• 第四部分民事行政诉讼伪证行为犯罪

    The fourth part: crime of perjury behavior in "civil and administrative proceedings".


  • 过失危险行为犯罪化现实意义在于实现刑罚目的

    Its operational significance lies in realizing the aim of penalty.


  • 部分着重阐述过失危险行为为何要犯罪论文重点;

    The crime of involuntary dangerous act that I study is base on the theory of super involuntary;


  • 另外过失危险行为犯罪存在危害公共安全犯罪中,在设置刑罚时应遵循谦抑原则

    In addition, the criminality of negligent dangerous ACTS can only exist in the crime of endangering public safety, and the principle of criminal restrain must be followed to set up the penalty.


  • 另外过失危险行为犯罪化存在危害公共安全犯罪中,在设置刑罚时应遵循谦抑原则

    In addition, the crimination of negligent dangerous ACTS can only exist in the crime of endangering public safety, and the principle of criminal restrain must be followed to set up the penalty.


  • 就是要将值得刑罚处罚行为犯罪”就是那些可以附属刑法的行为非犯罪化

    "Strict" punishment is to deserve the penalty of criminal ACTS, and "severe" is the subsidiary of criminal law that can be able to return the system of laws and regulations decriminalization.


  • 部分在对双方基本观点进行简要介绍基础上提出自己主张过失危险行为应当给予犯罪化

    This section on the basic viewpoints of both sides on the basis of a brief introduction, put forward his claim that the criminal negligence of risk behavior should be given.


  • 决定某类过错行为包括过失危险行为在内可以犯罪的基础不是主观过错而是危险行为本身具有社会危害性。

    What decides a certain kind of wrong, including negligent dangerous act which can be criminalized is not subjective wrong, but the social harmfulness possessed by dangerous act itself.


  • 犯罪模式选择过程及其难点,首先就是如何妥善处理好犯罪化犯罪化两者之间的关系,寻找它们之间的最佳平衡点。

    The selection process and difficulties of crime pattern, is how to properly handle the relationship between the criminalization and decriminalization, and search the balance between them.


  • 持有特定物品行为之所以犯罪是因为持有行为侵犯了特定管理制度同时社会秩序安全造成潜在威胁

    The reason why possessing certain items is criminal, is that it has violated the specific management system, and the social order and security have a potential threat.


  • 他们常常选择——现在依然这样选择——居住那些气候较为寒冷的地区,比如俄勒冈爱达荷,还有阿拉斯加,为的是逃避烟雾犯罪以及加利福尼亚州城市进程中的其他问题。

    Often they choseand still are choosing—somewhat colder climates such as Oregon, Idaho and Alaska in order to escape smog, crime and other plagues of urbanization in the Golden State.


  • 美国多元文工业社会中,犯罪一直居高不下

    Crime rates have always been high in multi-cultural industrialized societies such as the United States.


  • 公司技术艺术天赋可以帮助出租车交通房产信息甚至犯罪模式各种信息进行图形并绘制成内容丰富的网络

    The firm's technological and aesthetic savvy has helped visualize much more, including taxi traffic, real-estate values, even crime patterns--all depicted in jarringly gorgeous maps.


  • 然而评论家指出墨西哥犯罪集团多元表明他们更加强大,吞进去更多,涉及国家生活的更多的方面。

    Critics, however, retort that the diversification of Mexico's criminal cartels show they are getting stronger and eating into more and more spheres of national life.


  • 美国对待逃学少年犯的普遍做法他们起来然后钥匙丢掉,图省事却忽略导致暴力犯罪社会方面使得问题反而复杂

    Amerika's generaly approach to truancy and delinquency is to lock them up and throw away the key while conveniently ignoring the social aspects of violent crime thereby compounding the problem.


  • 女人为了鲁莽又负责的犯罪二重奏而疯狂,从而使这荣耀之路的结局显得更加情绪

    Women went nuts for this simultaneously reckless and in-charge crime duo, making its blaze-of-glory finale even more emotional.


  • 但是,基于当今国际犯罪现状一份国际通缉名单显得有意义

    But given the current state of globalized crime, an international most wanted list makes more sense now than ever.


  • 将死刑合法可以帮助防止犯罪

    Legalizing capital punishment can help prevent crime.


  • 对人体DNA甲基水平进行检测发现,结合在DNA上甲基数量年龄有关,因此,唾沫分析技术有望成为犯罪现场取证工具

    An analysis of a person's DNA methylation finds that the number of methyl groups attached to the DNA correlates with the person's age — making saliva analysis a possible CSI tool.


  • 合法不仅减少犯罪;而且会使毒品“法律与秩序”的问题转变公共健康问题,这对待毒品的正确态度。

    Legalisation would not only drive away the gangsters; it would transform drugs from a law-and-order problem into a public-health problem, which is how they ought to be treated.


  • 为了使自己免于暴力犯罪敲诈勒索伤害,寡头试图使克格勃的一些部分私有

    To protect themselves from rampant crime and racketeering, the oligarchs tried to privatise parts of the KGB.


  • 研究或许会犯罪现场调查取证以及个性医疗方案开发提供一些帮助

    The US discovery could help crime scene investigations and the development of personalized medicine.


  • 他们不断地运用网络模式,利用他们所需专业技能,集合开发犯罪资源,这好莱坞工作室寻找特定业内专家拍摄特定的电影。

    They are constantly networking to develop sources with the specialized skills they need, much as Hollywood studios scout for talent to cast a given film.


  • 他们不断地运用网络模式,利用他们所需专业技能,集合开发犯罪资源,这好莱坞工作室寻找特定业内专家拍摄特定的电影。

    They are constantly networking to develop sources with the specialized skills they need, much as Hollywood studios scout for talent to cast a given film.


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