• 特别是

    Especially not to you.


  • 巴菲特盖茨都提醒观众维护良好关系重要性特别是仰慕

    Both Buffett and Gates reminded the audience about the importance of maintaining good relationships — particularly with people you admire.


  • 一定程度自信特别是学习能力有自信,承认自己需要指导帮助

    A certain degree of confidence - specifically, confidence in your ability to learn - is required to be willing to admit that you need guidance or support.


  • 成为个给予者,而不是一个接受者,特别是对父母。除了金钱外,还有很多值得给予

    You will never how much your parents worth till you become a parent.


  • 假如教会孩子怎样道歉的话,必须本身善于道歉,特别是的孩子也要善于道歉。

    If you want to teach your children how to say sorry, you must be good at saying it yourself, especially to your own children.


  • 如果教会孩子如何不起自己首先必须善于不起,特别是自己的孩子说不起。

    If you want to teach your children how to say sorry, you must be good at saying it yourself, especially to your own children.


  • 任何地方特别是于一个居住城市而言,必须信心它的现实意义有信心。

    For any place, but in particular for any city to live, you must have faith in it, in its reality and significance.


  • 特别是绿茶含有的抗氧化剂可以帮助阻止身体伤害

    Tea, especially green tea, is loaded with antioxidants that help prevent damage to your body.


  • 母亲节一些人来说欢迎,并夹带着一种兴奋感别的人来说,可能这天感觉很复杂特别是尊敬妈妈有失去过孩子悲剧

    Mothers day for some will be welcomed with feelings of excitement while for others it may be a day of mixed feelings especially so if the mother you will honor has lost a child to tragedy.


  • 检视如何特别是那些需要的人。

    Instead he will review how you treated other people, particularly those in need.


  • 大多数男人喜欢他们恐惧他们认为是自己弱点的地方公之于众——特别是他们觉得需要保护(就是)。

    Most men don't like to advertise their fears or what they might perceive as weaknesses -especially to the person they feel they need to protect (that's you).


  • 非常告诉人们特别是年轻人如果人生路上他人毫不关心、冷漠相待那么就在与生活本身擦肩而过

    I would like so much to tell people, especially young people, that if you are thoughtless and indifferent to others on your road in life, then you are missing life itself.


  • 如果已经酒店业呆了一段时间那么很大可能其他酒店已经熟知特别是当地的酒店。

    If you have been in the hotel any length of time, it is highly likely that the "other" hotels are well-known to you, especially the local ones.


  • 特别是能否MVC模式适用性做一些评论

    In particular could comment on the applicability of the MVC Pattern?


  • 不想船员里有些胆小鬼”,特别是捕鱼方式近乎癫狂的冰岛船长来说。

    "You don't want to have some sissy boys on your crew," he says, especially as Icelandic captains are famously manic in their fishing styles.


  • 平日生活因为网上银行而变得十分便捷同时也要警惕电脑黑客打网银的主意,特别是那些小型企业主来说。

    Banking online can make your life a lot easier, but it can also give hackers a gateway to your savings. This is especially true for small-business owners.


  • 保持足够的记录特别是一个进行中的项目新人加入或者的项目搁置了,稍后才能再访时很有帮助。

    Maintaining strong documentation is especially helpful when new people join a project already in progress, or if your project gets put on hold and you need to revisit it later.


  • 今天世界中,特别是政策制定者没有亲身参与二战30年代缺乏记忆的情况下,如何推销自由贸易的?

    How do you sell free trade in the world today, especially with players who were not involved intimately in the second World War and remember the '30s?


  • 句话的意思,自己严格要求,可以做出不起别人的事情;别人宽容,特别是别人无心之失时.

    It means we should be strict with ourselves in trying not to do any harm to others while generous to others when they do wrong to us, especially if they do so unintentionally.


  • 解决的最简单的方法也许就是看看存款的银行有没有其他选择,或者将钱存网上银行,特别是存款利息来说很重要的时候就要这样做了。

    It might be as simple as reviewing your current bank's options or you might consider migrating your account to an Internet bank, especially if earning more interest is important to you.


  • 本周发生工作事故的可能性很高,特别是工作不满,感到待遇不公的时候。

    This is an accident prone week for you at work, especially if you feel resentful and unfairly treated.


  • 那些非常便宜食物特别是便宜饭菜大多数时候都是不利的。

    The cheapest food, especially cheap meals, most of the time aren't good for you.


  • 听到谣言特别是反复听到的话会使更加熟悉

    Hearing a false rumor, especially if you hear it repeatedly, makes you more familiar with the rumor.


  • 有时告诉他人他的感觉挺难的,特别是并不知道对你的感觉时。

    Sometimes it's hard to tell another person how you feel, especially if you don't know how they feel about you in return.


  • 脱皮皮肤来说很重要特别是这能让柔软而适合亲吻。

    Exfoliation is most important for your skin, particularly in maintaining soft, kissable hands.


  • 确保自己免疫预防达到要求(特别是乙肝破伤风)。

    Make sure you're up to date with your immunizations (especially hepatitis B and tetanus).


  • 特别是如果回答面试官无从刁难的话,他最终不会敌意了。

    Eventually the person will stop being so hostile, particularly if you are responding in a way that is not giving them any fuel for their fire.


  • 特别是女士泼了冷水,教堂演讲之后走过来,“唱诗班说吧,我们已经重复利用了。”

    She was particularly discouraged by a woman who approached her after one church talk and said, "Oh, you are preaching to the choir. We already recycle."


  • 特别是女士泼了冷水,教堂演讲之后走过来,“唱诗班说吧,我们已经重复利用了。”

    She was particularly discouraged by a woman who approached her after one church talk and said, "Oh, you are preaching to the choir. We already recycle."


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