact that many of these photographs were re-staged after the event greatly influenced Wang Qingsong and is evident in the careful composition and deliberate artificiality in his work.


  • 这些照片事后补拍,对王庆松产生重大影响可以作品仔细构图故意人为性看出来

    The fact that many of these photographs were re-staged after the event greatly influenced Wang Qingsong and is evident in the careful composition and deliberate artificiality in his work.


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