• 首先我们主人弗里特利克先生叔叔图书馆的感受。

    First, our host, Mr. Fridriksson, asked my uncle if he enjoyed his visit to the library.


  • 通过卡洛琳特利克、扎斯约瑟夫四个孩子母亲经历这些画面讲述艾滋病正在怎样影响非洲成千上万的家庭

    Through the experience of Caroline, mother of Patrick, Justine, Mary and Joseph, these pictures tell the story of how AIDS is affecting millions of families in Africa.


  • 一家英国公用事业公司——森特利克公司(Centrica老板山姆·莱德劳(SamLaidlaw认为至少需要15甚至20年的时间CCS电厂才会大量出现。

    Sam Laidlaw, the boss of Centrica, a British utility, thinks it will take at least 15 years, and probably 20, to roll out CCS plants in large numbers.


  • 因纽领导人政治家约翰·阿马戈阿利克说:“他们只是认为这些知道不多所以我们不会去他们。”

    "They just figured these people don't know very much so we won't ask them," says John Amagoalik, an Inuit leader and politician.


  • ·董事会成员沙龙·丈夫约瑟夫参与公司超过20

    Gottschalk's board member Sharon Levy and her husband Joseph have been involved in the company for more than 20 years.


  • 罗伯·汉斯·1910年生于荷兰芬,一位受过高等教育的汉学家

    Mr. Robert Hans van Gulik, born in Zutphen, the Netherlands in 1910, was a highly educated sinologist.


  • 一些学者认为雕像是普拉西特利作品

    Some scholars had attributed the work of the statue to Praxiteles.


  • 舍拉什·说:“可以信心地证实,从早晨以来可怕事件正在格鲁吉亚发生。”

    "But I can confirm with confidence that horrible events are happening in Georgia since the morning," Tkeshelashvili said.


  • 报道,埃利克费尔瑞典南部隆德大学研究地质学。 目前,他们正在撰写一有关这个发现的文章,文章完成后,发表在相关的国际杂志上

    The two are researching geology at Lund University in southern Sweden, and said they are working on an article about the find that will be published in an international magazine shortly.


  • ·塔总部位于拉瓦尔,是一个法国西部小镇来自这个地方法国玛·拉意大乳品行业感到震惊

    Parmalat and the Italian dairy industry may get a shock when the French arrive from Laval, the small town in the west of France where Lactalis is headquartered.


  • 这些二十多年来,马写给比诗人保罗·后者是马格的密友,曾一度是马格妻子情人

    They are all addressed to Paul Colinet, a Belgian poet who worked closely with Magritte and who, for a long time, was also the lover of Magritte's wife.


  • 一方面,同样轻而易举漫不经心地谈论奥尔巴赫、登、所有篮球教练的相关情况。

    On the other hand, I could toss around the philosophy of Auerbach, Wooden, and Litwack, basketball coaches all, with equally astonishing ease.


  • 卡司坚称她们工作为了年轻女性提供更多的选择没人认为一些选择坏事

    Shalit, Foley and Kasic all insist that their work is about giving young women choices, and I don't think anyone would argue that increased options are a bad thing.


  • 因此职业昵称、家乡父亲的名字用来当作姓氏——例如,富勒和史密夫,德·希斯福格林灵,威肯约翰逊

    So trades, nicknames, places of origin, and fathers' names became fixed surnames - names such as Fletcher and Smith, Redhead and Swift, Green and Pickering, Wilkins and Johnson.


  • 首席作者沃夫冈。说:“我们现在总算明白了为什么有些受污染地方保持相当好的健康情况而有些人却办法。”

    "We gained insight into why some people can remain relatively healthy in polluted areas and why others don't," said lead author Wolfgang Liedtke, m.d..


  • 除了梅西唯一值得大书人只有皇马主教练若泽·马里奥·多斯桑托斯·穆里尼奥·费利克斯,他用不同寻常的方式成为一员”。

    With the exception of Lionel Messi, the only participant to have lived up to the hype is the Read Madrid head coach, José Mário dos Santos Félix Mourinho, otherwise known as "the Special One".


  • -福格,圣痕公司该州提供宠物火葬服务四家公司之一,另外三家设在明尼阿波斯、圣保罗德卢斯

    McStott-Voigt says Heavenly Paws is one of four pet cremation services in the state, with the others in Minneapolis, St. Paul and Duluth.


  • 利克大儿子多会说米斯西班牙语英语三种语言,而且他还有正宗的美国发小。

    Felix's older son, Victor, is trilingual in Mixtec, Spanish and English and has the naughty cheek of a boy who is legal.


  • 格鲁吉亚外长舍拉什·定于这个周末访问土耳其俄罗斯外长拉夫罗夫星期到土耳其访问。

    This weekend Georgia's foreign minister, Eka Tkeshelashvili, is due to visit Turkey, while his Russian counterpart, Sergey Lavrov, is expected next week.


  • 2009年9月斯·雅布伦斯基和迈·恩给他们自己定了野心十足目标一年内每个制作一部纪录片。

    In September 2009, Alex Jablonski and Michael Totten set themselves an ambitious goal: to make one documentary every month for a year.


  • 先生幅画成为弗米尔最后一早期作品”,第一幅成熟作品”。

    Mr Liedtke calls this Vermeer’s “last early work or the first mature work”.


  • 比尔·佩里,约翰·多伊奇米基·坎鲍勃·,黑兹尔·奥里,劳拉·泰森·西斯内罗斯要离开了

    Bill Perry, John Deutch, Mickey Kantor, Bob Reich, Hazel OLeary, Laura Tyson, and Henry Cisneros were all leaving.


  • 近几年来,曾先后利克内格罗蓬两位常务副国务卿密切合作,进行了富有成果战略对话

    In the last several years, I worked closely with Deputy Secretaries Zoellick and Negroponte in our productive strategic dialogue.


  • 巴马其中一位名叫贝弗.埃遇难者致意几天才在白宫会见过

    Mr. Obama paid particular tribute to one crash victim whom he had met just days ago.


  • 玛·拉现在主要销售的是奶制品例如超高温灭菌奶牛奶奶酪方面却有着领导地位,帕玛拉这方面获益提高自己产量

    Parmalat, which now sells mostly milk products, such as UHT milk, will benefit from Lactalis's leadership in higher-margin cheese to increase its own production.


  • 其他角色人选史蒂夫沃兹尼亚——布莱保罗吉亚玛提、凯文•麦文森•诺费奥丹尼乔。

    Other roles: Steve Wozniak -- Jack Black, Paul Giamatti, Kevin McNally, Vincent D'Onofrio and Danny Trejo.


  • 先生意大财长·雷蒙蒂倡议将欧洲债券部分主权债务结合起来,或许能安抚市场

    Joint Eurobonds for part of the sovereign debt, 【 called for by Mr Juncker and the Italian finance minister, Giulio Tremonti, 】 might also reassure the markets.


  • 先生意大财长·雷蒙蒂倡议将欧洲债券部分主权债务结合起来,或许能安抚市场

    Joint Eurobonds for part of the sovereign debt, 【 called for by Mr Juncker and the Italian finance minister, Giulio Tremonti, 】 might also reassure the markets.


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