• 海上危险货物运输托运人一项特殊义务危险货物的通知义务

    The particular duty of the shipper in contract of carriage of dangerous goods by sea is the duty of notice.


  • 对于法国人德国人或是英国人来说,友谊一般包含更为特殊内容,承担更多的义务

    For a Frenchman, a German or an Englishman friendship is usually more special and carries a heavier burden of commitment.


  • 特殊时刻因为我们清楚地看到当今社会很多东西已经失控尽管不易明说,我们却有一种需要他们什么的义务感。

    It's a special moment because we've seen so clearly the many things that have gone haywire in the society, and while it may not be easy to articulate, we have a sense of what needs to be done.


  • 正是这种特殊信义关系成为英美公司法董事义务理论基础

    This special fiduciary relationship thus becomes the base of the theory on director's duty in common law.


  • 班就读我国特殊儿童接受义务教育主要形式

    Learning in regular classes is the main form for special children to accept compulsory education in China.


  • 对法国人、德国人英国人来说,友谊一般包含更为特殊内容,也承担更多义务

    For a Frenchman, a German or an Engishman friendship is usually more special and carries a heavier burden of commitment.


  • 新的义务教育法特殊教育提出更加明确要求

    New "Law on Compulsory education" of special education also made a more specific request.


  • 近期,份于国会通过草案将大幅提高变性人的权利包括变性儿童的独特义务教育特殊雇佣制度医疗健康保障

    The current draft of a bill working its way through Parliament enshrines transgender rights by mandating inclusive education for trans children, and special employment and health provisions.


  • 回到特殊情境中如果无法直接回答这个抽象问题,不对病人说谎义务避免不必要的痛苦义务紧迫”吗?

    To return to specific cases, perhaps there is no direct way to answer the abstract, it's the duty not to lie to a patient 'more stringent' than the duty not to cause needless suffering?


  • 对民事注意义务违反应当如下两个特殊角度予以考虑。

    The breach of duty of care should also be considered from these two special angles.


  • 既要肯定特殊情境让步必要性合理性,又尽量使得这种让步而义务带来的负面影响降至最低。

    It is to affirm the necessity and rationality of concession in the special circumstances as well as to decrease the negative influence brought to the obligation because of concession to minimum.


  • 制订了9义务教育阶段特殊儿童书杂费方案

    A free books and incidental expenses plan for special children in 9 years of compulsory education has been formulated.


  • 图书馆性质决定了必须承担这项特殊社会义务

    Therefore, library must undertake this special social service according to its nature.


  • 物权法关于占有回复请求权权利义务规定属于特殊规定,其目的在于充分保护善意占有人,促进物尽其用

    Property law on possession and reply of the possession's rights and obligations is special regulations, aimed at the full protection of bona fide persons, promote the best use of object.


  • 义务教育外,教育作为特殊产业基本上可以产业化不能商品化,应强调社会效益,不能以单纯牟利目的。

    As a special industry, education can for its most part be industrialized except compulsory education. But it can not be commercialized.


  • 让患者知情同意义务近些年来在医疗诉讼过程逐步一般注意义务中分化出来特殊注意义务

    Informed Consent obligation is a special attention duty gradually separated from the general attention duty in the medical treatment litigation process in recent years.


  • 过失侵权英美侵权法中占有极其重要和特殊地位,过失侵权中的注意义务原则又是构成过失侵权的基石。

    The principle of Duty of Care is the base of negligent tort, one of the most vital parts of law. of tort.


  • 民事责任义务关系以及保证责任的自身特征角度来思考普通意义上所说的保证责任只能一种特殊的“一般债务”。

    Thought from the relationship between civil liability and obligation and its characteristics, the guaranty liability, in the common sense, is only a special general debt.


  • 专家因其特殊身份职业活动中负有特殊义务高度注意义务忠实义务、保密义务等等。

    Specialists have special status and incur some special duties in their occupations, for example, high attention duty, fiduciary duty and confidential duty.


  • 作为犯罪中的义务积极义务,是一种具有特殊适用范围义务

    The duty of Crime of Omission, which applies to particular limits, falls into a positive category.


  • 第二部分第一部分基础上进一步分析了投票权征集制度中的代理权不同一般代理权的特殊权利义务内容

    The second part further analyzes the special contents about right and duty of the proxy in proxy solicitation system that differs from those of nomal proxy;


  • 高校教师的权利义务分为基础权利与义务普通权利与义务以及特殊权利与义务

    Their rights and duties can be classified into basic rights and obligation, common rights and obligation and special rights and obligation.


  • 因此采用特殊分包情形,发承包双方需要专用条款事先约定清楚权利义务的变化,避免事后引起纠纷

    Therefore, in the circumstances of special contract, both sides of the total contract need to agree on special terms in advance in order to avoid disputes in the future.


  • 究其根本原因,就在于没有正确认识扣缴义务就是纳税义务性质,过分强调特殊

    The fundamental reason for this is that no one has realized that withholding liability is tax liability so far and overstressed the peculiarity of withholding.


  • 简直统一工夫三十八派出一支特殊分队潜入野人执行不知终点义务

    Almost at the same time, the new 38 division, send a ten people special unit, sneak in savage mountain executive knows no end of the task.


  • 清算义务指负有依法启动公司解散清算义务的人,具有特殊的法律地位。

    It is the liquidation obligor's statutory obligation to legally initiate a company's dissolution procedure, but it is also his or her right to do so.


  • 清算义务指负有依法启动公司解散清算义务的人,具有特殊的法律地位。

    It is the liquidation obligor's statutory obligation to legally initiate a company's dissolution procedure, but it is also his or her right to do so.


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