• 孩子娇生惯养,竟然殴打父母姐妹

    The son was so spoilt that he started to beat his parents and sisters.


  • 这里向忍受我持续不断的噪音父母姐妹表示深深的歉意

    Apologies to my parents and sister for tormenting you with those loud sustained booming sounds.


  • 定期闺蜜晚上一起闲逛朋友旅游,看望你的父母姐妹

    Girls night out and trips with your friends and seeing your parents and sister on a regular basis?


  • 如果迪安正在收听,任何人知道下落,请注意,他的父母姐妹们迫切希望得到他消息

    If Dean is listening, or if anyone has any knowledge of his whereabouts, his parents and sisters are desperate for news.


  • 出生于巴格达,童年随父母姐妹移居瑞典一个小镇上接受了普通教育并获得了瑞典国籍

    Born in Baghdad, as a child he emigrated, with his parents and sisters, to Sweden, where he enjoyed an unremarkable upbringing in a small provincial town, acquiring citizenship along the way.


  • 去年夏天父母两个姐妹田纳西州时这个女孩家人抛弃

    The teen was abandoned by her family last summer, when her parents and two sisters moved to Tennessee.


  • 孩子们经常父母一起兄弟姐妹通常共享一张床,以此来突出家庭成员间的相互依赖。

    Children often sleep with parents, and brothers or sisters share a bed, emphasizing familial interdependence.


  • 不只的同伴、你的孩子、你的父母兄弟姐妹所有的人际关系中一个有爱心乐于助人

    Not just with your partner, your kids, your parents and siblings, try to be a loving, caring person in all your relationships.


  • 我们父母办公室里别人竞争,我们的兄弟姐妹大学里别人竞争,我们学校里同学竞争。

    Our parents compete with others in their offices, our brothers and sisters compete with others in their colleges, and we compete with our classmates in schools.


  • 我们每个人一样,他也有一个梦想,在父母和两个姐妹的支持下,罗伯实现了他的梦想。

    Like each of us, he has a dream and with the support of his parents and two sisters, Rob has made his dream come true.


  • 斯特勒似乎全家都拖进了《超级名模》,同时雇佣了他的父母姐妹妹夫共同演出

    Stiller seemed to be keeping it in the family with Zoolander, also hiring his parents, his sister and his brother-in-law to fill out the cast.


  • 哥哥我的父母房间姐妹房间因为房间只有两张,所以她们俩中间架了个行军床

    My brother was to sleep in the bedroom with my parents and my two sisters and I had the other bedroom, as there were only two beds in the room, I was to sleep on a camp bed between the two.


  • 尽力不父母兄弟姐妹看出什么来。

    I took pains to make sure my parents and my brothers and sisters noticed nothing.


  • 救活父母弟兄姐妹一切他们的,拯救我们性命不死

    That you will spare the lives of my father and mother, my brothers and sisters, and all who belong to them, and that you will save us from death.


  • 妈妈爸爸姐妹兄弟父母阿姨叔叔堂表兄弟姐妹都是家庭成员。

    Mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and.


  • 尝试吧,不只的同伴,你的孩子,你的父母兄弟姐妹一个有爱的关心所有关系中。

    But try it. And not just with your partner, your kids, your parents and siblings - try to be a loving, caring person in all your relationships.


  • 如果未能处理父母,她必须不仅他们断绝来往,而且每一个他们过话的断绝来往,包括她的兄弟姐妹

    If she failed to "handle" her parents, she would have to disconnect not only from them but also from everyone who spoke to them, including her siblings.


  • 每个周六上午姐妹都会俱乐部创办的学校里学习波兰语到了周六晚上,我的父母去参加舞会

    On Saturday mornings my sisters and I would study Polish at the school it ran, and on Saturday nights, my parents would go dancing.


  • 不论家庭关系悦、恶劣或是冷漠我们父母兄弟姐妹教会我们什么,告诉我们我们走出家庭,进入社会之后应该寻找什么。

    Good bad or indifferent the family relationships, with parents and siblings, teach us what love is, and what to look for when we go out into the world.


  • 6时,父母三个兄弟姐妹带到了美国个未成年人获得美国国籍实在困难重重,所以父母也没有花费精力进行申请

    His parents brought him and three siblings to the United States when he was 6, but because of the difficulties in acquiring citizenship for minors, they never bothered to apply.


  • 我们制作了许多卡片礼物,准备把它们送给爸爸妈妈兄弟姐妹父母身边的同学。

    We made cards and gifts for mothers and dads, for sisters and brothers, for grandparents, and for each other.


  • 当然父母子女兄弟姐妹之间交换礼物其他家庭交换梅花蛋糕哦。

    Of course, parents, children, and siblings -exchange other gifts too, but you give plum cakes to other families.


  • 当然父母子女兄弟姐妹之间交换礼物其他家庭间交换梅花蛋糕哦

    Of course, parents, children, and siblings exchange other gifts too, but you give plum cakes to other families.


  • 父母亲吻孩子时疼爱有加兄弟姐妹其他亲属见面时的亲吻则是表达问候之意。

    Parents affectionately kiss their children, siblings kiss upon greeting and other relatives regularly receive an expected kiss upon greeting.


  • 孩子兄弟姐妹一起,可能感受到父母时间情感上竞争的存在。

    Children with siblings may feel competitive with sisters and brothers for parental time and attention.


  • 下一步实验计划为,研究这种仅通过触觉传达情感的方式是否同样存在于其他关系中兄弟姐妹,密友间,父母孩子间。

    Further research needs to be done to learn whether other long-term relationships, such as siblings, close friends, or parents and children, are similarly successful at communicating through touch.


  • 下一步实验计划为,研究这种仅通过触觉传达情感的方式是否同样存在于其他关系中兄弟姐妹,密友间,父母孩子间。

    Further research needs to be done to learn whether other long-term relationships, such as siblings, close friends, or parents and children, are similarly successful at communicating through touch.


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