• 其他确定球员包括: 奈杰尔·, 德·沃森,艾伦·斯塔布斯雷弗·斯蒂文格雷厄姆·斯图尔

    Other confirmed players include Nigel Clough, Des Walker, Dave Watson, Alan Stubbs, Trevor Steven and Graham Stuart.


  • 采访过程中见到伊拉阿富汗美军老兵网站执行主任保罗·里篇推最近遇到过

    During the interview I saw a tweet from Paul Rieckhoff, the Executive Director of the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, who I met recently.


  • 那次演说之后布莱·考顿小学校长·斯拉德威决定设法学生们一道一个有独创性研究项目孩子们可以完全控制项目。

    After the talk, Lotto and Dave Strudwick, Blackawton Primary School's head teacher, decided to try to do an original research project with the students where the kids would have full control.


  • 因此职业昵称、家乡父亲的名字用来当作姓氏——例如,富勒和史密,利德·希斯福格林灵,威肯约翰逊

    So trades, nicknames, places of origin, and fathers' names became fixed surnames - names such as Fletcher and Smith, Redhead and Swift, Green and Pickering, Wilkins and Johnson.


  • 首席作者冈。利特克说:“我们现在总算明白了为什么有些受污染地方保持相当好的健康情况而有些人却办法。”

    "We gained insight into why some people can remain relatively healthy in polluted areas and why others don't," said lead author Wolfgang Liedtke, m.d..


  • 格鲁吉亚外长特克舍拉什·维利定于这个周末访问土耳其俄罗斯外长拉星期到土耳其访问。

    This weekend Georgia's foreign minister, Eka Tkeshelashvili, is due to visit Turkey, while his Russian counterpart, Sergey Lavrov, is expected next week.


  • 说出调查员的名字,他们是枪械证据专家-迪阿·祖杰出法医病理专家丹尼尔·施皮茨以及法医视频分析专家杰·斯皮瓦

    He named the three investigators as Peter Diaczuk, an expert in firearms evidence, Daniel Spitz, a prominent forensic pathologist, and Jeff Spivack, an expert in forensic video analysis.


  • 这部小说获得了1988年的于1997年拍摄成·布兰切拉尔·费恩斯主演的电影。

    The novel won the 1988 Booker prize and was filmed in 1997 with Cate Blanchett and Ralph Fiennes.


  • 休斯敦——本周五联盟号宇宙飞船成功地将NASA宇航员蕾西·考德威尔·戴森、俄罗斯宇航员亚历山大。斯沃尔·以及米哈伊尔科尔尼杨科送上国际空间站

    HOUSTONNASA astronaut Tracy Caldwell Dyson and Russian cosmonauts Alexander Skvortsov and Mikhail Kornienko safely launched to the International space Station aboard a Soyuz spacecraft on Friday.


  • 与此同时常务副总裁•多纳利、比尔•维迪扎达获得了晋升,以后直接首席执行官李艾科汇报工作

    Meanwhile, EVPs Dave Donatelli, Bill Veghte, and Jan Zadak are all getting promoted and will report directly to CEO Leo Apotheker. (All Things D)


  • 多尔曼跟妻子还有五岁的儿子谢普最近到了科罗拉多州雷·斯德比维多利亚式建筑的出租房里。他妻子斯蒂芬妮·赫尔森曾做过替身演员。

    He and his partner, Stephanie Holzen, a former stuntwoman, and their 5-month-old son, Shep, recently moved to a rental in a Victorian house in Crested Butte, Colo.


  • 林德·沃我们试播剧集顾问·西斯霍罗威茨他们不定期征求意见。

    Lindeloff was a consultant on the pilot episode, and Kitsis and Horowitz said they continue to go to him periodically for advice.


  • 麻省理工学院物理学教授位同事平分2001年诺贝尔物理学奖,他用自己那份奖金买了栋房子,剩下的则用作孩子教育资金

    Wolfgang Ketterle at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who Shared the 2001 physics prize with two colleagues, put his share towards a house and his children's education.


  • 多产科普作家艾·阿西莫贾斯·提出了强烈的批评。

    Isaac Asimov, the prodigious popularizer of science, reacts hotly to the Jastrow book.


  • 得利斯勒·霍沃达·利欧多尔·师《布列塔尼语言保存和语言消亡》语言社会学国际期刊1977年12期31 - 44页。

    Dressler, Wolfgang and Wodak-Leodolter, Ruth. 1977. Language preservation and language death in Brittany. International Journal of the Sociology of language, 12:31-44.


  • 第一积分榜的首位,排他后面的是-马汉PGA亚军巴巴-沃森吉姆-福瑞斯蒂-史翠达斯汀-约翰逊-奥文顿-库查尔。

    Mickelson led the points table for the first time followed by Hunter Mahan, PGA runner-up Bubba Watson, Jim Furyk, Steve Stricker, Dustin Johnson, Jeff Overton and Matt Kuchar.


  • 勃朗什·施一点也同情但是知道如果我把实话告诉可怜戴尔增加痛苦

    I had no sympathy for Blanche Stroeve, but knew that it would only pain poor Dirk if I told him exactly what I thought of her.


  • 这样一个充满童年回忆环境里,戴尔·是可以忘掉这次的不幸的。

    I thought that among those surroundings, with their recollections of his boyhood, Dirk Stroeve would forget his unhappiness.


  • 假定缺席比赛这实在烦人。”德甲斯图加沙尔揭幕战说道

    I assume that he will miss the game as upsetting as that is, "Loew said at the Bundesliga season opener between VfB Stuttgart and Schalke on Friday."


  • 俱乐部主教练托马斯·表达相同观点:“默·萨世界杯期间通过自己的表现成为了球迷心中英雄。”

    Thomas Schaaf is of a similar opinion: "Per made himself a real hero for the fans during the World Cup with the style in which he plays."


  • 俱乐部主教练托马斯·表达相同观点:“默·萨世界杯期间通过自己的表现成为了球迷心中英雄。”

    Thomas Schaaf is of a similar opinion: "Per made himself a real hero for the fans during the World Cup with the style in which he plays."


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