• 西山农场,黑托普,纳特尔顿(在伯明翰附近)。

    West Hill Farm, Hilltop, Nettleton, near Birmingham.


  • 多纳德·彼得歌德目前担任美国新罕布什特尔顿德·莱德c莱克小学校长

    Donald Bidgood is currently the principal of the Mildred C. Lakeway Elementary School, in Littleton, New Hampshire, USA.


  • 接着找些红色品种,选了“利特尔顿火红”,款都是浓重、柔软华丽的品种。

    Then I wanted a couple of deep red/crimsons and chose 'Littleton Red' and 'Payton Blaze Red', both rich, velvety and gorgeous.


  • 新罕布什特尔顿拥有6000名居民,它位于新罕布什北部白山中部,距离加拿大边界60英里

    Littleton, New Hampshire, has a population of 6000 residents, and is located in the midst of the White Mountains in northern New Hampshire, approximately 60 miles from the Canadian border.


  • Timeball站被认为严重受损在附近基督城新西兰星期三,2011年2月23日利特尔顿6.3地震天。

    The Timeball Station is seen to be badly damaged, a day after the 6.3-magnitude earthquake in the township of Lyttelton near Christchurch, New Zealand, Wednesday, Feb. 23, 2011.


  • 丹尼·韦伯斯新罕布什实习时,就波斯商人们代理过。

    Daniel Webster acted for Boston traders while still practising in New Hampshire.


  • 公学(Eton)校长托尼·利警告称,英国教育体系过于关注培养女孩,导致其逐渐忽视对男孩的教育。

    Tony Little, the headmaster of Eton, warned that boys were being failed by the British education system because it had become too focused on girls.


  • 希望我们兰,伯利恒或者·尔顿或者怀山脉周边其他镇上农场那里不会有山石我们头上翻滚。

    But I was wishing we had a good farm in Bartlett, or Bethlehem, or Littleton, or some other township round the White Mountains; but not where they could tumble on our heads.


  • 作为一个试图引领波士交通努力遵守美国残疾人法案》的新人,托通过个又一个挫折认识前方并不好走

    As the new guy heading up the Boston transit system's efforts to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act, Talbot learned the hard way that he had a tough ride ahead.


  • 英国布里斯大学营养师诺斯保利娜·博士发现,幼儿日常饮食可能会影响智商

    Drs Kate Northstone and Pauline Emmett, nutritionists at Bristol University, have found that diet before the age of three may affect IQ later.


  • 卡斯先生将肾脏捐献给父亲,卡奈·小镇61岁的菲·卡斯,他已经历了10个月透析治疗。

    Kaster donated his kidney to his father, Phil Kaster, 61, of Canal Fulton, who was on dialysis for 10 months.


  • ·考菲德维斯·比考可算得上是20世纪美国文化值得纪念反英雄人物。

    Holden Caulfield and Travis Bickle rank as two of the most memorable antiheroes of 20th century American culture.


  • 所以毫无疑问的是1955年阿伦比·奇尔顿离开后,·巴斯比爵士队长袖标交给了

    So no surprise that Sir Matt Busby appointed him to succeed Allenby Chilton as captain in 1955.


  • 年轻心理学家沙菲任职于普林斯大学年迈的心理学家维斯基共同完成论文

    Shafir is a young psychologist at Princeton who teamed up with the old psychologist Tversky and wrote this paper.


  • 比如宾厄姆,纽约,费耶北卡罗来纳州小石城,阿肯色州这样一般人可买得起地铁段,只有一小部分的房主房地产中获利,也只有小部分房主因为房地产而破产

    Many of the metros are affordable places such as Binghamton, N.Y., Fayetteville, N.C., and Little Rock, Ark. where few homeowners made fortunes on real estate and few were ruined by it.


  • 亚拉巴马州理查德·谢比、华盛州的斯莱德·戈阿拉斯加州·史蒂文田纳西州弗雷德·汤普森弗吉尼亚州的约翰·了作伪证罪的反对票。

    Senators Richard Shelby of Alabama, Slade Gorton of Washington, ted Stevens of Alaska, Fred Thompson of Tennessee, and John Warner of Virginia voted no on the perjury count.


  • 1997年至2002年期间,鲁德曼极具攻势地报道市的种族定性事件,披露新泽西州警察相关举动的一些事件。

    From 1997 through 2002, Ruderman aggressively covered Trenton and broke several major stories about racial profiling by the New Jersey State Police.


  • 有时姆·奥尼(Tatumo'Neal)献献殷勤,有着头发电影演员,我喜欢扮演的角色——一个竟爱上理查德·(richard Burton)的早熟的少女,那家伙足可以作她的爷爷了。

    Sometimes I talked to Tatum o 'neal, a redheaded actress I admired for her role as a precocious adolescent capable of falling in love with Richard Burton, who was old enough to be her grandfather.


  • 英国奇切斯刑事法庭了解到,格林住在沃兴利·汉普,他使用11个不同Facebook账户散播儿童淫秽图像视频

    Chichester Crown Court heard Green, of Littlehampton Road, Worthing, used 11 different Facebook accounts to distribute the images, along with indecent videos of children.


  • 包括亨利贝克查理一世与奥利弗·克伦威,查理二世与威廉三世威灵格莱斯通迪斯雷利在内的超过24位历史人物辉映其中。

    More than two dozen individuals are mentioned, including Henry II and Becket, Charles I and Oliver Cromwell, Charles II and William III, Nelson and Wellington, Gladstone and Disraeli.


  • 胡拉汉莫里森巴奈约翰逊德拉埃各1球。

    Leading scorer Holt, Hoolahan, Morison, Barnett, Johnson, Pilkington, De Laet 1.


  • 她们已经康迪街住了一个星期,再我们这样近亲家住同样天数,米德尔顿夫人不会不高兴的。

    They had already spent a week in this manner in ConduitStreet, and Lady Middleton could not be displeased at their giving thesame number of days to such near relations.


  • 她们已经康迪街住了一个星期,再我们这样近亲家住同样天数,米德尔顿夫人不会不高兴的。

    They had already spent a week in this manner in ConduitStreet, and Lady Middleton could not be displeased at their giving thesame number of days to such near relations.


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