• 他们描绘了这样世界个人公司机构政府必须应对两种现实种是物理现实,一种是虚拟现实

    They paint a picture of a world in which individuals, companies, institutions, and governments must deal with two realities, one physical, and one virtual.


  • 虚拟现实可以模仿物理现实

    Virtual worlds can be modeled on physical realities.


  • 理解东西超越物理现实中的指导选择

    It's something you do not yet understand and that are beyond their guided choices in physical reality.


  • 最终物理现实数码世界联合起来使我们无所不知、实时在线。

    Finally, the physical and digital worlds are coalescing to turn us into the all-knowing, always-connected beings we've always dreamed to be.


  • 就是那些发现自己置身于物理现实形而上现实之间的外乡人。

    A provincial who finds himself somewhere between a physical reality and a metaphysical one.


  • 接受了外尔关于空穴质量电子相同结论面对着这个空穴并没有现实观测到这个物理现实

    Oppenheimer accepted Weyl's conclusion that the holes had to have the same mass as the electrons and faced the physical reality that the holes were not observed in practice.


  • 一伙坚信普朗克观点人,确信存在着一隐蔽密码用来描述自然物理现实本质基本规律原则

    Another group that would commit to Planck's view are the believers in a hidden code of Nature, a set of fundamental laws and principles that describe the essence of physical reality.


  • 随着计算能力增加以及传感器效应器显示器改进虚拟现实开始保真度互动性上逼近物理现实

    As computational power increases, and as sensors, effectors and displays improve, VR could begin to approximate physical reality in terms of fidelity and interactivity.


  • 例如描述了现实世界中的一个物理对象

    For example, a class describes a physical object in the real world.


  • 那些曾经依靠物理媒介出版物软件公司)或是现实网络都涉及的实体,正在转向纯粹在线领域。

    Entities that used to either rely on physical media (publications and software houses) or combined the real and online worlds, are making the leap to be purely online.


  • 物理数据模型才是对数据现实实现

    The physical data model is the real-world implementation of your data.


  • 智能电网其他智慧地球解决方案这样东西称为“计算机空间中的物理系统”,我们在其中连接计算机世界(IT世界)与现实世界。

    Things like smart grids and other Smarter Planet solutions are referred to as "cyber physical systems," where we link the cyber world-the it world-with the physical world.


  • 也许在这个交替现实里,物理定律有点差异

    Perhaps it’s an alternate reality where the laws of physics are a bit different.


  • 也许这个交替现实里,物理定律有点差异

    Perhaps it's an alternate reality where the laws of physics are a bit different.


  • 进行用例建模时,目的使用参与者来对角色建模不是物理的、现实世界组织系统本身

    When you are use-case modeling, your goal is to use actors to model roles and not the physical, real-world people, organizations, or systems themselves.


  • 切伦科夫辐射粒子物理标准模型所预测现实世界观察到了经常是从核反应堆的核心处所发射的蓝色光芒

    Cherenkov radiation is predicted by the "standard model" of particle physics and is also observed in the real world, most often as a faint blue glow emanating from the cores of nuclear reactors.


  • 天才或者拥有量子物理博士学位也没什么大不了,没有行动,你照样不能在现实世界有任何改变或者进步

    It doesn't matter if you have a genius IQ and a PhD in Quantum Physics, you can't change anything or make any sort of real-world progress without taking action.


  • 篇论文讨论宇宙信息处理创造虚拟现实设想将这一奇怪设想同现代物理的发现联系起来。

    This paper explores the idea that the universe is a virtual reality created by information processing, and relates this strange idea to the findings of modern physics about the physical world.


  • 最初接触软件数字物理的现象时会感觉神奇其实这些神奇的效果都是因为模仿现实而来的。

    When you encounter Digital Physics in software, it seems magical at first. In fact, the magic is done by mimicking real life.


  • 但是在现实世界里这个想法无从下手,许多物理研究过我们是否真的通过假设性洞(天体物理学术语)”来跳跃空间。

    While nothing even close has yet made its way to the real world, a number of physicists have studied whether we really could hurtle ourselves through a hypothetical wormhole.


  • 基本物理原理最近研究表明读者们认为虚幻的童话故事其实源于现实生活

    Basic physical principles and recent scientific research suggest that what readers might mistake for fantasies and exaggeration could be rooted in reality.


  • 由于逻辑物理模型现实中的系统抽象通常非常复杂很多构建关系组成。

    Because a logical or physical model is an abstraction of the real-world system, it is usually very complicated, and it consists of many building blocks and relationships.


  • 与此同时许多现实中的图书馆开始意识到,如果它们进行公众教育物理媒介的未来所起到作用越来越小,甚至于天会完全消失,因此这些图书馆开始行动

    Meanwhile, many real-world libraries are moving forward with the assumption that physical books will play a much-diminished or potentially nonexistent role in their efforts to educate the public.


  • 一点意义重大因为从根本上改变了物理家对现实世界看法

    That is significant because it radically alters physicists' understanding of reality.


  • 但是显然不是一个物理定律所以现实中的机器人并不遵守——至少暂时如此

    But clearly this is not a law of physics, so the robot does not comply withat least temporarily.


  • 由于新的物理模型车辆处理以及其他车辆交互地图上的物体游戏里变得更加现实多样化

    Owing to the new physics model, vehicle handling and interaction with other vehicles and objects on the map in the game has become more realistic and diverse.


  • Jackson如果理论可以设计经得起早期宇宙不可思议力量以及具体化重力的推敲,那么一个物理宇宙理论就可能变为现实

    If a theory can be designed to withstand the incredible energies of the early universe as well as incorporate gravity, Jackson said, then a universal theory of physics could become a reality.


  • Jackson如果理论可以设计经得起早期宇宙不可思议力量以及具体化重力的推敲,那么一个物理宇宙理论就可能变为现实

    If a theory can be designed to withstand the incredible energies of the early universe as well as incorporate gravity, Jackson said, then a universal theory of physics could become a reality.


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