• 然而亲自出现会议上,试图挫败他们计划

    Rattray, however, personally showed up at the meeting to try and put the kibosh on their plans.


  • 2007年4月7日,马丁·斯尔完成了他的亚马逊河的全部行程,从阿塔亚(秘鲁)一直到贝伦(巴西)的大西洋。

    On April 7th, 2007, Martin Strel completed his Amazon River all the way from Atalaya (Peru) to the Atlantic Ocean at Belem (Brazil).


  • 意味着我们可以一种无创方式开发下一代接口设备,”孔·斯·维达尔说

    "This means we can use a noninvasive method to develop the next generation of brain-computer interface machines," Contreras-Vidal says.


  • 这个问题和无关,陨坑里释放很多东西,”科随后表示并不说出超出议题太远这样的话。

    This goes beyond the water, there’s a lot of stuff that came out of there,” Colaprete said, before saying he didn’t want to saytoo much beyond” that.


  • 加入生物几个世纪后,巴西特拉土地可进行耕作

    The terra preta soils of Brazil are still being farmed, centuries after the biochar was added.


  • 鲁尼妻子埃米听到噩耗的时候,“口里出来的一句话就是,‘这样的话,安葬特拉维斯旁边,’”马尼恩-说道

    When Looney's wife Amy first heard the news, "the first thing that came out of her mouth was, 'well then he has to be buried next to Travis,'" Manion-Borek said.


  • 营造良好氛围,克莫纳市政厅里陈列着杰出先辈大师们的小提琴作品,其中包括著名的斯特拉·瓦阿玛蒂。

    To help create the right atmosphere, Cremona has been adding to its collection of superb old-master violins on view in the town hall, including famous Strads and Amatis.


  • 我们开始考虑为患者群体解答这个问题,”孔·斯·维达,他已确定把中风患者肘部以下截肢患者作为首批测试对象

    "We're starting to look at patient populations to answer that question," Contreras-Vidal says, naming stroke patients and below-elbow amputees as the first test subjects.


  • 坐落地中海奥·蒂斯之间古城马格纳克里·欧佩·时代有名港口城市

    Located between the Mediterranean and Lake Mareotis, the ancient city of Taposiris Magna had been a prominent port town during Cleopatra's time.


  • 假使马吕斯古费就是说,是个能生活随时发现笑料见了容德婆娘的模样一定会忍俊不禁。

    If Marius had been Courfeyrac, that is to say, one of those men who laugh on every occasion in life, he would have burst with laughter when his gaze fell on the Jondrette woman.


  • 我们希望证明中风或者截肢的人能够控制辅助设备。”孔·斯·维达

    "We hope to show that a person with a stroke or an amputee would be able to control an assistive device," Contreras-Vidal says.


  • 奥尔·西尼婚纱比利时设计师·德瓦·设计

    Ms Orsini's dress was designed by Gerald Watelet, the Belgian designer.


  • 片中其他角色分别格·丽·汉密尔顿博尔格、弗兰克·摩根杰克·哈利碧莉伯克出演

    The other characters were enacted by Margaret Hamilton, Ray Bolger, Frank Morgan, Jack Haley, Billie Burke and Bert Lahr.


  • 斯 -桑切斯特拉斯克莱德大学的同事一起正在试验聚合物开始冒泡的时候,低频率超声波照射激发熔融聚合物。

    Torres-Sanchez, along with colleagues at Strathclyde University, is experimenting with low-frequency ultrasonic irradiation toexcitemolten polymers as they begin to foam.


  • 尽管此类事件仅偶尔城发生,但是娜•莫,至少已经有一家美国公司已经了保护费。

    This is still local and sporadic, but at least one American company has paid up, he says.


  • 罗曼罗密欧,来自特拉纽约做仓库管理,每月回家800美元。

    ROMÁN ROMERO from Tlapa Guerrero works as a superintendent in New York. He sends home $800 a month.


  • 上个月,家住Petare贫民窑35岁爱迪生·(Edison Contreras)停下来街边撒尿的时候警察开枪打中了他的腹部

    Edison Contreras, a 35-year-old from the slum of Petare, apparently stopped to urinate in the street last month when police shot him in the belly.


  • 丈夫特拉维斯居住于萨市,还有我们宠物名叫吉布森的葛猎犬名叫斯格的猫猫。

    I live in Lenexa with my husband, Travis (a 2002 SMW graduate), and our pets: a greyhound named Gibson and a cat named Slugger.


  • 株已经有100历史的刺枝杜鹃花2个月获任明恩住宅区首席园丁?亚伯(Ray Abraham)发现的。

    Ray Abraham, discovered the 100-year-old Rhododendron beanianum just two months after taking up his role as head gardener at Minterne House.


  • 而科可能等着一个惊喜,他暗示他们Cabeus陨坑内升起气柱瞅见了一些有趣化合物

    Colaprete may have another surprise in waiting, hinting that they glimpsed other interesting compounds in the plume that arose from Cabeus crater.


  • 90年代期间夺得了马哈特拉权力——萨克因此得以替孟买更名(注:将Bombay改成Mumbai)——而且,两党作为一个大的联盟组织成员,德里取胜。

    During the 1990s the two parties won power in maharashtra-which allowed Mr Thackeray to rename bombay-and, as part of a broader coalition, in Delhi.


  • 不要忘了诺贝尔评审委员会在决定颁奖给谁时,向来传统就是:委员会对候选人的期望候选人的实际成就更为重要,比如当年因为期望推动中东和平而颁奖给阿,佩宾,以及因为期望建设一个更好南非而颁奖给曼德和戴克等等

    Remember that the Nobel prize has a long history of being awarded more for the committee's aspirations than for others' accomplishmentsfor Mideast peace or a better South Africa, for instance.


  • 特拉法国俱乐部得到很高评价他们同时希望通过一份新的留住这位年轻人。

    Traore is highly rated at the French club and they were hoping to tie him down to a new long-term contract.


  • 卡莫内西泽盖夏季过后可能双双留在球队,他们两个人暗示说突如其来转会同样可能的。

    Mauro Camoranesi and David Trezeguet may have remained at Juventus over the summer, but both have suggested an imminent exit is on the cards.


  • 两个星期遭受严重中风星期三,他特拉-哈绍梅尔一家医院病逝

    Peres suffered a severe stroke two weeks ago and died Wednesday in the hospital in Tel HaShomer.


  • 两个星期遭受严重中风星期三,他特拉-哈绍梅尔一家医院病逝

    Peres suffered a severe stroke two weeks ago and died Wednesday in the hospital in Tel HaShomer.


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