• 我校英语教研组一个富有朝气、充满活力致力于英语特色教学教研组。

    English Teaching and Research Group in No. 7 middle school is a group which is full of vigor and vitality, and aims at characteristics of English teaching.


  • 核心竞争力培养突出特色教学实践训练职业道德养成就业指导等方面下功夫。

    The special teaching, practice exercise, occupational morality and employment guidance take an important role in the cultivating the core competence.


  • 词语教学理论性技能兼而有之特色教学如何使理论知识技能训练相结合,还有待今后进一步探讨。

    New words teaching is a kind of teaching theory and skills of haveboth at the same time, how to make the theoretical knowledge and skillstraining combined, and it deserves study in further.


  • 学科教学探究性学习渗透两课特色教学开辟了境界,构建起了新的平台,可提高“两课”教学效果

    The penetration of probing study in subject teaching provides new concept for the characteristic teaching of "two courses", establishes new platform and achieves effects in teaching.


  • 政法高职院校体育课教学为了突出政法高职教育职业技能特色体育课称为“警体课”政法高职教育的客观要求,也是学院体育特色教学实践经验的总结。

    In high academy of politics and law, to stand out the characteristics of professional skills, it is necessary to name PE lessons as (police physical education) in high education of politics and law.


  • 尺寸标注非常重要,尺寸标注教学往往缺乏特色

    The dimension is very important but its teaching is in defect of characteristic.


  • 同义词丰富多彩的英语词汇一大特色所以英语同义词教学也是英语词汇学习中的重要内容之一

    English language is characterized by its abundance of colorful synonyms, and therefore teaching of synonyms is one of the important tasks of English vocabulary teaching in schools.


  • 钢琴教育必须自己特色之路———实施多元一体、兼顾普及提高教学

    The piano education must walk on his own characteristic way to implementing diversify teaching, which has the proper attention to both popularization and enhancement.


  • 继续推进这项工作,真正形成数理化英语基础教学特色

    We are trying to continue advancing the job of form real mathematics, physics, chemistry and English basic teaching characteristic.


  • 如何通过教学改革让它具有高科技数字时代特色一个值得探索课题

    How to reform, it has the characteristics of high-tech digital age is a topic worth exploring.


  • 通过实践教学体系分析比较,指出建立实践教学体系可以充分体现素质教育特色

    Through analysis and comparison of practice teaching system, it was pointed out that it could full body the special features of the education for all-round development.


  • 文章分析博客作为网络文化特有内涵之后,对博客教学应用中的特色存在的问题进行了初步的探索思考

    After exploring the content of blog as a cyberculture, this article analyzes and reflects on the features of blog in teaching application as well as some problems.


  • 这种传播接受双方特色就决定高职高专教学语言特色

    The features of both broadcasting and acceptance decide the teaching language feature of higher vocational college.


  • “做中学教学流程鲜明特色基本模式

    The teaching procedure of "learning by doing" has its obvious feature and basic mode.


  • 实践教学技能教学才能突出高职教育特色

    That practice and skill bring along teaching is the prominent feature of higher vocational education.


  • 印刷工程实训中心北京印刷学院实践教学特色之一,随着学院学科建设专业建设深化,加强印刷工程实训中心建设至关重要

    The printing engineering practical teaching center (PEPTC) has been one of teaching features of BIGC for many years, so it's very important to reinforce and improve the establishment of PEPTC.


  • 纽约电影学院教学方面特色

    What are the features of teaching at New York Film Academy?


  • 如何扎实有效具有自己特色实验教学体系每个从事实践性教学工作人员共同关注问题

    How to establish a solid and effective experimental education system with our own characteristics is the issue of common concern for each teaching staff who engages in the practical teaching.


  • 不同文化背景造就了各国不同教育理念教育模式作文教学更是特色

    Different cultural backgrounds give rise to various educational theories and modes, and composition teaching also has its own characteristics.


  • 如何克服困难,趋利避害,办高职教学特色需要我们进行认真探索

    For how to form the characteristics of higher professional teaching, it needs us to think and study them seriously.


  • 并对社会需求专业方向特色教学理论与实践体系问题进行了论述。

    In this paper, the issues is stated such as the social needs and specialty orientation and characteristics and system of teaching theory and practice.


  • 实现高职教育培养目标关键如何构筑具有高职特色教学体系

    It is the main point of how to set up the teaching system with higher vocational characteristic if we want to accomplish the training goal of higher vocational education.


  • 课程必须体系性、衔接性原则重构教学内容体系教学内容的选择上突出作为“原理性”而非“概论性”课程特色

    This course's content system must be reconstructed according to the systematic principle, and we must stress this course's features as a principle course.


  • 本文通过回顾我院秘书实训教学开展情况概括出我院秘书实训教学基本特色——三个平台教学模式

    In this paper, the author reviewed the present situation of the secretary practice teaching course and generalized the basic characteristics of the three - level teaching mode for this course.


  • NIIT教学特色做了较详细分析如何将其精华引入我院教学体系上进行了实践和探讨

    This paper makes a detailed analysis on the NIIT teaching features, and also tries to import these teaching methods in our college.


  • 结论结合制药工程专业特色进行药物合成反应教学有助于教学效果提高

    Conclusion: Performing the teaching of drug synthetic reactions combined with the characteristics of pharmaceutical engineering is helpful to increase the teaching effects.


  • 结论结合制药工程专业特色进行药物合成反应教学有助于教学效果提高

    Conclusion: Performing the teaching of drug synthetic reactions combined with the characteristics of pharmaceutical engineering is helpful to increase the teaching effects.


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