• 恐怕错了

    I'm afraid you guessed wrong.


  • 就是

    I might have guessed it was you!


  • 昨天碰到了?我三次

    Who do you think I saw yesterday? I'll give you three guesses.


  • I gather (that) you wanted to see me.


  • 五十岁上下。

    I'd say he was about fifty.


  • 的是吉恩-保尔·萨特

    I imagine you're referring to Jean-Paul Sartre.


  • 400,结果证明严重的低估

    My guess of 400 proved to be a serious underestimate.


  • 第3写的谜底。

    I can't do 3 across.


  • 接着离答案越来越近了

    Keep guessingyou're getting warmer.


  • 觉得是个玩笑这个淘气鬼。

    It's his idea of a joke, I suppose, the scallywag.


  • 一件事,”我说道。“我就会问的,”笑道

    "I'd like to ask you something," I said. "I bet you would," she grinned.


  • 阿伦小姐笑道:“很会确实知道怎么办的。”——杰姆斯说:“推论。”

    Miss Allan beamed at him. "You are clever to guess. I'm sure I don't know how you did it."—"Deduction," James said.


  • 咱们硬币边儿决定吧

    Let's toss a coin.


  • 刚才见到了!

    Guess who I've just seen!


  • 根本不到出什么

    You'll never guess what's happened!


  • 怎么着!出去了

    Guess what! He's asked me out!


  • 永远不到说了什么

    You'll never guess what she told me.


  • 咱们打哑谜字游戏吧

    Let's play charades.


  • 我们大家图书馆哑谜字游戏

    We are all going to play charades in the library.


  • 怎么着?卡金卡生了三胞胎全都健健康康的。”

    "Guess what? Katinka had tripletsall healthy."


  • 刚才看见了,玛吉难道不知道吉姆妻子呀。

    Guess who I've just seen? Maggie! You knowJim's wife.


  • 这个神秘的来访者八九不离十。

    I have a shrewd idea who the mystery caller was.


  • 怎么不到难以解决的问题。她总是那么乐观

    You would never guess (that) she had problems. She's always so cheerful.


  • 可以开始了。

    Anyone who guesses can start to guess.


  • 出现了?

    And guess who showed up?


  • 是正面还是反面

    Can you guess, heads or tails?


  • 现在一样

    Same as now, I suppose.


  • 一定

    I guess that's pretty cool.


  • Well, four years, I suppose.


  • 人们愿意帮助他们

    People will be willing to help them, I guess.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定