• 二十观察不得不许多其他领导者各种各样符号中,如此狮子座不是的,只是已经引起注意

    That's twenty years of observation. I have to say there are lots of other leaders in the various signs so Leos certainly aren't exclusive but it has been interesting.


  • 狮子座流星群的得名由于它们流星辐射点位于狮子座根据所处地理位置狮子座一般会在凌晨13左右出现在地平线上的东北方向。

    The Leonids are so named because they seem to radiate from the constellation Leo, the lion, which rises above the northeastern horizon between 1 a.m. and 3 a.m., depending on your location.


  • 这些流星之所以冠之以“狮子座名称,是因为它们好像狮子星座来自方向

    The meteors are called Leonids because they appear to come from the same direction as that of the constellation Leo the Lion.


  • 如果能够给彼此足够的时间狮子座双子座成为绝妙的

    If Gemini and Leo give time to each other, then they can be an excellent match.


  • 狮子座个专注的倾诉双子座则可能不是个足够专注的倾听者。

    The Leos are attention seekers and Geminis may not always be there to provide them such attention.


  • 然而年份狮子座流星群可以突然暴风骤雨般在每小时爆发出远远超过千颗以上流星

    In other years, however, the Leonids can suddenly erupt in spectacular meteor storms, with rates of more than a thousand meteors an hour.


  • 因为第二孩子生活贫困中是个孤儿来自破碎家庭,是天蝎座狮子座,亦或许化身,所以你才成为你吗?

    Are you who you are because you're a second-born child, raised in poverty, orphaned, from a broken family, a Leo on the cusp of Scorpio or perhaps re-incarnated from a cat?


  • 狮子座具有高度创造性星座因此看起来条建议适合你们,如果之前找好了合作者的话。

    Leo is a highly creative sign, so this seems to be especially fitting advice for you, as you have probably had a co-collaborator before this.


  • 上升狮子座感情外露,他们喜欢戏剧化夸张的姿势表达。 他们或许因为陷入夸张而没有意识到点,他们会尽可能得到他人的赞赏

    Leo Ascendant isvery demonstrative, and they like drama and grand gestures.They may get caught up in exaggeration without realizing it, but they will doanything to get admiration.


  • 因此,主形成伊始很大的梯度就像遥远狮子座里的那个星系那样

    Thus, the disc begins its existence with a steep metallicity gradient, like the one in the distant galaxy in Leo.


  • 恋爱关系中,双子座男性需要自由空间狮子座女性做好接受双子座男性天生风流轻佻准备。

    The Gemini men needs to be given his freedom and the Leo woman has to be ready to accept a bit of his flirtatious nature.


  • 太阳正午时候位于狮子座星盘好像关注样,全年仅有

    This is the only time all year when the Sun is at high noon in your chart acting like a spotlight on you.


  • 狮子座大星云发现可能星系后,他们开始使用哈伯太空望远镜进行观测。

    Having found a promising one in the constellation Leo, they turned the Hubble space telescope on it.


  • 狮子座需要很大耐心金牛座男相处,而同时得到了恩赐:这样成功、忠诚、浪漫可靠地金牛男与之相伴

    The Leo woman may require a lot of patience to deal with the Taurus man but she will be rewarded with a successful and divinely romantic and trustworthy partner.


  • 忽略消极因素,双子座男性狮子座女性有着很高的相配度

    If some negative areas are left, then the Gemini men and Leo women show great compatibility.


  • 方面狮子座有着敏感自尊心方面,双子座则比较随意而且狮子座的大惊小怪见怪不怪。

    While the Leo has a very sensitive ego, the Gemini is more flexible and may appear teasing when they ignore the small issues of the Leo signs.


  • 如果地球当前位置重新映射星座,如果你白羊座狮子座,或其他的,你可能得到不同的回答。包括新的星座叫做天鹰座。

    If you remap the zodiac using Earth's current position, you get a different telling of who's an Aries, Leo, and so on — including a newish sign called Ophiuchus.


  • 虽然,恋爱双方需要时间了解、适应彼此狮子座双子座潜质经营长久幸福感情

    Though, it takes some time for people of these signs to understand each other, the Leo and Gemini have the potential to form an everlasting and successful relationships.


  • 有关狮子座肠胃射手座的胳膊偶尔受损的可能低于5%,因此假说符合效应关系成立标准

    The hypotheses about Leos' intestines and Sagittarians' arms were less than 5% likely to have come about by chance, satisfying the usual standards of proof of a relationship.


  • 狮子座双子座相配重要原因之就是他们喜欢有趣、好玩的事情。

    The compatibility of Gemini and Leo is mostly driven by their unique ability to be involved in any activity that is full of fun and merriment.


  • 狮子座室女座之间两个星系慢慢合并星系。

    Between constellations Leo and Virgo, two galaxies slowly become one.


  • 方面,金牛座男也应该接受狮子座外向天真的个性,的自由。

    The Taurus man, on the other hand, should accept his Leo woman's outgoing and fun loving nature and let her have her way at times.


  • 狮子座金牛座都会彼此忠诚奉献

    Both the Leo man and the Taurus woman are very loyal and devoted to each other.


  • 狮子座有人悄悄送了玫瑰恼火,因为至少该送玫瑰啊!

    Leo: you are displeased by the single red rose some admirer left on your windshield. Clearly you are worth at least a dozen!


  • 被发现海王星距地球33.4光年位于狮子座Gliese 436b恒星轨道距离要比海王星太阳的距离近1000

    The first hot Neptune discovered was Gliese 436b some 33.4 light years away in the constellation Leo, which orbits its star a thousand times closer than Neptune orbits our Sun.


  • 这个景象出现新西兰北岛陶波冬季七月天空中,左下右上排成线的金星venus轩辕十四regulus(狮子座leo的第亮星)、火星Mars土星Saturn (Virgo是室女座)。

    Seen on a July winter night from Lake Taupo on New Zealand's North Island, the line-up features Venus, Regulus (alpha star of Leo), Mars, and Saturn from lower left to upper right.


  • 位于狮子座巨大行星GJ 436b正在丢失东西这些东西就是沼气

    Giant planet GJ 436b in the constellation Leo is missing something — and that something is swamp gas.


  • 位于狮子座巨大行星GJ 436b正在丢失东西这些东西就是沼气

    Giant planet GJ 436b in the constellation Leo is missing something — and that something is swamp gas.


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