• 但是即便剔除了超自然事件科学能不能原则上解释物理宇宙的万事万物仍然并不清楚

    But even if one rules out supernatural events, it is still not clear that science could in principle explain everything in the physical universe.


  • 最后结论中得出主题仅仅物理宇宙每个部分规律如同这个规律和物理宇宙本身其它部分的规律关系

    His theme, in its last result, is the law of each portion of the merely physical Universe, as this law is related to the laws of every other portion of this merely physical Universe.


  • 宇宙结构可能简化一个物理问题

    The structure of the universe may not be reducible to a problem in physics.


  • 宇宙膨胀说虽然似奇特,但它基本粒子物理一些公认理论在科学上看来可信推论

    Odd though it sounds, cosmicinflation is a scientifically plausible consequence of some respected ideas in elementary-particle physics.


  • 宇宙其他的一些物理过程那些牵涉到生物体的过程,是可以创造出氨基酸的。

    Other physical processes in space, processes that don't involve living organisms, can create amino acids.


  • 幸运是,一些天体物理学家提出了一种通过控制海洋质量来探测宇宙中微子方法

    Fortunately, a group of astrophysicists has proposed a means of detecting cosmic neutrinos by harnessing the mass of the ocean.


  • 自从爱因斯坦以来,物理学家们一直告诉我们时间——这个宇宙稳定滴答滴答声——远远我们想象的还要神奇。

    Ever since Einstein, physicists have been telling us that timethis steady tick-tock of the universeis much weirder than we think.


  • 位于格朗萨索地下实验室,在罗马以南120公里(或75英里),世界上类型最大粒子物理宇宙研究实验室。

    The underground Italian laboratory, some 120 km (75 miles) to the south of Rome, is the largest of its type in the world for particle physics and cosmic research.


  • 那些产生、沿着时间前进不同宇宙存在物理定律不同的地方比如时空异常

    So inside those new universes, which move forward with the arrow of time, there are places where the laws of physics are differentanomalies in spacetime.


  • 那些产生、沿着时间前进不同宇宙存在物理定律不同的地方比如时空异常

    So inside those new universes, which move forward with the arrow of time, there are places where the laws of physics are differentanomalies in spacetime.


  • 现代物理理论目的在于反映宇宙这种优雅性缺失

    The goal of modern theoretical physics is to reveal the universe's lost elegance.


  • 知道自己宇宙中的位置知道物理基本定律一回事。

    It's one thing to know your place in the universe, or to know the fundamental laws of physics.


  • 只有我们所处宇宙物理法则相似宇宙能够孕育生命——至少我们所知的生命形式——同样也只有这宇宙能解释为什么我们会处于这个特定的宇宙中。

    Only universes with laws like the ones in our universe can support life-at least life as we know it-and explains why we find ourselves in this particular kind of universe.


  • 宇宙一些基本物理性质比如电子带电性、重力精确大小、光速等等

    There are some basic physical properties ofthe universe, such as the charge of the electron, the precise strength ofgravity, the speed of light, etc.


  • 但是此时宇宙物理机制会更加复杂,因此需要更多计算资源

    But here, the physics become much more complicated and even more computational resources are needed.


  • 如果我们相信今年诺贝尔物理得主的研究结果,那么宇宙恐怕终于冰川

    Probably it will end in ice, if we are to believe this year's Nobel Laureates in Physics.


  • 这些复杂多样宇宙是遵循物理法则自然形成的。

    Rather, these multiple universes arise naturally from physical law.


  • 假使我们生活某个典型宇宙中,那么这个宇宙应该具有能够优化黑洞产生所需要的物理规律物理常数只是至今我们还无从知道,我们所处的宇宙是否符合这个要求

    If we live in a typical universe, then it ought to have physical laws and constants that optimise the production of black holes. It is not yet known whether our universe fits the bill.


  • 早期宇宙组成结构与现今的宇宙相差甚远,而且早期宇宙物理机制相对而言也较为简单。

    The composition of the early universe was quite different from that of today, and the physics that governed the early universe were also somewhat simpler.


  • 深入研究量子物理他们提出我们宇宙形成原因唯一,而是很多个,个成因都道理

    Digging deeply into quantum physics, they argue that our universe "doesn't have just a single history, but every possible history, each with its own probability."


  • 霍金就是因为如果说很多宇宙其中之一具有我们宇宙那样物理规律——那么这样宇宙里,有些东西不仅可以而且必须无中生有

    That's because if there are many universes, one will have laws of physics like oursand in such a universe, something not only can, but must, arise from nothing, Hawking says.


  • 第一个水平仅仅只制造黑洞不对创造宇宙中的物理定律施加影响。

    The first is just to manufacture black holes, without influencing the laws of physics in the new universe.


  • 此次研究成果是宇宙最好解释。 此前的标准物理模型描述了宇宙已知的部分也被公认不完善的。

    This purports to bethe best explanation of the universe beyond the Standard Model of physics thatdescribes all known particles and forces, but which is generally acknowledgedto be incomplete.


  • 暴胀宇宙宇宙宇宙之间物理法则没有关联

    With inflation there is no connection between the physics of one universe and that of another.


  • 但是可以物理试图解密宇宙组成努力看到相似之处。

    But you do see something similar going on in physicists' attempts to unpack the composition of the universe.


  • 一个来自澳大利亚英国天体物理家组成的团队已经发现迹象表明,宇宙不同位置物理规律也将是不同。

    A team of astrophysicists based in Australia and England has uncovered evidence that the laws of physics are different in different parts of the universe.


  • 物理斯蒂芬霍金新书,“设计” 中本质:是物理而不是创造宇宙

    Physicist Stephen Hawking said essentially: Physics, not God, created the universe, in his new book "The Grand Design.


  • 实验室制作宇宙玩具,有助于物理开展其他关于时空本性不可能实验

    Building a toy cosmos in the lab lets physicists run otherwise impossible experiments on the nature of space and time.


  • 量子力学传递当代物理学家非常奇异宇宙图像。

    Quantum mechanics has bequeathed a very weird picture of the universe to modern physicists.


  • 后代宇宙物理规律可能会同前一代的宇宙稍有不同随机性——所以宇宙可能是不断进化的。

    The laws of physics in the offspring might differ slightly, and at random, from the parent - so universes might evolve, suggests Lee Smolin of the Perimeter Institute in Waterloo, Canada.


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