• 一些对手不同(安尼先生赞同这个计划尼先生不置可否),麦凯恩先生告诉克里斯先生闭嘴。

    Unlike some of his rivals (Mr Giuliani embraced the plan; Mr Romney fudged), Mr McCain told Mr Crist to get stuffed.


  • 预感什么原因造成了这些空洞一起去了波洛克的画室

    Wertheim had a hunch about what had caused the voids, and he went with Hanley to Pollock’s old studio.


  • 一千多个经济学家上书请求胡佛不要签署-法案

    More than a thousand economists petitioned Hoover not to sign the Smoot-Hawley bill.


  • 实际上没有几个经济学家认为-霍关税法案大萧条主要原因

    In fact, few economists think the Smoot-Hawley tariff (as it is most often known) was one of the principal causes of the Depression.


  • 主要对手鲁迪·安尼、米·弗瑞德·都把重点放在反恐的艰难上,尽量避开伊拉克战争问题

    His main rivals, Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney and Fred Thompson, emphasise how tough they will be on terrorists but say as little as possible about Iraq.


  • 《斯-霍关税法》灾难不是一种典型的关税法

    Smoot-Hawley was a disaster, yet it was not a typical tariff.


  • 对于没有接受过专业指纹检测培训却莫名其妙拥有技能比罗很惊讶

    Wertheim and Hanley expressed surprise to me that Biro, who had no formal training as a fingerprint examiner, somehow possessed unique skills.


  • 萧条时期美国1930年带有保护主义色彩法案900多种商品征收关税,随即招来了世界各国二连三的报复措施。

    DURING the Great Depression, America’s protectionist Smoot-Hawley Act of 1930 raised tariffs on more than 900 goods. A series of retaliatory actions by other countries followed.


  • 17世纪剧作家拙劣的修改了,使得原作中李尔王最爱的女儿双双死去悲剧性结尾化为乌有。

    In its place was a heavy-handed adaptation by 17th-century playwright Nahum Tate, who blue-pencilled the tragic double death of Lear and his favourite daughter Cordelia.


  • 住在伦敦布罗姆利自治市哈里·巴里就经历了此事。

    That's what happened to Harry Barritt of London's Bromley borough.


  • 后来贝尔泰将吉尔•桑达海尔家公司剥离了出去,普拉达5%股份给了一家意大银行

    Since then, Bertelli has offloaded both Jil Sander and Helmut Lang and sold 5 percent of Prada to an Italian bank.


  • 一个因素通货紧缩,通缩放大现行关税-霍法案所增加之关税对经济产生的影响

    The other was deflation, which amplified the effects of the existing tariff and the Smoot-Hawley increases.


  • 只有少数指纹鉴定师伪造指纹方面的专业知识建议里萨·弗兰克斯雇用·a·。一位带着眼镜、肌肉强壮,戴着眼镜的男子。

    There were only a few examiners with any expertise in forged and fabricated fingerprints, and Hanley recommended that Theresa Franks hire Pat A. Wertheim.


  • 麦肯恩最大竞争应该来自·不是安尼(其他候选人三位微不足道)。

    The strongest competition to Mr McCain arguably came from Mitt Romney rather than Mr Giuliani (the rest of the candidates are midgets compared with the big three).


  • 但是全球化今天供应链遍布世界各地,货物能够即时送达,危害程序-关税法小法案就可以破坏全球经济

    But today’s globalised economy, with far-flung supply chains and just-in-time delivery, could be disrupted by policies much less dramatic than the Smoot-Hawley act.


  • 2007年10月27日,韦一道帕克夫妇位于长岛房子检查他们那幅油画

    On October 27, 2007, Wertheim went with Hanley to the Parkers' house, on Long Island, to examine their painting.


  • 但是每年10月可以跟随历史学家·麦卡(Jim McAllister)萨勒进行一次烛光恐怖小道(Terror Trail)”之,其间游客们会去参观当年犯罪现场,大现在已经更名为加德纳-皮格家(Gardner-Pingree House)。

    But, every October, you can go on historian Jim McAllister’s candlelightTerror Trailtour, which includes a stop at the scene of the crime, now known as the Gardner-Pingree House.


  • 人们认为·尼(Mitt Romney)麦克·哈克比(Mike Huckabee)再次参与竞选,白宫发言人·金里奇(Newt Gingrich)和今密西西比州州长·巴伯(HaleyBarbour)也是备受支持,跃跃欲试。

    Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee are thought likely to run again, with former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Haley Barbour, currently governor of Mississippi, also tipped to stand.


  • 特姆库库为例,这是一个由170个家庭组成简单的马普村庄,村庄泛美高速公路仅有5公里路程。

    Take Temucuicui, a drab Mapuche village of some 170 families just five miles off the Pan-American highway.


  • 发现新娘的时候,西他们了皮,至于他会对咕噜尖酸的阿做什么简直不忍想象

    Ramsay would flay them all when he learned his bride was gone, and what he would do to Grunt and Sour Alyn did not bear thinking about.


  • 弗雷姆利与坎伯区:英国南部一个城区,位于伦敦西南。桑德·赫斯皇家军事学院校址即区内人口52,600。

    An urban district of southern England southwest of London. The village of Sandhurst, site of the Royal Military College, is in the district. Population, 52,600.


  • 弗雷姆利与坎伯英国南部一个城区,位于伦敦西南。桑德·赫斯皇家军事学院校址即区内人口52'00

    An urban district of southern England southwest of London. The village of Sandhurst, site of the Royal Military College, is in the district. Population, 52, '00.


  • 了一段时间马克国王出于妒忌·拉爱尔兰代伊索德求婚假他人之手除掉·拉

    After a time, King Mark, who felt jealous of Tristram and wanted to get rid of him, sent him to Ireland to ask for him the hand of Isoud.


  • 每天都选择而且清楚两边代价好处,”-海斯说。

    "Every single day he is making a choice, and he is conscious of the costs and the benefits on both sides, " Ms.


  • 离开位于波罗斯拐角处,方向朝南弯弯曲曲篱笆墙,走上那条踩踏出来的小径上。

    She left the road where it turned south, at the corner of the Limberlost, climbed a snake fence and entered a path worn by her own feet.


  • 离开位于波罗斯拐角处,方向朝南弯弯曲曲篱笆墙,走上那条踩踏出来的小径上。

    She left the road where it turned south, at the corner of the Limberlost, climbed a snake fence and entered a path worn by her own feet.


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