• 每个响应使用不同状态代码状态说明

    Varies the status code and status description used for each response.


  • 运行应用程序将产生简单线性输出包括一些状态说明用于跟踪程序执行清单5所示。

    Running this application produces simple linear output with numerous status comments that can be used to trace the program's execution. See Listing 5.


  • 骑马飞驰跳跃精彩展示说明恢复到了最佳状态

    He returned to his best with a devastating display of galloping and jumping.


  • 本文说明激活规范中提供自定义属性控制消息端点状态

    It also illustrated the custom properties available on the activation specs to control the status of the message endpoints.


  • 服务发回目录状态响应说明库存哪些零部件

    The service sends an inventory status response that shows which parts are in stock.


  • 下面的说明需要使用部署管理器稳定状态备份

    The instructions below require a stable state backup of the deployment manager.


  • 这个列表包含状态排序条目如果它们已经完成了,则说明它们已经包含哪个内核中,如果没有完成,则指出还需要多长时间。

    The list contains items sorted by status, which kernel they had been included in if they were complete, and how far along they were if they were still incomplete.


  • 一下清单3其中说明通过API发布状态消息用户时间表过程

    Take a look at Listing 3, which illustrates the process of Posting a new status message to the user timeline through the API.


  • 下面这个简单例子说明需要使用状态情况

    The following simple example is a case when you need a state machine.


  • 对于科技产业状态作为一种令人耳目一新的惊喜说明了什么?

    What does it say about the state of the tech industry that this comes as a refreshing surprise?


  • 不管是否可行,都说明当代交战状态性质正在改变。

    Whether it works or not, it shows how much the nature of modern belligerency is changing.


  • 当时还有一个特殊的细节可以说明了梅斯代尔先生心理状态

    There was a singular circumstance that characterised Mr. Dimmesdale's psychological state at this moment.


  • 提交作业将显示状态指示作业标识符说明状态激活时间以及过期时间(11)。

    After you submit the job, a status table is displayed indicating the job identifier, its description, its state, when it became active, and when it will expire (Figure 11).


  • 本文说明我们可以如何度量现有组织能力技能当前状态

    This article also deals with how we might measure the current state of these capabilities and skills within a given organization.


  • 许多手机都有“一复位”的功能,可以让手机回到出厂状态假如手边没有使用说明网上找找吧

    Most cell phones have a "master reset" to return the phone to factory-fresh condition. If you don't have access to a manual, look online for instructions.


  • C 语言标准规定了两个定义(EXIT_SUCCESS EXIT_FAILURE),可以传递状态参数,以说明终止成功或者成功

    The C standard specifies two definitions (EXIT_SUCCESS and EXIT_FAILURE) that can be passed to the status parameter to indicate successful or unsuccessful termination.


  • 执行'Validate inSource '状态' New '变为' Fail ',并提供一个说明:“无法完成这个报告操作原因未实现的提示。”

    After executing 'Validate in Source', the status changes from 'New' to 'Fail' with a description of: Unable to complete action for this report because there were unfulfilled prompts.


  • 本文向用户介绍PluggableApplicationClient安装过程开始,然后说明如何使用状态会话ejb交互

    This article starts by taking you through the installation procedure of the Pluggable Application Client, then shows you how to use it to interact with a stateless session EJB.


  • 步骤说明如何使用测试客户端触发到 OrderComplete状态转换

    The next set of steps show you how to use the test client to trigger the transition to the OrderComplete state.


  • 我们本文描述重要对象还有一些对象未作说明 ——主要是执行重置状态任务helper 对象 —— 留给闲暇时进行探索

    We describe the most important objects in this article, but leave some out -- mostly helper objects that perform tasks such as status resets -- for you to discover at your leisure.


  • 其次,前面的 Order 的状态转换可清楚说明订单状态行为

    Next, remember how the state transition diagram for the Order clarified stateful behavior of the order.


  • 微软开发部门组长AnandRaman就Sandcastle项目当前状态发布了一个更新说明,以此对项目将要终止传言进行辟谣。

    To dismiss any rumors about the termination of the Sandcastle project, Anand Raman, Group Manager within the Microsoft Developer Division, has posted an update on the current status of the project.


  • VPA提供了一个空闲标志操作系统在空闲时候将该标志置位,以便Hypervisor说明状态

    The VPA consists of an idle flag that the operating system sets when it is idle, to indicate the status to the hypervisor.


  • 而且通过自然状态或者通过战争状态意在说明状态说法没有一个被认可权力我们维持在敬畏中,没有权利使我们敬畏。”

    And by a "state of nature" he means, or by a state of war, he means a condition where there is no recognized authority in his language to keep us in awe, no authority to awe us.


  • 比较好的做法用户提供一些反馈说明处于就绪状态3时,很快就会响应了。

    A better idea is to provide some feedback to the user that when the ready state is 3, a response is forthcoming.


  • 各种请求内存缓存一方面说明了无状态规则

    Memory cache for various requests illustrates one aspect of the statelessness rule.


  • 然而遇到经济危机难以为继了,因为动态随机要素说明均衡状态附近微小价格波动,在危机来临时却均衡状态可言

    They do badly in a crisis, however, because theirdynamic stochasticelement only amounts to minor fluctuations around a state of equilibrium, and there is no equilibrium during crashes.


  • 测试领导者或者经理创建了测试计划,这个计划通过3举例说明状态(或者阶段)不断演变。

    As test leader or manager creates a test plan, and the plan evolves through the states (or stages) illustrated in Figure 3.


  • 本文其余部分说明为什么这个简单状态服务可以使用多种JAX - RPC技术来实现

    The rest of this article shows how this simple yet stateful service can be implemented using various JAX-RPC techniques.


  • 至于说明该表空间状态示例已经超出本文范围

    An example illustrating this table space state is beyond the scope of this article.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定