• 洗钱犯罪我国新时期面临重大犯罪威胁之一

    Money laundering crime is one of the most threatening crimes in modern times.


  • 芝加哥警方承诺城市公民游客合法权益提供保护,但公共安全目前的首要责任,我们会全身心致力于保护公众远离犯罪威胁并且维护每个人应有权利”莫林比格中尉邮件中提到

    "The Chicago Police Department is committed to safeguarding the civil liberties of city residents and visitors alike, " Lieutenant Maureen Biggane said in an e-mail.


  • 他们安全和财产受到各种犯罪威胁抢劫盗窃强奸绑架谋杀纵火破坏公物暴力

    Their safety and property are threatened by various crimes: robbery, theft, rape, kidnapping, murder, arson, vandalism and violence.


  • 涉及保护数据人员的网络安全面临多重威胁尤其是网络犯罪和网络行业间谍这两种威胁在迅速增长

    Cyber-security, which involves protecting both data and people, is facing multiple threats, notably cybercrime and online industrial espionage, both of which are growing rapidly.


  • 一个双重威胁也许可以帮助解释恶劣学校表现犯罪行为酒精中毒阿尔茨海默氏症的患者增加

    There\\\'s a double threat out there that may help explain poor school performance, criminal behavior, alcoholism, and the growing numbers of Alzheimer\\\'s patients.


  • 这些上榜罪犯被控长期严重犯罪被认为世界的严重威胁

    They all are accused of a long history of committing serious crimes and are considered a dangerous menace to the world.


  • 网络犯罪处于历史最高水平以致联邦调查局已经列为安全威胁之一。

    Cybercrime is at such an all-time high that the FBI has listed it as one of the top security threats.


  • 网络安全关于网络空间里打击威胁犯罪

    Cybersecurity is about combating threats and crimes in cyberspace.


  • 已有法律条款下,大约20个犯罪定义为:故意伤害罪鲁莽伤害罪谋杀意图谋杀罪,以及恐怖威胁罪。

    Approximately 20 states prosecute these cases under existing criminal laws, charging people with aggravated assault, reckless endangerment, homicide or attempted homicide, or terrorist threat.


  • 或许最好消息就是蒙特雷的暴力犯罪事件墨西哥政客商人终于直面这一无时不在加剧威胁

    Perhaps the best news is that the mayhem in Monterrey has at last forced Mexico’s politicians and business leaders to face up to the gravity of the threat.


  • 正如兰姆小姐的案子表明很多跟踪国外威胁他们受害者,而且是在尚未制定跟踪犯罪相关法律国家

    As ms Ramm's case demonstrates, many stalkers threaten their victims from abroad, often from countries without stalking laws.


  • 目前警察只有自身他人生命受到威胁情况下,先鸣枪示警然后可以犯罪分子开火

    At present, they can shoot only if their life or that of others is in danger, after firing a warning shot.


  • 最大问题还在于那些已构成生命威胁犯罪现场,有用的司法证据常常早就不见了。

    A big problem is that forensic evidence is often lost in the life-threatening drama of the crime scene.


  • 之相伴,网络的各类攻击与破坏与日俱增计算机犯罪越来越多,网络安全受到严重威胁

    At the same time, attacks upon networks are increasing very fast, computer criminal events occur quite often, and network securities are seriously threatened.


  • 除了零售店老板的利润这些盗窃犯没任何人造成威胁。 而且相比其他犯罪行为,越来越多女人开始从事这项犯罪

    They pose no threat, except to retail profits, yet more women are imprisoned for shoplifting than any other crime.


  • 这些结果并不说明网络犯罪威胁恰如一个新发明那样注销说明人们能关掉垃圾邮件过滤器

    None of this means that the threat of cybercrime can be written off as pure invention, or that people should turn off their spam filters.


  • 随着DDoS攻击开始有组织犯罪以发起网络攻击为威胁成为敲诈勒索公司钱财手段,这个技术肮脏的一面开始闪现。

    The seedier elements of DDoS attacks showed around this time as the technique began to be used by organised criminals to blackmail and extort money from small businesses by threat of cyber-attack.


  • 财产犯罪通过使用暴力威胁等手段而获得财产行为。抢劫行车盗窃属于此类

    Property crimes are offenses with the intent of gaining property through the use or threat of force against a person. Burglary and motor vehicle theft are examples.


  • 英国首相卡梅伦各国需要共同采取行动解决互联网的的安全威胁犯罪

    The British Prime Minister David Cameron has said countries need to act together to tackle security threats and crime on the Internet.


  • 个人信息泄漏正是诈骗多发恶性网络犯罪重要源头现已我国广大民众的合法权益造成严重威胁

    Personal information leakage is an important source of fraud and other malignant network of crime, has been a serious threat to the legitimate rights and interests of the majority of the people.


  • 无论是公共领域还是私人部门升级网络犯罪这些新兴设备生成数据面临巨大的威胁确保公司所有数据的隐私性正常使用一项非常艰巨任务

    Whether in the public or private sector, upgrade to make the network crime data generated by these new devices threaten to ensure privacy and proper use of all data, is a very difficult task.


  • 因此抢劫犯罪已经成为暴力犯罪影响最坏社会危害广人民生命财产构成极大威胁犯罪

    So robbery has become the crime that has the worst influence, the most extensive social harm and the greatest threaten to people's life and property.


  • 因此抢劫犯罪已经成为暴力犯罪影响最坏社会危害广人民生命财产构成极大威胁犯罪

    So robbery has become the crime that has the worst influence, the most extensive social harm and the greatest threaten to people's life and property.


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