• 定时要用特定密码才能打开。

    A special code is needed to override the time lock.


  • 这笔一个特定用途而收的。

    The money was collected for a specific purpose.


  • 好几个特定问题解决

    There are several specific problems to be dealt with.


  • 制订特殊课程,以满足特定群体需要

    Special programmes of study are tailored to the needs of specific groups.


  • 部队同意驻扎特定地界内避免冲突

    Troops have agreed to stay within specific boundaries to avoid confrontations.


  • 力推政府尊崇特定走向现代化

    He was forcing the state to enthrone a particular brand of modernism.


  • 我们也许策划一个课程满足特定需求

    We may be able to design a course to suit your particular needs.


  • 事实上,一些特定工作将非白种人排斥在外。

    Nonwhite people are effectively excluded from certain jobs.


  • 按摩也许会帮助加快血液流向身体各个特定部位

    Massage may help to increase blood flow to specific areas of the body.


  • 他们否认埃及同意特定条件下参加峰会报道

    They denied a report that Egypt had agreed to a summit, subject to certain conditions.


  • 最近民意调查显示60%的人赞同特定情况下流产

    Recent opinion polls show that 60 percent favour abortion under certain circumstances.


  • 促销活动采取渔翁撒网的方法表示并非针对特定人群

    The scattergun approach to marketing means that the campaign is not targeted at particular individuals.


  • 一些慢性病糖尿病要求病人食用医生指导的特定食物

    Certain chronic conditions, such as diabetes, require special diets that should be monitored by your physician.


  • 过滤器软件可以父母禁止特定网站、新闻组电子布告栏访问

    Surfwatch allows parents to prohibit access to specific web sites, newsgroups, and bulletin boards.


  • 试图特定语言功能大脑特定区域联系的努力还没有取得很大进展

    Attempts to correlate specific language functions with particular parts of the brain have not advanced very far.


  • 或者可以任意数目服务器上建立数据库特定工作站获取数据

    Or you can set up databases on any number of servers and access them from particular workstations.


  • 有规律重复活动声波光波无线电波一个特定频率或者说是每秒波动次数

    Regular repeating actions such as sound waves, light waves, or radio waves have a certain frequency, or number of waves per second.


  • 母语使用者可以分辨符合语法规则不符合语法规则的句子即使他们以前从没有听过这些特定词语组合

    Native speakers can distinguish between grammatical and ungrammatical sentences even when they have never heard particular combinations before.


  • 西偏爱哪种特定颜色吗?

    Does Lucy have a preference for a particular colour?


  • 可能只是导弹一个特定部分

    It could just be a particular piece of the missile.


  • 工具用于执行特定任务对象

    A tool is an object that used to perform a specific task.


  • 查看这个特定精灵脚本

    Just see this particular sprite script.


  • 故事需要特定的主题吗?

    Does the story need to be about anything in particular?


  • 早期风筝特定用途

    Early kites were built for certain uses.


  • 所以眼睛那个特定区域无法检测到图像

    So that particular area of the eye is incapable of detecting images.


  • 这种款式特定商店有售

    This model is available at selected stores only.


  • 这些航班特定目的美国人离开险区

    The express purpose of the flights was to get Americans out of the danger zone.


  • 我们可以查明特定时间内花在食物上的多少

    We can find out how much money is spent on food in any given period.


  • 我们透露那些特定时期我们可以稳妥地承担风险信息

    We reveal only as much information as we can safely risk at a given time.


  • 国际象棋中,棋盘的任何一特定方格通常可以移动大致36步。

    In chess there are typically about 36 legal moves from any given board position.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定