• 受刑牛里,从开始生火,火焰将金属加热炙热黄色,将受刑人活活烤

    The condemned were shut in the bull and a fire was set under it, heating the metal until it became yellow hot and causing the person inside to roast to death.


  • 套上萝卜院子,献给国王

    He yoked his oxen, and drew the turnip to the court, and gave it to the king.


  • 歇了一会儿出发了,把赶到母亲村子

    When he had rested himself he set off again, driving his cow towards his mother's village.


  • 由于正在取代绵羊对千光草中含有毒素绵羊敏感影响严重程度有所增加

    The severity of the impact was increased because cattle, which were displacing sheep, are much more sensitive than sheep to the toxins contained in ragwort.


  • 汉穆拉比法典,如果某人杀死了一个小孩那么主人的小孩处死

    In the Code of Hammurabi, where someone's ox kills a child, then the ox owner's child is killed.


  • 节目把注意力身上转移玉米上,我神同在。

    In the program, I'm moving from cows to corn but I'm staying with the gods.


  • 接下来节目把注意力身上转移玉米上,然而依靠相伴。这次介绍的是在墨西哥全能玉米

    In the next programme, I'm moving from cows to corn - but I'm staying with the gods - this time, the all-powerful god of maize, in Mexico.


  • 安格斯福德种是从家乡蒙大拿州农场的。

    The Angus and Hereford cattle came from ranches in his home state of Montana.


  • 大部分来说,偷种在电影会发生犯罪行为

    To most people, cattle rustling is a crime that happens only in old movies.


  • 如今不仅可以德国南部乡间单骑”,还能骑跳跃啤酒箱彩绘圆木堆就成障碍物。

    Now not only do the two regularly go on long rides through the southern German countryside, they do jumps over hurdles of beer crates and painted logs.


  • 此类甲虫完全依靠食草动物大象排泄物完全消化养分来维持生活

    These beetles subsist entirely on the undigested nutrients in the waste of herbivores like sheep, cattle, and elephants.


  • 他们农场饲养小鸡,

    They keep chickens, sheeps and cows on their farm.


  • 总算辆装卡车司机后车厢其他几个人呆一起,坐在驾驶室妇女儿童

    Anyway, I got a cattle truck and the driver said I had to ride on top with a couple of other guys. Women and children were in the cab.


  • 不同那疏远了的丈夫,至少还有坟墓马克被压在了比利山脉南边三十

    Unlike with her estranged husband who possessed a grave, Mark lay buried under tons of Pyrenean snow thirty miles to the south.


  • 骄傲以及依附得到传颂

    Pride, love and attachment to cattle was all celebrated in song.


  • 周边敞开的棚子,地上铺沙子,再运用高科技的清洁系统使棚内保持卫生

    The cows will be housed in open-sided sheds, bedded on sand, with whizzy cleaning systems intended to keep things hygienic.


  • 过程涉及到使用人工制作主动脉瓣,它是一个缝在金属框架的脉瓣制成的。

    The procedure involves an artificial aortic valve, made from pieces of a cow's valve sewn to a metal frame.


  • 注视着时,公鸡惊讶发现他们却对草丛虫子视而不见。

    But as he watched the cows, Hector was amazed to see that they just ate the grass and missed all the bugs.


  • 这项研究调查了516个奶制品农场主,其中66%农场主表示自己熟识每一头,另有46%表示他们给奶

    The study, involving 516 dairy farmers, showed that 66% of the farmers said they knew all the cows in the herd and 46% said the cows on their farm were called by name.


  • 鲨曾经沿密西西比河逆流而上数百,也可以远离大海淡水区域发现它们的踪迹。

    It's been known to swim hundreds of miles upstream in rivers like the Mississippi and can be found in fresh water many miles from the ocean.


  • 脱脂1%内填满咖啡启动摄入计划,平时喝咖啡的量,然后把剩下的倒入您的咖啡容器

    Jump-start your calcium intake by filling your coffee mug with skim or 1 percent milk, drinking it down to the level you want in your coffee, then pouring in your caffeine fix.


  • 原产地泽西岛,一个距离法国西海岸大约14(22)岩石岛屿现在西已经遍布全世界100多个国家南非拉丁美洲都能看到它们的踪迹。

    From its origins in Jersey, a rocky island 14 miles (22km) off of the western coast of France, it now wanders fields in over 100 countries from South Africa to Latin America.


  • 昨天接到一个电话我们派去打来的,250远的地方,他快死了

    Yesterday I had a phone call from the man we sent our cattle away with. He is 250 miles away and he said they were all dying.


  • 过去20央行为了挽救“而非”,反复进行干预鼓励人们承担过多的风险,因而促成当前困境

    Over the past 20 years it has been the repeated interventions of central banks to rescue bulls, not bears, that have contributed to the current mess by encouraging too much risk-taking.


  • 再炒最后他们自制辣椒油一系列动作分钟内完成。

    Tender beef slices came in their own Jacuzzi of chili oil, having been boiled, stir-fried, then soaked in the oil - all within minutes.


  • 路上小山浮现,落日白面毛的赫福德悠闲地着草。

    At one hilltop rise in the road, a herd of imposing white-faced, red Herefords graze under what is now a fall sun.


  • 路上小山浮现,落日白面毛的赫福德悠闲地着草。

    At one hilltop rise in the road, a herd of imposing white-faced, red Herefords graze under what is now a fall sun.


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