• 从统计上来看我们成为暴力犯罪受害者可能性微乎其微的。

    Statistically our chances of being the victims of violent crime are remote.


  • 西门子一再宣称犯罪受害者而非从犯

    Siemens insists that it was a victim of crime not an accessory to it.


  • 犯罪受害者目击者可能会因为最后仍驱逐出境而不出来指正。

    Crime victims and witnesses are likely to be reluctant to come forward if they fear that they may be deported for their pains.


  • 从统计数据来看我们成为暴力犯罪受害者可能性微乎其微

    Statistically our chances of being the victims of violent crime are remote .


  • 一回“接案”以来,本德再造了约40个暴力犯罪受害者半身雕塑像

    Since that first work, Bender has re-created the busts of about 40 victims of violent crime.


  • 其中欺诈行为增长迅速:43%犯罪受害者以及56%的金融行业从业者报告了这种增长

    Of these, fraud has shown a particularly sharp rise (see chart): 43% of all corporate victims of crime and 56% of those in financial services reported an increase.


  • 新的法律不对犯罪受害者给予赔偿使他们确信没有必要赔偿。由于侮辱行为,你必须他们赔礼道歉。

    The new law offers no amends to victims of crime. I assured them that no amends are necessary. You must make amends to them for the insult.


  • 英国警方公布了一组打了马赛克犯罪受害者照片,大家社交网站上纷纷表示疑惑不解,因为受害者居然绵羊

    Social media sites have been rammed1 with confusion after police released blurred2 images of victims of crime - who happened to be sheep.


  • 根据此日报自己“死亡计算器”------计算每日组织性犯罪受害者死亡人数,一些治安较差州,犯罪数量有所下降。

    According to the paper’s ownexecutionometer”, a daily body count of victims of organised crime, violence is falling in some of the most dangerous states.


  • 这些数据支持这样一个结论:与帕克代尔居民相比,梅多布鲁克居民有可能成为暴力犯罪受害者

    These figures support the conclusion that residents of Meadowbrook are more likely to become victims of violent crime than are residents of Parkdale.


  • 展示许多犯罪专家所担忧的:伦敦谋杀案受害者趋于年轻;有433位年龄低于30岁,其中差不多200位年龄低于21岁。

    It shows what many crime experts fear: murders victims in London tend to be young: 433 were under 30 with nearly 200 of those under the age of 21.


  • 英国犯罪调查(BCS)估计每年英格兰威尔士的缠扰受害者超过一百万

    The British Crime Survey (BCS) estimates that over a million people are victims each year in England and Wales.


  • 如果愤怒是因为暴力犯罪受害者可以给本地警察局法律顾问服务打电话了解进一步信息

    If you're angry because you are the victim of a violent crime, ring your local police station or legal advice service to gain further information.


  • 但是孩子大学有一件事关心孩子家长通常不会花钱的:保证他们的孩子不会成为某种犯罪受害者

    But as those children go off to college, the one thing otherwise protective parents typically do not spend money on is making sure their children do not become victims of a crime.


  • 例如有的人可能非常积极地参与作案或者他们可能实际上犯罪受害者殴打受伤

    For instance, somebody could be very actively involved, or they could be actually a crime victim who was physically assaulted and injured.


  • 这一令人震惊犯罪, 对于无数受害者个人心理上,生理情感上安全感的损害,显而易见的。

    The mental, physical and emotional impact of this egregious crime on the human security of the countless individual victims is obvious.


  • 贫穷的单身汉常常暴力犯罪受害者

    Poor bachelors are often victims of violent crime.


  • 去年陌生人攻击受害者接受英国犯罪调查所询问时86%的承认为这种伤害经历备感煎熬,而2002年只是74%。

    The BCS asks victims if they were traumatised by their ordeal; last year 86% of those who had been attacked by strangers said they were, against 74% in 2002.


  • 我们有没有为了正义理由(因为我们犯罪斗争)拒绝听从受害者意见

    Do we do it for the right reason - because we want to fight crime - but, in doing so, not listen to what the victims are telling us?


  • 越来越多的黑客变得专业加入组织的犯罪受害者中偷窃数据勒索洗钱

    More and more hackers are going professional and joining with organized crime to steal data and extort and launder money from their victims.


  • 身份证明被窃受害者并不总是受到组织犯罪的困扰。

    Identity theft victims are not always caught up in organised crime.


  • 该报称之所以目前尚未接到任何犯罪指控部分原因是那位受害者认为证据不足,无法开庭。

    He does not face any criminal charges in the incident, in part because the alleged victim believed there was not enough evidence to press a case, the newspaper reported.


  • 这些测试根据个人年龄、社交记录、犯罪以及选择的受害者类型因素指定一个分数

    Typically the tests work by assigning a score to people depending on factors such as their age, the history of their relationships, their criminal past and the type of victims they have chosen.


  • 正在勾勒一个轮廓,就美国犯罪片中谋杀案受害者那样。

    She is drawing an outline. Like a murder victim at an American crime scene, she thinks, but the bubble of laughter does not rise in her throat.


  • 一场犯罪受害者通常为了结案需要进行陈述。

    Victims of crime often talk about a need for closure, and say it can't come until they see the perpetrators behind bars.


  • 一场犯罪受害者通常为了结案需要进行陈述。

    Victims of crime often talk about a need for closure, and say it can't come until they see the perpetrators behind bars.


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