• 除了古老颜色而且可能其他颜色秦彩

    In addition to an ancient jade the color of jade, but also may have other colors, which is the main color and Qin color plate.


  • 匪徒俘虏白先生尔邦·法白尔先生,秀儿百灵鸟父亲不见了。

    The prisoner of the ruffians, M. Leblanc, M. Urbain Fabre,the father of Ursule or the Lark, had disappeared.


  • 从来没有提起过这些年来相亲时遇到的那些陌生人,但是有一年除夕教授告诉假如不想结婚,就不因该去结。

    Siyu had never mentioned the strangers she had been matched up with over the years, but, one New Year’s Eve, Professor Dai had told Siyu that she shouldn’t get married if it was not what she wanted.


  • 出于母亲的了解,感到直截了当地对说,儿子要讨老婆,她认为合适人选

    Knowing his mother, he wondered if she had simply mentioned that her son needed a wife and that she thought Siyu would be the right person for the role.


  • 男孩今年高三告诉父亲应该过上平和简单生活,所以思客客气气父亲新家保持距离

    The boy was now in his last year of high school, and Siyu, having told her father many times that he deserved peace and simplicity, maintained a respectful distance from his new family.


  • 教授屋里,把餐桌上的材料挪登上,坐下,然后走进厨房泡茶

    Professor Dai had invited Siyu into the flat, moved the papers that covered the dining table onto the piano bench, and let Siyu sit while she went to the kitchen to make tea.


  • 父亲把思抚养大学毕业,然后与一个30女人结了婚。

    Siyu's father, after supporting her through college, had remarried, choosing a woman thirty years his junior.


  • 他们所选9件藏品包括一对一只稀有铃铛(已知存世3只)。

    They chose nine pieces, including the jade elephants and a rare imperial white jade bell of which only three others are known to exist.


  • 大部分新西兰绿宝石属于软——翡翠种,其他属于另一种矿石,即硬绿蛇纹石(鲍文, 注1 )。

    Most New Zealand greenstone is nephritea form of jade—though some is bowenite, another mineral.


  • 这个星系位于夫座星群,它包含一些明亮,并一些其他明亮的星系NGC55、NGC 253和NGC 7793共同构成夫座。

    which contains a few bright stars but is made up of a collection of galaxies that form the Sculptor Group. Other known galaxies that belong to this group include NGC 55, NGC 253 and NGC 7793.


  • 38岁峰,那个思将要见到的男人已经44岁了。

    Siyu was thirty-eight, and the man, Hanfeng, was forty-four.


  • 越来越多的喜欢现在已经一种风尚

    More and more people like jade. It is in style now.


  • 目前辨伪只是根据目视经验来鉴别古材质。

    Previously, the professionals appreciated the ancient jades only by their visual experience.


  • 丰富文化意蕴汉语涉“”族词汇形成丰富起了重要的作用

    Jade take effect to form and enrich jade word stock owing to its own affluent implication of culture.


  • 产于我国辽宁省岫岩一种蛇纹石风致是我国局部的蛇纹石质最佳的,故而局部的蛇纹石就就都了。

    Jade is produced in China's Liaoning Province, Xiuyan County in a serpentine, because its character is our country local serpentine stone jade in the best, so local serpentine is called jade.


  • 喻人,可见此时人们文化精神生活占有一种特殊位置。

    Clearly, jade played a very important role in people's spiritual and cultural life during the period.


  • 起来有的感觉,二是真不怕金属划。

    Jade is always cool to touch and will resist scratching with metal.


  • 匪徒俘虏白先生尔邦·法白尔先生,秀儿百灵鸟父亲不见了。

    The prisoner of the ruffians, M. Leblanc, M. Urbain Fabre, the father of Ursule or the Lark , had disappeared.


  • 产品直接用于健身保健、健身球、按摩手杖人体具有养颜镇静安神之疗效。

    Products of this function are: jade pillow, jade pad, health-care ball, massage tool, walking stick, jade comb and so on, for people holding beauty, keeping mind in peace.


  • 古代君子必,也即要求君子时刻用品性要求自己规范道德,用鸣限制人的行为动作

    A man of honor supposed to wear jade, as to restrict himself, standardize his morality according to the character of jade, discipline his act to the tone of jade beating.


  • 身后扶着此时自己站着身体大部分重量笙身上。

    Jade dulcimer from afterward death hand me, I at this time although I stand, but body huge portions of weights all press on jade dulcimer.


  • 去年年底马汀夫人决定卖出一对伫立乾隆御座

    At the end of last year Mrs Marten decided to sell a pair of jade elephants that had once stood in Emperor Qianlong's throne room.


  • 所有做首饰的材料中,最亲最近。金钱钻石,是生命

    Jade is closer to human in all jewelry. Money is money, diamond is price, but jade, is life.


  • 回头珊瑚般的靥上留着拭去泪珠

    When Ning jade cornered head, the double of the jade coralline sort dimple up still lingered the end erased out of drop of tear.


  • 本文分析概念四个方面论述了文化的研究范畴

    This article studies concepts of jade and jade culture and discussed four categories of jade culture.


  • 独山研究有利于我们了解独山文化特征开发利用价值,为进一步拓宽独山应用领域提供理论依据。

    To study the ancient Dushan jade we can understand the Dushan jade cultural characteristics and development of value, and open up the application of Dushan jade field.


  • 本文讨论文化中的一个分支——丧葬文化。

    The focus of this paper is a branch of the jade culture - mortuary jade.


  • 种器形较大容器,用一雕琢成卮,制作工艺复杂造型优雅纹饰精美,无论出土传世品都比较少见

    It is rare for either the unearthed jade vessel or the handed-down one to be cut and polished from one piece of jade with complicated making craft, elegant shape and beautiful line decoration.


  • 种器形较大容器,用一雕琢成卮,制作工艺复杂造型优雅纹饰精美,无论出土传世品都比较少见

    It is rare for either the unearthed jade vessel or the handed-down one to be cut and polished from one piece of jade with complicated making craft, elegant shape and beautiful line decoration.


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