• 照着王丧失兵之数,再招募一军,马,车补车我们平原与他们打仗,必定得胜。

    You must also raise an army like the one you lost-horse for horse and chariot for chariot-so we can fight Israel on the plains.


  • 一度世间残酷行为所侵蚀厨子王,通过遵从其父关于佛教信仰之训获得了自我救赎。

    Zushio, who will for a time be corrupted by the cruelties of the world, redeems himself by following his father's teachings, which are those of the Buddhist faith.


  • 歌唱命令每日供给他们必有一定之粮

    For it was the king's commandment concerning them, that a certain portion should be for the singers, due for every day.


  • 莎士比亚生活在四百年前但是有史以来最伟大戏剧家。的杰作之一李尔王》目前正在上演,仍然令观众为倾倒。

    Shakespeare lived 400 years ago but he was the best who ever lived. One of his greatest works, King Lear, is playing now and it still knocks them in the aisles!


  • 只是分封王希律,因兄弟罗底的缘故,行的一切事,受了约翰的责备

    But Herod the tetrarch, being reproved by him for Herodias his brother Philip's wife, and for all the evils which Herod had done.


  • 面临监管不确定网易推迟了《磨兽世界》最新版本》(Wrathofthe Lich King)的上线。这个版本中,玩家可以冰天雪地中冒险。

    In the face of regulatory uncertainty, NetEase has delayed the rollout of the latest version of the game, called 'Wrath of the Lich King,' which allows players to explore a frozen land.


  • 被囚监之埃及酒政和膳长二做一梦,各有讲解。

    5 each of the two men-the cupbearer and the baker of the king of Egypt, who were being held in prison-had a dream the same night, and each dream had a meaning of its own.


  • 本文目的,在于重新探讨王应麟学术之真实面貌,王应麟的学术一个准确定位

    The purpose of this article is to inquire into the true essence of the Wang scholarship, and to give the Wang scholarship a correct location.


  • 弟子智宣有如下提议,他希望王浩能为我们传承法脉设计一个标志

    Disciple Zhi Xuan suggested below that we create a logo for our lineage and ask Wang Hao to design it.


  • 巫妖冠城塞中,暴雪为了剧情效果了很多过场动画你们为了旧世界的剧情制作一些吗?

    Q. Wrath of the Lich King and Icecrown Citadel showed Blizzard using cut scenes more for dramatic purposes. Will you go back and add more for old world events?


  • 正是导演了一切,巫妖王目的是利用霜之哀伤控制阿尔萨斯

    He explained that the Lich King, the Lord of the Scourge, manipulated Arthas into taking Frostmourne to himself.


  • 一位能如此精湛展示技术并且全心全意付出教练学习更加丰富王蒙生活其他任何东西不能与之相比

    Learning from someone who exhibits the skills as extraordinarily and exerts her efforts as much as her coach does has enriched Wangmeng's life more than anything else ever could have.


  • 这个时间通往许多事件其中一个。

    This event is just one of many leading up to Wrath of the Lich King.


  • 《大学》秉承了二王三代圣贤一以之的实践传统由此具备上升儒家经典思想基础

    The Great learning succeeded the consistent tradition of practice, learning and thinking, developing an ideological basis to ascend to Confucianist classics.


  • 所以万军之耶和华以色列如此说,巴比伦王和我从前罚一样。

    Therefore thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Behold, I will punish the king of Babylon and his land, as I have punished the king of Assyria.


  • 筷子兄弟成员肖央和王太利他们的新电影《男孩之猛龙过江》饰演了一个中年演唱组合

    Chopsticks Brothers — which consists of director Xiao Yangand musician Wang Taili - played a middle-aged singing duo in the film Old Boys: the Way of the Dragon.


  • 陈明水王阳明重要弟子之一,江右门的代表人物邹东廓、欧阳南野等人列为阳明后学之修正派。

    Chen Mingshui was one of the important disciples of Wang Yangming, and the representative of Yang-Ming School in Jiangyou.


  • 对比、考究南宋时期诸多金石学家,王厚之应该是《古文苑》一书最初编撰者

    Through adequate study and comparison of many sphragistists in the Southern Song Dynasty, we propose that Wang Houzhi be the first compiler of the book.


  • ,欲得意,问余人言:“云何得之?”

    Once upon a time, there was a man who wanted to please the king.


  • ,勃之州刺史。诗一首

    Wang Mian, brother of Bo also. Tired officer Jing prefectural governor. Write a poem.


  • 我们魔兽世界设计团队一起坐下来了解巫妖之怒里五人地下城设计背后全部理念

    We sat down with the World of Warcraft design team to get insight into the overall philosophy behind five-person dungeon design in Wrath of the Lich King.


  • 随着第一英雄职业:懂妖术死亡骑士介绍魔兽世界巫妖游戏职业名册添加一个职业。

    World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King will add a new option to the game's class roster with the introduction of the first hero class, the necromantic death knight.


  • 随着第一英雄职业:懂妖术死亡骑士介绍魔兽世界巫妖游戏职业名册添加一个职业。

    World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King will add a new option to the game's class roster with the introduction of the first hero class, the necromantic death knight.


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