• 这种历史社会学根据

    History in this narrow sense is the basis of sociology.


  • 发现件东西地方一个斜坡上,那里从前也许湖岸

    The site of the find is a sharp, narrow slope that may once have been on the shore of a lake.


  • 鹞鹰属于各种食肉之一,有长的经常状的

    Any of various predatory birds of the hawk family accipitridae having a long often forked tail and long pointed wings.


  • 有时狭的境界,两丛山迭岭,绝壁断崖,江河流于其间,回环曲折,极其险峻。

    Sometimes it comes up against a narrow section flanked by high mountains and steep cliffs, winding through a course with many a perilous twist and turns.


  • 有时狭的境界,两岸丛山迭岭,绝壁断崖,江河流于其间,回环曲折,极其险峻。

    Sometimes it comes up against a narrow section flanked by high mountains and steep cliffs, winding through a course with many a perilous twist and turn.


  • 有时狭的境界,两岸丛山迭岭,绝壁断崖,江河流于其间,回环曲折极其险峻

    Sometimes it comes up against a narrow section flanked by high mountains and steep cliffs, winding through a course with many a perilous twist and turn-following a dangerous tortuous course.


  • 有时断章取义出来,是狭的看看是否有其它含义,但突然间理解了它的含义。

    Sometimes I said the words out of con - text to see if by deflection, some quirk of physics, the meaning would suddenly come to me.


  • 有时狭的境界,两岸丛山叠岭,绝壁断崖,江河流于其间,曲折回环,极其险峻。民族生命的进展,其经历亦复如是。

    Sometimes it comes up against a narrow section flanked by high mountains and steep cliffs, winding through a course with many a perilous twist and turn.


  • 他们走进树林 ……沿着平常途径东兜西转,过了好一会工夫,才在悬崖上的小林子了坡,来到河边,河道一部分

    They entered the woods … and pursued the accustomed circuit; which brought them again, after some time, in a descent among hanging woods, to the edge of the water, in one of its narrowest parts.


  • 鼻类鼻类分散之后,这个家族开始灵长类基因组扩散

    The family began to spread in the genome of primates after the divergence of the Catarrhini and Platyrrhini.


  • 研究的目的评估固定技术如椎板内、弓根的即时节段间固定效果。

    The aims of this project were to evaluate the acute segmental fixation afforded by fixation techniques: intralaminar, pars, and pedicle.


  • 室有一个纤细的偏心气缸可以旋转使唤得下部或者上部槽的气流更强。

    This chamber contains a slightly eccentric cylinder which can be rotated to make either the upper or the lower slots bigger.


  • 所收容站有浴室、一间食堂还有一百间仄的石砌格子间,一律刷白灰,一律阴冷潮湿。

    It was a gloomy, chilly, limewashed place, consisting only of a bathroom and dining-room and about a hundred narrow stone cells.


  • 意味着网格一个稀缺资源所以上台阐述自己想法的宾客可以在别人之前获得空位自己谈讨的话题

    This means that slots on the grid are a scarce resource so there is immediately competition to get people up on stage early to say their idea before someone grabs the slot or topic they want.


  • 穿行时,主要问题就是防止之间保持的距离。

    The main problem with moving in a column is not to allow donkeys to approach to each other too close.


  • 如果生态系统保护、经营好,足袋鼩这样物种残酷萧条时期更多生存机会

    Species like the lesser hairy footed dunnart have a better chance of survival during the unforgiving bust periods if their ecosystem is protected and well managed. (Dr Adam Kerezsy)


  • 科索沃有约13万塞族人其中不少南部中部块飞地有半数住在伊伯河北一小块(地图)。

    Kosovo has some 130,000 Serbs. Most live in small southern and central enclaves, but almost half live in a sliver of land north of the River Ibar (see map).


  • Jen先生关于日元欧元所显示出来的这般疲态有他自己的解释全球管效应假说。

    Mr Jen has an alternative explanation for why the yen is so feeble against the euro: the “global funnelling hypothesis”.


  • 然而制片商明智地看中了这两个影星长处塔克滑稽搞笑,妙语连珠成龙无论高空隙都身手敏捷,艺胆过人。

    Yet the producers have wisely focused on the strengths of the two stars: Tucker's hilarious, rapid-fire jive-talk, and Chan's nimble derring-do in tight Spaces and high places.


  • 目的研究目的评估3C2固定技术(椎板内、弓根)的即时节段间固定效果和长期螺钉稳定性

    Objective. The aims of this project were to evaluate the acute segmental fixation and long-term screw stability afforded by 3 C2 fixation techniques: intralaminar, pars, and pedicle.


  • 希望如此每年这个时段危险,何况最近,经常让人忧心的报告说,有陌生船只在石阶列岛之间出没。

    Let us hope so. The narrow sea is' perilous this time of year, and of late there have been troubling reports of strange ships seen amongst the Step-stones.


  • 目的研究种植直径变化种植全口义齿及其支持组织应力状况影响。

    Objective: To study the stress states of the complete dentures supported by implants with varied neck diameter.


  • 专门加工捕捞加工制成鱼糜洁白细腻蛋白含量营养丰富弹性特别

    A special processing of surimi processing fishing vessels, with narrow white hake surimi made of delicate, high protein content, nutrient-rich, flexible particularly good.


  • 因为小说“新品”,它也就无法摆脱邪小说”固有局限性,而无法给以较高评价

    Just because it is one of the "new works" of "vice fiction", it cannot get rid of the inherent limitation ofd cannot obtain a better appraisal.


  • 如何有效提高水道操纵安全水平一直海运界思考问题

    Therefore, how to improve narrow channel manoeuver safety is always a hotly discussed question in the navigation circles.


  • 只是没有确定安达尔人是什么时候渡过而来

    Only no one knows when the Andals crossed the narrow sea.


  • 年前提利昂读到逃脱贝勒魔掌《非自然史》的残片但是怀疑巴斯著作是否有幸跨越得意留存。

    Ten years ago, Tyrion had read a fragment of Unnatural History that had eluded the Blessed Baelor, but he doubted that any of Barth's work had found its way across the narrow sea.


  • 一侧,我们在纸上承诺

    On this side of the narrow sea, we put our promises on paper.


  • 一侧,我们在纸上承诺

    On this side of the narrow sea, we put our promises on paper.


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